Han Feng's eyes flashed, and he was secretly shocked. It turned out that Bai Jianfeng still had some strength left to fight against him before. This time when he used the purple gold jade pendant, it didn't seem to fluctuate very much. In fact, under this special environment, the power is so strong that Far surpassed any move before it.

Just as Han Feng was muttering to himself, Bai Jianfeng retreated two or three feet away, and once again chopped off several blue ice birds that were chasing after him, causing waves of disturbance.

Yuan Bubai's side also showed great power, controlling the wooden sword to move left and right, bringing up billowing green sword energy, and destroying all the remaining blue ice birds, leaving no one behind.

Lan Qinran looked calm, raised her left hand, and the ice crystal dagger that was hovering around her body flew out. After she made a series of seals with both hands, the ice crystal dagger suddenly made a creaking sound, and the crystal aura surged Among them, it turned into an ice sculpture-like eagle, with a wingspan of about ten feet, flapping its wings, like a stream of light, rushing towards Yuan Buhuai with lightning speed.

Yuan Bubai yelled violently, grasping the wooden sword with both hands, the sword light surged all over his body, and all of it poured into the wooden sword, a terrifying breath burst out, and quickly condensed into a dark green lightsaber about Zhang Xu long. Slashing down, it collided with the ice sculpture-like eagle, and the invisible force rushed out, hitting the pale yellow light all over the sky, forming circles of vacuum zones, and the rumbling sound was amazing.

Han Feng retreated further and further away, and now he was thirty or forty feet away. Apart from being able to feel the fierce battle over there, he could hardly see their figures clearly.

He felt a little bored, but he was unwilling to leave just now. He had come here after going through untold hardships, how could he return empty-handed?

He thought for a while, then turned around and walked to the back, continuing to search for the secrets here, maybe there will be unexpected joy.

It's a pity that he walked for a meal and still got nothing. He couldn't help feeling a little depressed, sighed secretly, and simply sat down on the ground, silently waiting for the three of Wan Jianmen to decide the winner.

At this moment, an astonishing wave of spiritual pressure suddenly erupted from the battlefield. Even though Han Feng was nearly a hundred feet away, he could clearly see the violently shaking wind and waves there. Receive a layer of shock waves, scouring in all directions.

Although when the shock wave came to Han Feng's side, it was like a spring breeze blowing on his face, but it still shocked him. What kind of strength is required to cause such a big fluctuation.


Suddenly, a sound came out of nowhere without warning, like gusts of wind, or the sound of breathing, long and long, endless.

Everyone was in shock, and then, the pale yellow light in the sky began to quickly gather towards the giant dome, and the pressure around them dropped sharply, but their expressions seemed even more tense.

Soon, a ball of light gradually condensed above the giant dome, the whole body was light yellow, several feet in size, and it was shrinking continuously, as if it was about to change into something.

On the ground, there is almost no pale yellow light shrouded at this moment, revealing the three people of Wanjianmen, but their condition is not very good at this time, especially Yuan Bubai, his face is pale, his right hand is covering his chest, and blood is bubbling. It took a while for the bleeding to stop.

Lan Qinran was more than ten feet away, her jade face was cold, a large piece was split on the blue sleeve of her left hand, and a sword mark was left on her snow-white skin, which was three inches long, green and shining, as if It seemed to be alive, and it continued to spread up her entire arm, but was blocked by her secret method, and the two were at a stalemate, causing her entire arm to be unable to move for a short time.

Bai Jianfeng, who was standing behind Yuan Bubai, did not suffer such serious injuries, but his face was still blue, and he was trembling slightly with a big sword in his hands.

Han Feng ignored the three of them, and turned his head to stare closely at the ray of light above. Now it had shrunk to only three feet in size, its breath was more restrained, and some outlines gradually emerged, which seemed to have limbs.

After a while, the three people from Wanjianmen finally regained their composure. Yuan Buhuai glared at Lan Qinran, did not continue to attack, and looked up at the group that had become only two feet in size. The light, the outline became clearer, vaguely resembling a turtle!

Lan Qinran snorted, ignored him, and looked up at the tortoise of light above.

In no time, this tortoise formed by the condensed light from the sky became clearer and clearer. It was only half a foot in size. Strands of golden lines gradually appeared on the whole body, its head was like a dragon, and its golden whiskers spread out. prestige.It's just that its eyes are closed at this moment, and it seems that it still hasn't fully awakened.

Lan Qinran from Wanjianmen moved suddenly, jumped up, and flew into the air, aiming at the dragon-headed beetle.

However, Yuan Bubai was also with her. With a swipe, he merged with the wooden sword, covering nearly a hundred feet, and rushed towards the dragon-headed beetle extremely swiftly. One small step.

Seeing that Yuan Buhuai was about to get there first, Lan Qinran shouted arrogantly, and the ice crystal dagger hovering beside her suddenly turned into a gleam of crystal light, flying into the center of her eyebrows, and an astonishing wave burst from her forehead in an instant After coming out, the area several feet ahead was completely frozen, not only Yuan Buhuai was frozen, but even the dragon-headed beetle was also covered in a thick layer of ice.

Lan Qinran raised his hands, just as he was about to execute another spell, at this moment, Bai Jianfeng rushed up, and the purple gold jade pendant above his head was held in his hand at some point, and a wave of numbers was triggered in an instant. A purple-gold lightsaber as thick as a foot, condescendingly slashed at Lan Qinran.

She put her hands down, remained motionless, and let the purple-gold lightsaber slash down. With a soft slap, her body shattered and dissipated, and it turned out to be a phantom.

"Mirror flower technique!"

Bai Jianfeng's face turned pale with shock, but he didn't stop in his hand. The purple-gold lightsaber still slashed down on the ice layer. Amid the sound of the explosion, there were only more than a dozen small gaps left, winding and spreading forward.

In the next instant, Lan Qinran appeared several feet away from the opposite side, with his hands still on his chest, he quickly clasped his palms together, his jade fingers fluttered, and bursts of red flames immediately appeared in the ice layer, burning blazingly. In the sky, a great power radiated out, and there was a faint thunder rushing past, rumbling.

However, at this moment of crisis, the sword light from Yuan Buhuai's body surged out, extremely sharp and invincible, blocked the force of ice and fire, and did not suffer much damage.


The ice layer cracked, the red flame was extinguished, and there was a loud bang. Yuan Buhuai rushed out of it, suspended in the air, with the sword glow shining on his body, and his hands formed seals, condensing a thick lightsaber more than ten feet long, and rushed towards Lanqin Then kill.

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