Lord of the Runes

Chapter 166 The Hiding Island

The roar spread as expected, and the heat of the pure black fire seal permeated the range of nearly a hundred feet. After the peak of the swords entered its area, brilliant sparks rubbed against nothingness, sizzling and chaotic, and the phantom of the great sword gradually changed It became dim, as if it was greatly blocked, and finally could not advance, hovering more than ten feet away from the back of Han Feng's head, and was in a stalemate with the pure black fire mark.

Even so, Bai Jianfeng had no choice but to hover in the air, controlling the Hundred Sword Shadows to fight against the pure black fire mark with a solemn expression.

But Han Feng didn't need to do that. Taking advantage of this momentary opportunity, he dodged away, and at the same time took out the Wind Transforming Talisman again, and quickly injected his soul power into it. After the purity of his soul power increased a lot, he successfully cast it in just one breath. A cloud of blue light enveloped him and flew away, disappearing in an instant.

On the other hand, Bai Jianfeng, blocked by the pure black fire seal and pulled by the air force, would not be able to leave for a while. If he forcibly withdraws the white sword phantom, he may suffer serious backlash, and even with his cultivation base, he will be seriously injured.

"Hmph, break it for me!"

Bai Jianfeng became angry from embarrassment, and the number of imprints on both hands changed, and the phantoms of the hundreds of great swords in front of him suddenly gathered together, turning into a huge sword that held up to the sky, which was hundreds of feet long and ten feet wide, engulfing the sky with sword energy and pure black fire marks After ten breaths, the Qingtian giant sword was slightly better, broke through the block of the pure black fire mark, broke through its heat area, and finally fell on its three-foot-large body with a loud explosion. With a sound, the giant sword and the fire seal both disappeared, and disappeared from each other.

In the stormy weather, Bai Jianfeng's body trembled violently, he retreated a few steps, tens of feet in the air, forced to stabilize his slender body, he suddenly stretched out his hand to cover his mouth, grunted, opened his palm, there were some bloodstains.


He raised his head to the sky and howled, and rushed out with sword energy all over his body, raging in all directions, and the jungle with a radius of tens of feet below was affected, and he fell down with a swish, dust flying.

After a while, Bai Jianfeng stopped venting the anger in his heart, took out a Wind Transforming Talisman with cold eyes, turned into a blue light and left at a high speed, and disappeared in the direction Han Feng was flying in an instant.

After a stick of incense, Han Feng arrived more than 1000 miles away. He no longer had the fifth-grade talisman, so he had to land in the forest and walk on foot. Of course, the speed was not slow, and every step exceeded the speed of sound. In a short time, he walked a distance of several hundred feet.

After Han Feng walked for a quarter of an hour, he frowned and stopped suddenly. His expression became a little strange, because the concentration of spiritual energy in the forest in this direction became lower and lower as he walked along. After walking a few steps quickly, there was a gentle wind blowing in front of him, mixed with the fishy smell of the sea.

After a while, his eyes lit up. He walked out of the forest and came to a beach with towering reefs and gravel. In the distance was an endless ocean. In the hazy water, several islands appeared looming. Seagulls came from time to time. The chirping of birds and beasts.

"Isn't it said that this secret place was the medicine garden of Jianyun Villa back then? How could there be an ocean?" Han Feng was puzzled and muttered to himself.

He swept his soul power and found that there was no monk around. It seems that this place is inaccessible. More importantly, the concentration of aura here is lower than that in the forest. From this, it can be guessed that this ocean must also be a place where aura is lacking. Earth, maybe even a piece of Jedi.

When Han Feng thought this way, he couldn't help hesitating, he didn't know what to do for a while, but after thinking about it, Bai Jianfeng would definitely not let him go so easily, and as a great disciple, he probably had some magical means to find him , maybe at this moment he is chasing after him not far away.

"Hmph, I'll go to the island in front of me to hide temporarily. Even if Bai Jianfeng really finds it, if I lose, it won't be too late to escape into the ocean. I don't believe he can keep me!" Han Feng snorted. With a sound, he suddenly took out a whirlwind talisman and stuck it on his body, soared into the sky, and flew towards the island that appeared vaguely in front of him.

Just after he left for about a stick of incense, Bai Jianfeng was holding a purple compass, and he caught up with him. He landed from the sky, scanned the beach, and found that there was no one there, and then stared at the purple compass again, as if The mirror-like jade disk was dim, as if Han Feng had lost track of it.

"Where did that guy go?" Bai Jianfeng raised his head, scanned the surroundings with burning eyes, and fixed his eyes on the island far away on the sea after a while.

He let out a sinister sneer, put away the purple compass, raised his sword, and flew towards the islands.

The island is not very far from the beach, but in fact it is tens of miles away. Even if the speed of Bai Jianfeng's sword is extremely fast, it takes more than a hundred feet in a blink of an eye, and it took nearly a hundred breaths of time to reach the nearest island.

This island is very small, with a radius of no more than a thousand feet, and it is within the range of Bai Jianfeng's soul power. He released his soul power to his heart's content and swept across it, but he didn't find any people, except for thorns and weeds and some big trees. There are only miscellaneous seabirds inhabiting here, and nothing else.

Bai Jianfeng frowned. He noticed that the concentration of aura here was extremely low, which was almost the same as that in the outside world. If he stayed here for a long time, even if his cultivation base would not decrease, there would be no possibility of improvement.

He snorted lightly, then stood up with his sword and continued to fly to another nearby island.

But in less than ten breaths, when he landed on another island, he was still unable to find any traces of people, let alone Han Feng.

Half an hour later, he searched all the seven surrounding islands one by one, and there were even three islands that were thousands of feet in size. He searched several times, but returned in vain, and there was no trace of Han Feng. , as if he had never been here before.

"Could it be that guy really rushed into the depths of the ocean?" Bai Jianfeng looked at the vast sea outside the island, frowned his long thin eyebrows, showing suspicion.

He thought for a while, then flew up suddenly, swept straight towards the depths of the ocean, and disappeared in an instant.

I don't know how long after that, on the smallest island, that is, on the first island that Bai Jianfeng landed on, a figure suddenly appeared at a creek, but this person seemed a bit small, only about three feet high, about eight feet tall. Like a nine year old.

But at the next moment, the child swayed suddenly, his whole body creaked, his energy and blood burst forth, and after a while, he recovered to a majestic body more than five feet tall. It was Han Feng impressively.

It turned out that after he came to the sky above this island, he saw that this island was the smallest, seemed the most dangerous, and seemed the most difficult to hide his body. He landed on this inconspicuous stream, and at the same time restrained all his aura. Since his soul power was more pure than Bai Jianfeng, the other party naturally couldn't detect it.

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