, the latest chapter of the fastest master of runes!

Han Feng entered the entrance of the cave, swept his gaze, and found that he was in an extremely empty and huge cave. As far as he could see, there was no less than a hundred feet in radius, and there were bursts of pale yellow light in all directions, flowing like water waves, and his visibility was only a few feet away. .In his mind, even if he sent out his soul power to investigate, he might be confined within a few feet.

At this moment, he could not detect any aroma and spiritual pressure, but he felt that this place was absolutely under high pressure. If it wasn't for the help of the residual talisman, even if he came here by force, he might not be able to last long. One mistake, even his life would be in danger.

He walked lightly to the center of the huge cave, and found that there was nothing there, and then went to the opposite stone wall. He didn't dare to reach out to touch it, and he didn't use his soul power to spy. He just opened his eyes to observe quietly, and found that the stone wall was as smooth as Jade, shining faintly, seems to have a breath, but it is fleeting.

He walked slowly along the stone wall, but he didn't see any other exits except the hole he came from, which meant that this place was actually a Jedi, and unless he returned along the road, he had no way out.

Of course, he didn't go up to the top of the giant hole to check, maybe there is something hidden there.

He raised his head, narrowed his eyes slightly, and looked there carefully, but was blocked by the pale yellow light all over the sky, and the place where he entered his eyes was hazy, and even the scenery three feet away was blurred, let alone the scenery behind the dome. on.

Han Feng groped for a while, but found nothing, sighed secretly, had to give up temporarily, sat cross-legged on the edge of the stone wall, closed his eyes, and silently recovered his soul and physical strength.

After an unknown period of time, he suddenly opened his eyes and looked to the right side. A moment ago, the residual talisman in the depths of his soul sea moved slightly, as if there was a warning.

He stood up slowly, and walked over lightly. It took a while to get there, and he suddenly found that there was an extra hole there.

He walked closer, looked in, and suddenly found a figure standing inside, he couldn't tell whether it was a man or a woman, but he could only see layers of red and blue radiant body protection, ignoring the huge spiritual pressure around him, Steady as Mount Tai, walking step by step, although it is very slow, I believe that it will not take long to enter here.

Han Feng was amazed in his heart, he never thought that there would be such a person, after all, he failed to enter this place by his own strength after several promotions.

He quickly came back to his senses, dodged for the first time, and stood on the edge of the hole, waiting for an opportunity to move.

In less than half a cup of tea, the entrance of the cave suddenly lit up with red and blue lights, followed by a petite figure.

"Finally came in!" A soft and cheerful voice came from the figure, and at the same time, her soul power followed closely behind, and instantly spread out like threads, sweeping across dozens of feet. In this case, the coverage area was a hundred times that of Han Feng!

However, her soul power swept across Han Feng's body, and she didn't notice his existence at all.

"Is this a strong person in the Subtlety Realm?" Han Feng murmured to himself without moving.Earlier, he had looked up the description of the Subtlety Realm in the Sutra Pavilion of the Sanyemen, but all the monks who entered this realm not only had an extremely expanded range of soul power, but were more than a hundred times stronger than the monks who had first glimpsed the realm , and the sensitivity to the aura of heaven and earth is also many times stronger, which greatly promotes the practice. technique.In addition, when one's physical body collapses, one's soul can escape, take away one's body, and be reborn.

Of course, any monk has strict requirements on the object of the house, which can't be met.Therefore, some magic cultivators will deliberately keep some monks who meet their own requirements in captivity, in case of emergency.But even so, it is extremely difficult for a cultivator at the level of the Subtlety Realm to succeed in seizing the house.

"Why hasn't she been backlashed by this world? Could it be because she is inside the body of this giant beast?" Han Feng observed the woman with red and blue lights for a long time, and saw her releasing majestic energy for a long time. The soul power swept wantonly, without any sign of backlash, so I couldn't help guessing secretly.

After another half a cup of tea, the woman had completely moved away from Han Feng's sight. She walked slowly to the center of the huge cave, her soul power spread out, covering a radius of thirty or forty feet, and she even used secret techniques to bear the enormous pressure. With the pressure, it floated up, but it also failed to find anything, so it had to land and continue to walk forward.

Han Feng followed her quietly, in order to use her strength to find the secret of this giant hole.There is such a terrifying spiritual pressure here, it is absolutely impossible that there are no treasures, it's just that I haven't been able to find it.

But he followed the woman far behind and walked around the huge hole again, but still found nothing.

At this moment, the woman was walking on the edge of the stone wall, stopped suddenly, turned around abruptly, and stared at a stone wall not far from Han Feng.

Han Feng was startled for a moment, but quickly realized that he quickly stopped, stood still, and remained motionless.

Just at this moment, two or three feet away in front of him, a small piece of stone wall suddenly glowed with white light, and under the violent flashing, a hole slowly opened, turning into a hole about ten feet high.

Not long after, two figures shining with sword light walked in one after the other. Among them, the figure in front still had a purple-gold jade pendant hovering over its head, shining brightly, and circles of light curtains hung down, resisting the surrounding The pale yellow light slowly flowing around, and the mountain-like spiritual pressure.

"Junior Sister Lan Qinran?!" The figure who came in from behind stretched his soul power, and suddenly said, it was the voice of Senior Brother Yuan from Wanjianmen.

The body of the figure in front of him was also slightly shocked, and after a long while he smiled unhurriedly and said, "I didn't expect Junior Sister Lan to be one step earlier than us, what did you find out?"

The woman with red and blue rays of light is naturally the red-haired girl in blue clothes from Wanjianmen. Her soul power has already been restrained at this moment, and she has only spread out four or five feet, which matches the state of her soul power shown before. .

"Hey, I'm not afraid that senior brother Bai will laugh at me. I also rely on a treasure to get here. I just came in on the front foot, and you are also here on the back foot. I was just going to check around, why don't we go together, especially senior brother Yuan, with you With strong soul power, we must be able to get twice the result with half the effort." Lan Qinran sighed and said in a low voice.

Bai Jianfeng and Senior Brother Yuan looked at each other, but couldn't see any expression, and then Senior Brother Yuan nodded, and Bai Jianfeng responded: "Junior Sister Lan is right, that's what we should do." He paused, and then said : "Come here, let's go to the central location, maybe we can find something."

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