Lord of the Runes

Chapter 1566 Dead Tree

"The thing that opened?" Daoist Hehuan had been paying attention to them all the time, and recognized them immediately.

"That's right, this thing is not only the key to unlock the Red River ruins, but also one of the centers of the formation here. It can be controlled freely. Standing in this formation, we are already invincible!" Tu Rihong said triumphantly.

"No wonder you dare to let us in, so you have nothing to fear!" Wan Jianyi said coldly.

"Brother Tu, you don't need to tell them so much, let's make it quick!" Seeing what Tu Rihong wanted to say, Long Tianyu quickly interrupted.

Saying that, Long Tianyu also took out the same treasure, which was also radiant and powerful, and its shape was invisible. Under his urging, the power of the formation here was further improved.

Wan Jian cursed secretly, he wanted to delay for some time, but Long Tianyu noticed it unexpectedly.

As a result, the three of them faced even greater pressure. Even with the support of the two treasures of the world, the Tai Chi Eight Diagrams Picture and the Moon Lake Picture Book, they still felt uncomfortable.

In the final analysis, they are just coming in clones at this time, and their strength is limited.

When something unexpected happened on their side, Han Feng's side became more relaxed.

There is no other reason, the power of the magic circle here is constant, most of the power is mobilized to that side, and the area where he is naturally becomes less stressed.

The power of the ancestral talisman continued to show its power, and after a while, he successfully penetrated the internal structure of the magic circle with his power of law.

Talismans and formations are connected, and with his attainments in talismans, he successfully cracked a passage in a short while. Through soul power exploration, this passage is barren, and even the aura is in a state of exhaustion.

Without hesitation, he twisted his body decisively and walked along this passage.

Sure enough, along this passage, there will be no beasts appearing, and he will not lose his way.

It's just that there is still a lot of resistance in the road ahead. After all, the power of the great world of this relic still exists, and he, an outsider, is not welcome to break in.


Half an hour later, Han Feng successfully walked out of the magic circle. Looking back, Wan Jianyi and the others were nowhere to be seen. The surroundings were bare and dilapidated.

"It seems that I have really entered this ruin now!" Han Feng said to himself.

He looked around for a while, then found a direction, and stepped forward.

As for how Wan Jianyi and the others get out of trouble, let them destroy themselves. Anyway, they are just clones, and even if they fall, there is not much loss.


In the blink of an eye, three human days passed.

Han Feng still hadn't walked out of this barren land, which made him feel speechless for a while.

Although this place is always suppressed by the laws of the world, at his speed, he has already traveled tens of thousands of miles, but he still stays in this area.

If he hadn't been able to clearly perceive that this place was a real place, or he would have thought that he was still in an illusion.

What made him even more helpless was that the aura in this area had completely disappeared, it was lifeless, and it was dead silent. He couldn't find anything of value.

"I really don't know how Tu Rihong and Long Tianyu got the chance? Could it be that they came to the wrong place?" Han Feng wondered.

"However, since they have obtained treasures here before, and came here at all costs, they think there are many secrets hidden here, so let's continue to explore." Han Feng just thought about it, and he naturally couldn't give up.

He walked forward at a step of tens of feet, unhurriedly, his soul power spread over hundreds of meters around his body, and he was always vigilant in case of accidents.

After a while, a tree suddenly broke into the range of his soul power.

He raised his eyebrows slightly. Although the tree was dry and cracked without a single leaf, it was the first plant he had discovered in the past few days.

He did not act rashly, but stood in the distance, silently investigating with his soul power.

He looked carefully, the tree was more than ten feet high, as thick as a child's arms, and it was white all over, with cracks all over its body, but the deep part of the crack was black, as if it had been split by something.

Han Feng thought for a while, then parted out a strand of soul thread and gently touched the tree's body.

"Huh!" He was surprised, and an inexplicable force suddenly aroused from the tree, pulling this ray of soul power into it, and instantly devoured it.

If he hadn't been cautious and cut off the connection with this ray of soul power in time, he might be caught by him and hurt the soul sea of ​​his clone.

"This is a long drought and sweet dew, are you too hungry?" Han Feng smiled.

This was just a joke on his part. In fact, he was very surprised. The existence that could silently devour a wisp of his soul power was definitely not as simple as it appeared on the surface.

Of course, from another perspective, this tree is worth a lot!

Han Feng naturally wouldn't miss it. He unfolded his soul power, looked around, and checked carefully. Seeing that there was nothing unusual, he quickly approached the tree.

Unexpectedly, just as he stepped within a hundred feet of the opponent, the only drop of blood in his body trembled slightly, as if he was about to fly out and plunge into the opponent's body.

"Sure enough, the evil sect deserves to be able to exist here for a long time!" Han Feng hurriedly stepped back a few steps, getting out of the range of its invisible force.

He stopped to observe for a while, and suddenly, with a thought, the power of the law of fire on his body surged out, turned into a fire phoenix, rushed into it, and ran towards the opponent.


A gust of wind blew up in all directions, and the void was making waves, as if it was about to burst.

However, when the lawful fire phoenix approached the other party ten feet away, a series of white lightning bolts suddenly appeared from the other party, weaving into a net, and confining the space. , can no longer move.

What's even more strange is that the devouring force reappeared, and it was even more majestic, and began to tear Huofeng's body apart.

"Huh!" Han Feng snorted heavily, and the law of fire phoenix shrank suddenly, condensing into a seal about an inch in size, like an ellipse, but its power soared several times.

The two forces collided in the air, sparking a dazzling brilliance and chirping.

But this phenomenon didn't last long, the talisman exploded, and an incomparably blazing heat wave swept across the entire tree, burning non-stop.

This is not an ordinary flame, but the fire of law, and it is condensed by Han Feng's black fire seal, which is even more terrifying. Even if a monk in the early stage of enlightenment is bombarded head-on, he will be severely injured.

But in front of this tree, there is no such problem at all.

In just a few breaths, the flames all over the sky were swept away by an inexplicable force, like a long whale sucking water, swallowing all of its brains.

Han Feng's expression was a bit ugly, but he was not discouraged. His attack just now was just a test.

Without saying a word, he used the five-element talisman and rushed towards the tree with a swoosh.

The five-element talisman formed a self-circulating way, completely ignoring the opponent's devouring power, and rushed to the opponent's ten feet at extreme speed, but was still blocked by the white lightning released by it with a bang.

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