Lord of the Runes

Chapter 165 you chase me chase

The genius remembers "" in one second,.

The next moment, he held the big sword in his hand and swung it forward violently. A cyan sword light flew out like a sharp arrow, spanning a distance of three hundred feet in one breath, and slashed fiercely at Han Feng's body.

Han Feng was startled, he didn't care to replace the new Wind Wing Talisman, he stretched out his hand to touch his bosom, and the broken sword appeared in his hand instantly, frantically injecting true energy, he slashed with his backhand, a white sword light, wrapped in monstrous aura, came behind him More than 20 feet away, it collided with that cyan sword glow.

In an instant, the two collided like two icebergs, and there was a loud roaring sound that spread all over the field, deafening.

At the same time, the air waves surged and spread in all directions, forming a storm that pushed the two of them back and forth.

Han Feng was hit by the huge impact behind him, even the purple light on his body was shaken, but because of this, his speed skyrocketed and he rushed forward.On the other hand, that person was hindered, and his speed dropped a little. Once again, Han Feng seized the opportunity to replace with a new Wind Wing Talisman, and kept moving forward at top speed.

The man blocked the huge waves with a horizontal sword, his face was extremely stern, and he continued to pursue with a murderous aura.

The two of them, one in front of the other, unknowingly flew for more than a thousand miles. Along the way, Han Feng used the big fireball technique from time to time, shaking the distance between each other, making loud noises and attracting the attention of many monks. None of them dared to offend the aura released by the two of them.

"Isn't that person Bai Jianfeng from Wanjianmen?" Someone muttered.

"Yes, it is reported that Bai Jianfeng has practiced Wanjianjue to the state of "unifying a hundred swords into one", and ordinary monks in the Guiyuan realm are not his opponents. Even in the elite Wanjianmen, at the level of the Qi storage realm, he He is also one of the few people!" Someone echoed in a low voice.

"Haha, what is this? In an adventure last year, Duan Qiu of Yuxianzong beheaded a monk who returned to the original realm!" Someone said disapprovingly.

"Hmph, what do you know? Duan Qiu killed a bad luck guy who was seriously injured. Otherwise, even if he used the sixth-grade talisman with his strength, he would never be able to kill him successfully. The monks in the return to the original state are like us Qi storage realm cultivators are already qualitatively different, non-extreme warriors like Duan Qiu can beheaded!" The cultivator who praised Bai Jianfeng just now resolutely snorted coldly.

"Who is that guy flying ahead? How did he provoke the evil star Bai Jianfeng!" Someone looked at Han Feng and shook his head slightly.

"Hehe, who the hell knows who it is, probably a dude from a big family, probably thinking that he has a lot of talismans for self-defense, so he can provoke the other party without knowing how to do it." Someone sneered.

Such words emerged from the jungle from time to time, and Han Feng kept his soul power out at all times. Although the speed was fast, it did not prevent him from catching these words, and his face became more solemn. 【www.aiquxs.com】However, he ignored these monks, just passed by and went away in an instant.

But this Bai Jianfeng of Wanjianmen's complexion turned cold, and he snorted heavily: "Noisy!"

As he spoke, he waved his left hand lightly, and the brilliance suddenly appeared, and a large piece of sword light flew down, dozens of them, with a swish sound, several monks in the jungle below who were criticizing him secretly screamed, blood spattered On the spot, some people were too late to hide and died, and some were seriously injured and scattered like birds and beasts without daring to speak out.

His murderous aura shocked everyone, and the monks who were paying attention to him immediately shut up and left in a hurry.Han Feng's face also changed slightly, knowing in his heart that this was done by the other party for him to see, he rolled his eyes, and immediately shouted: "Your Excellency has a strong evil spirit, but are you a little too narrow-minded? , why do you want to make such a heavy hand, you are not afraid of causing public anger, don't think that you can fly domineeringly with a little bit of swordsmanship, and underestimate the heroes of the world!"

After a long while, the surrounding area was still full of people escaping. No one appeared to besiege Bai Jianfeng, which made Han Feng feel a little embarrassed. The reason why he spoke loudly was to arouse the anger of the surrounding monks. They all became shrinking turtles, and no one dared to challenge Bai Jianfeng.

"Boy, don't be so clever, my reputation is earned, how dare they show their heads! I advise you to surrender early, for the sake of your strength, I can spare your life! But you You have to hand over all the medicines and cut off your own arm!" Bai Jianfeng sneered.

Hearing this, Han Feng's face was extremely angry, not to mention cutting off his own arm, even handing over any big medicine would be impossible.He pondered for a while, then suddenly let out a haha, and sarcastically said: "Little boy, just do your daydreams, catch up with me if you have the ability, and when I am in a better mood, I will reward you with a loud fart, haha! "

Bai Jianfeng's face turned blue with anger. He has always had red lips and white teeth, and his appearance is extremely handsome. He tends to look like a girl, and his surname is Bai. The most taboo thing is to be called a little boy. go Ape.

"You're looking for death!" Bai Jianfeng's body was full of cold, and his murderous intent was even stronger. After gritting his teeth and saying this, the big sword on his right hand suddenly disappeared. The phantoms gathered together, towering like a mountain peak, overwhelming all directions.


Baijian Xuying slashed back in unison, and while setting off a torrential force, his speed was greatly improved, and the distance between him and Han Feng was shortened by tens of feet, and the distance was only two hundred feet.

Han Feng was always paying attention to his actions. Just as he was raising his sword, Han Feng made a fist with both hands and shot a big fireball towards him. By chance, he collided with him. Unfortunately, this time there was no fireball. There was a shocking explosion, but it didn't stop him.

Bai Jianfeng pushed forward with both hands, and the phantom of the Hundred Dao Sword behind him instantly changed its direction, and fell forward, like a mountain toppled. Before the big fireball had time to explode, it was crushed into pieces by it, and the red flame Scattered in all directions, quickly disappeared into the vast sword energy, as if it had never appeared before.

Just at this moment, Han Feng frowned suddenly, noticing the abnormal fluctuation of the wings behind his back, and immediately took out the last fifth-grade wind-type talisman, the wind-transforming talisman, and just as he was about to activate it, Bai Jianfeng rushed over , more than a hundred feet away, he raised his hands high, and the phantom of a hundred great swords descended in an instant, densely covering the sky behind him, and the sword energy criss-crossed, and he was about to be drowned.

Han Feng was in a hurry, without further ado, he put away the Wind Transformation Talisman in an instant, made a talisman with both hands, and chanted the incantation, a big fireball condensed in the void above his head, but it didn't fly out, but continued to compress, and then After a breath, it turned into a pure black fire mark, and rushed out with a whoosh, just in time to collide with the falling peaks of the swords.Mobile phone users please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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