Han Feng vigilantly inspected it carefully with his soul power, and found that there were really no other abnormalities, so he quickly landed on the dilapidated small island, found a hole at random, arranged it briefly, and sat cross-legged on the spot Come down, close your eyes, rest your mind, and recover your soul power.

Time passed while he was meditating silently, and three or four hours passed before he knew it.

This is also the reason why the purity and breadth of his soul power have increased a lot, otherwise it wouldn't take so much time to restore [-]% of his soul power.

Han Feng opened his eyes, took a long breath, successfully recovered his soul power to its peak, and relaxed a little.Immediately afterwards, he spent more than half an hour taking medicine to heal his injuries and repair the injuries in his body.

Afterwards, he stood up, kicked away the boulder blocking the entrance of the cave, walked out of the cave, and looked around, only to find that the moon was as bright as water, and the island was covered with silver light, and there was no mist in the night breeze. , a clear and bright.

He quickly released his soul power to sweep away, covering the entire small island, and extending to the surrounding sea surface, there was no abnormality at all, but ripples appeared on the sea surface and scattered in all directions, perhaps caused by the night wind.

With a look of suspicion, Han Feng took out a Fufeng Talisman and stuck it on his body. He floated up and flew to an altitude of two to three hundred feet in a short while. Looking down at the entire island, he suddenly found that the entire island was slowly falling from under his feet. Drifting away, although the speed is very slow, the distance is about five feet in one breath, compared to the huge island, it is almost undetectable, but under the peek of his soul power, it is obvious.

He looked further away and found that the other six islands had also drifted here, but this small island came to the front instead, perhaps because it was the smallest.

Han Feng's expression changed slightly, and he landed quickly. After returning to the ground of the island, his figure flickered, turning into afterimages, and rushed to the edge of the island at a speed exceeding the sound. Blocked by the sea water, he could only penetrate a distance of thirty or forty feet and was powerless to extend it. Moreover, there was only one slope in the sea that could not detect its width, and it was gray and nothing else.

Han Feng turned his head to think for a while, then suddenly jumped into the sea, covered in purple light armor, and dived deep down.

He has soul power to open the way, even if the viewing distance is only thirty or forty feet away, he can see clearly, and within a moment he landed on a slope more than 30 feet deep in the sea, and then walked slowly down the slope .

The slope was unexpectedly long, more than two hundred feet long. Han Feng walked very slowly and cautiously. It took him half an hour to reach the end of the slope. With a sweep of his soul power, he found that there were several tens of feet in front of him. The long curved pillars extend out, like claws and thorns, which is very weird.

Han Feng stopped to ponder for a while, and then dived between the two curved pillars. Sure enough, the bottom was empty. He turned around and swam back. The markings, although most petrified and indistinct, were still visible in small numbers.

Han Feng continued to swim, and walked backwards all the way. After a while, he came to the bottom of the island. As far as he could see, it was empty and extremely flat, but there were still circles of light blue lines, occasionally emitting wisps of light blue light. , extremely miraculous.

He was slightly shocked, and had a new understanding of the true appearance of this island. Obviously, this is not a real island at all, but the corpse of a huge beast, most likely a big tortoise. It has been weathered and turned into a fossil, but it is still estimated to be hollow inside, so it can still float on the sea and swim with the wind.

Such a gigantic beast would die, perhaps it was the one who suffered together when Jianyun Villa was destroyed.If these behemoths are still alive, I don't know how terrifying their strength is, and they may be comparable to those in the alchemy realm.

"It's a pity that it's all petrified. Otherwise, it's possible to get some flesh and blood from these giant beasts. Even a drop of blood essence can be compared to a big medicine!" Han Feng regretted secretly.

Although he sighed from the bottom of his heart, he never gave up on his actions, and kept searching, trying to find the entrance to the inside of the giant beast's corpse.

I don't know how long it has passed, I'm afraid that the time of two or three sticks of incense has already passed, Han Feng released his soul power and searched area by area. He searched the small half of the giant beast's abdomen, but he didn't find any cracks, let alone What is the entrance.

He stopped, woke up suddenly, and cursed himself for being stupid and going astray.Speaking of entrances, the giant beast naturally has two, one is its mouth, and the other is its butt.

After his thinking changed, he quickly went to the edge of the giant beast and searched along the border. It didn't take long before he came across another slope, which might be the limb of the giant beast, and those curved pillars might be its claws.

He crossed the slope, and found the head of the giant beast in a short time. Unfortunately, its head was retracted into the body, leaving only a short section outside, and its mouth was tightly closed, leaving no gap at all. out.

Han Feng became ruthless, he swung his fist, and hit its mouth with a large piece of purple light, but it was of no avail. Except for some broken stones, only its blue lips were exposed, without leaving any scars. It seemed that his attack was like tickle.

After a long time, he stopped attacking and had to swim behind it, passed through its abdomen in a short time, and came to its buttocks. After searching carefully for a while, he finally found one that was only half a foot in size. The hole is just a little gap in its excretory opening.

Compared to its huge body, the half-foot-sized hole is like an insignificant dot, but for Han Feng, it is enough for him to enter.

He performed the Spirit Refining Vajra Art and performed the Bone Shrinking Kung Fu, his whole body creaked, his whole body suddenly shrunk rapidly, and in just a short while, he became a villain who was no more than two feet tall and only half a foot wide.

He kicked his feet, and two torrents of water emerged from the sea. He rushed straight to the hole, and rushed in with a puff.

The excretion channel of the giant beast is very long, and due to the petrification for too long, it has already hardened, and the channel is covered with jagged rocks to block Han Feng's penetration.

Han Feng had no choice but to rely on the protective purple light to bombard with all his strength, breaking through the strange rock all the way and going deep, winding and zigzag, slightly upward, his speed seemed to be very slow, using both feet, the distance was only about a foot away.

After a long time, Han Feng felt that half an hour later, the front suddenly opened up, and he came to a dry corridor with a width of more than ten feet, without any sea water.

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