In fact, what was more important was that there was a lack of aura here, and there was a strange isolation power, which made Bai Jianfeng's purple jade plate unusable, otherwise Han Feng would probably be found.

Han Feng turned his head to look at the vast ocean in the distance, smiled triumphantly, turned his gaze away, and did not stop here. After he took out a whirlwind talisman and activated it, he flew into the air and walked away.

Just when he flew out of the island less than a hundred feet away, there was a bang on the sea below, and a large piece of blue sword light suddenly appeared, like a mountain peak straight up, bursting out with violent energy.

Han Feng's complexion changed drastically. Fortunately, he was on guard all the time, and his body was covered in purple light. While blocking the sword light, he swung upwards and charged high.

After he was sent flying to a height of more than a hundred feet, he stabilized his trembling body just now, the purple light all over his body became extremely dim, and blood flowed from his mouth, obviously injured.

Amidst the billows of air, a figure flashed out, it was Bai Jianfeng, looking at Han Feng with a sneer on the corner of his mouth, his whole body was flickering with sword light, holding a big sword about ten feet long in both hands, carrying it on his shoulders, just now The hilt of the sword was three feet long, and the body of the sword was like a large door panel, exuding astonishing spiritual pressure fluctuations, which was terrifying.

Han Feng glanced at the big sword in his hand, narrowed his pupils slightly, took a breath, and said calmly: "Your Excellency has clearly left the island and headed for the depths of the ocean, how could you sneak over here without making a sound?" ?”

"Hmph, in order to lure you out, I spent a sixth-grade talisman wind shadow talisman. Do you think you should pay me for it?" Bai Jianfeng snorted and asked without answering.

Han Feng's face was startled. As a talisman master, he naturally knew the value of the sixth-grade talisman Wind Shadow Talisman. Once activated, he could simulate a Wind Shadow Humanoid exactly like himself. It is broken, and it has the same strength as the caster, which can help monks fight two against one, and of course the duration is only one stick of incense.

"Good trick!" Han Feng clapped his hands and applauded, but there was no trace of fear on his face, as if the panic had subsided.

"You are very calm, I hope you can remain so calm in the future!" Bai Jianfeng smiled lightly, the big sword in his hand flicked from his shoulder, the green light passed by, and a sword light several feet wide split in an instant Cut it out, even if there is a lack of aura here, it still disturbs the aura of Mantiantian, and rushes towards Han Feng.

Han Feng had been preparing for a long time, and the imprints of his hands were flying. There was a flash of fire above his head, and a big fireball shot out. With a loud bang, it hit the sword light. The gust of wind whipped up clusters of flames, and streams of sword energy flew from them, covering a space of tens of feet.

Bai Jianfeng's face was extremely stern, and he asked in a cold voice: "Are you a warlock?" While asking, he swung the big sword like a door panel again, and slashed with sword lights.

Han Feng didn't answer. He controlled the power of the whirlwind talisman, moved left and right, muttered words, and from the top of his head, in front of his chest, and even his back, big fireballs rushed out from time to time. It turned out that his big fireball technique had reached instant The realm, constantly resisting the sword glow of Bai Jianfeng, exploded and shocked all directions.

They walked while fighting, and returned to the smallest island after a while, and immediately overturned the entire island. A large area of ​​vegetation fell and flew around. The monk still couldn't escape, and died, turning into dust along with the vegetation.

In less than half a stick of incense, almost everything on this small island with a radius of nearly a thousand feet was completely destroyed. It was devastated, cracks and pits were everywhere, and thick smoke was everywhere, just like after an earthquake.

A whirlwind wrapped around Han Feng and flew into the air, leaving the island in an instant.Bai Jianfeng was covered in green light, followed closely, and in an instant came a few meters away from Han Feng, and slashed with his sword again, the sword light shone like a blue scorching sun in the sky, illuminating all directions.

Han Feng didn't slow down at all, moving his hands and fingers together, a big soil ball emerged from the front of his chest, and in an instant it changed from a [-]-foot-sized ball into a [-]-foot-wide circular shield, blocking the attack. In front of him, he intercepted the opponent's sword light, and he himself retreated completely, unscathed.

Bai Jianfeng became more and more angry as he battled. With a loud shout, he suddenly put away the big sword that looked like a door panel, and made a tactic with both hands. Slashing and coming.

Han Feng pushed forward with both hands, and the huge khaki round shield in front of him was able to charge straight out. Amidst the loud bang bang, he stopped Hundred Swords from chopping, but only for a while, the khaki round shield It exploded with a bang, turning into little khaki light and dissipating.But the phantom of the Hundred Swords only dimmed a little, and continued to charge towards Han Feng.

Han Feng used the earth seal technique in a leisurely manner. A three-foot-large golden earth seal flew out from the sky above his head, carrying the heavenly aura to intercept the phantom of the hundred swords, blocked it in an instant, and forced it back. The shock made Baijian tremble violently, almost collapsing.

Bai Jianfeng's face changed in shock, he pinched the seals with his hands, his whole body unfolded, his sword light flashed suddenly, and all the swords merged into one, turning into a giant sword that held up to the sky. The sound spread throughout the wilderness, and the birds and beasts on the other islands were startled and scattered in all directions.

After a long time, the energy of soaring to the sky dissipated, and all kinds of light converged, revealing Han Feng and Bai Jianfeng who were more than a hundred feet away.

Bai Jianfeng coughed suddenly, covered his mouth and held it down, but traces of blood still oozed out from between his fingers uncontrollably. In this duel, he was defeated again.

Han Feng didn't feel well either. After being hit repeatedly, his whole body was filled with qi and blood. He couldn't suppress the injury left by Bai Jianfeng's sneak attack just now. He also spat out a mouthful of blood and coughed again and again. It took a while before he recovered. He calmly took out a elixir and took it quickly, his complexion improved a little.

"Fellow Daoist Bai, if you don't feel bored, I can continue to fight with you!" Han Feng said calmly with a calm expression.

After Bai Jianfeng also took a large amount of elixir, his panting state was relieved. Hearing this, he didn't speak for a long time. He clenched his fists tightly with both hands, but finally let them go. After a heavy snort, he suddenly turned towards Flying to the shore, it disappeared from Han Feng's sight in a few flashes.

Han Feng secretly breathed a sigh of relief. In fact, he didn't dare to fight anymore. The soul power in his soul sea had already been consumed by more than [-]%. For example, other attacking talismans that he fears the most, as long as there is a sixth-grade attacking talisman, he can't bear it.

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