Han Feng was sweating profusely, and the true energy in his body was about to bottom out, but he didn't replenish it at all.

Although there was a dense aura around him, he found that he couldn't absorb it at all, as if he was controlled by a mysterious force, it was connected as one, and he couldn't plunder it at all.

His feet seemed to be bound by black iron, and they were extremely heavy. Every step he took, he seemed to be trying his best. Sweat poured down, but he couldn't fall to the ground. On the surface of his body, it evaporated under his own heat in a short time, and a layer of pale white sand grains slowly condensed, which was actually salt grains, not only remained in his clothes, but also left streaks on his face. The white marks look very weird.

Han Feng was miserable, but he had no choice but to grit his teeth and persevere.

Time passed extremely slowly under his perception, and after half an hour, he only walked out of more than 20 feet.

He felt like collapsing all the time, but he survived every time, and a force could always be generated in his body at critical moments to support him to move on.

At first he didn't notice it, but gradually, he realized that this power seemed familiar, but after several times of looking inside, he couldn't find out what happened. Just at this time, this magical power surged out of his body again, and he closed his eyes. Close your eyes, immerse your consciousness in it for the first time, scan all the meridians that have been opened up, and finally see the existence of this power on the end of an undeveloped meridian.

It turned out to be a small cloud of hazy gas, colorless and lightless, as if the chaos had just opened, it expanded instantly, disappeared in the blink of an eye, and quickly spread to the limbs and bones, bursts of heat emerged from its body, making people He took a few steps forward with renewed strength.

"Innate qi?!" Han Feng was amazed. Many years ago, when he had just broken through to the qi storage realm, the dantian orifice was opened, and such hazy qi was released, which benefited him a lot.When the blood man invaded his body before, he also heard the mysterious strong man say that there was still innate energy in his body, and it must be this kind of hazy air.I didn't expect to see it again this time, and it seems that it didn't survive, but was born continuously, so the meaning is completely different.

He was overjoyed, so he simply stopped and tried to practice the Bawang Fist in the Bawangjue remnants, but as soon as he stopped, the innate energy no longer appeared in his body, so he had to temporarily give up the idea of ​​stopping and practicing, and continued to move forward go.

Of course, he didn't give up the opportunity to examine the innate qi carefully because of this. After thinking for a while, he couldn't help but walk forward, close his eyes to observe, and silently recall some key points of the remnants of the Bawang Jue. He secretly manipulated the innate qi in his body, and after countless failures, after half an hour, he managed to control a wisp of innate qi to flow to his left fist, making his fist hot immediately.

He suddenly opened his eyes, and punched towards the side stone wall. An incomparably powerful invisible force surged away. The traces were faintly visible, but when they fell into his eyes, he was shocked. It must be known that he had bombarded the stone wall of the passage with all his strength before. There are traces.

After a long while, Han Feng calmed down. He knew that all of this was the power of Xiantian Qi, but he hadn't fully displayed it yet. After all, the punch just now was simply guiding the Xiantian Qi out. Did not touch.

Time passed while he was immersed in the understanding of innate energy, and several hours passed quickly.

Because he stopped and walked, after such a long time, he only traveled a few hundred feet, and he didn't know how far he was from the exit of the passage, and there was no sign of the end at all.

Han Feng was not in a hurry, he still walked three steps and stopped for five breaths, basically with his eyes closed, trying his best to comprehend the mystery of Overlord Art.

Even if it is a fragment of this secret book, it is as mysterious as the deep sea. Many places are extremely obscure. Han Feng can only understand it with all his efforts. Even with the help of innate energy, the speed of practice is extremely slow. The only achievement is that he has become a little proficient in guiding the innate qi. It is no longer limited to the fist of the left hand, but can also be drained to the fist of the right hand and the big toe of the left foot, forming a great power.

Time flies, and half a day passes in the blink of an eye.

Han Feng was still immersed in comprehension, and he came to the end area of ​​this passage without knowing it.

Not far away, a bright hole was open, and while streams of light came in, bursts of fragrance also permeated in. The fragrance was tangy, refreshing and refreshing.

Han Feng's whole body trembled violently, like a withered body meeting nectar, his whole body was filled with vitality, and the true energy in his body was gurgling from the dantian, filling the shallow layer in an instant, and he moved a little , the light blue true energy flowed into the meridians all over the body, rushing continuously, and the sound of the dragon's cry was faintly heard.

However, at this moment, the surrounding spiritual pressure became heavier, like a hundred mountains covering Han Feng's body, making it even more difficult for him to move forward. Even with the help of innate energy, it would take a few breaths to take a step. Inch.

In this way, he could no longer comprehend the Overlord Art, and could only put all his body and mind into the action of moving forward.

Even so, as he got closer and closer to the entrance of the cave, the spiritual pressure became more and more terrifying, and he became unable to move an inch, and his whole body began to crack and crack, and the sound of bones rubbing against each other was clearly audible, which was creepy.

Han Feng no longer sweated, but slowly seeped blood beads from the capillary pores, and soon his face was covered with blood, dripping slowly, it was horrible and terrifying.


Han Feng let out a series of muffled hums, as if he couldn't hold on anymore.

Just as he was about to fall down, a white light flashed from the depths of his soul sea, and the residual talisman emerged, suddenly bursting out with even stronger light, covering his entire soul sea, and slowly congealing between his brows A hole opened like a vertical eye, revealing the mysterious little world inside.

A strange wave appeared, covering Han Feng in an instant, and all the spiritual pressure and fragrance from the outside world disappeared, as if he had been pulled out from this space. If it doesn't exist here, nothing here can affect it. effect.

After a while, the vertical eye of the light gate quickly closed, but Han Feng's breath was still completely blocked.

Han Feng was secretly surprised, he didn't dare to mobilize his true energy to shake off the blood on his body, so as not to break the current state, he walked forward with ease, and passed through the hole smoothly in a few flashes.

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