Immediately, two completely different forces burst out with dazzling light, and even the surrounding rules changed, and time and space seemed to be distorted, but there was no sound at all.

After all, Han Feng's body was just a clone, and he didn't use his full strength. It didn't take long for his five-element talisman to wear out, and he couldn't compete with this big tree anymore.

After a while, the five-element talisman became invisible and disappeared without a trace.

"It's interesting!" Han Feng murmured.

He didn't cast another spell to attack, but circled around the tree instead.

As he walked, he meditated, trying to find an effective solution.

But after walking in circles for a while, I didn't see any clues.

"In this case, we can only continue to attack!" Han Feng was still unwilling to give up.

Thinking in this way, he cast the Five Elements Seal again, but it was different from the strike just now, this time it was compressed to an inch in size, and the surface emitted dazzling flames, which were colorful and extremely dazzling.

"call out……"

As if passing through the barrier of space and time, the five-element talisman rushed to the big tree in an instant.

However, this big tree was also amazing. Almost at the same time, dazzling white lightning shot out, blocking Han Feng's blow like a big net.

But different from the previous ones, this time the two forces have been fighting each other for a long time, and the winner has not been decided for a long time.

Han Feng squinted his eyes, and he suddenly felt the power of the rules around him become stronger, and the countless invisible forces merged into the big tree, causing the light of the power grid released by it to surge, and in an instant, Just suppress Han Feng's five-element talisman.


The Five Elements Seal was like a deflated balloon, shrinking after a while, and the light on the surface quickly dimmed, and then it melted into the dazzling brilliance like water without a source.

Han Feng frowned. He was thoughtful and had some thoughts in his mind, but he didn't get confirmation.

He thought for a while, and attacked again, but this time he no longer used the five-element talisman, but mobilized the power of the ancestral talisman.

In fact, the strongest means of his current avatar is only the power of the ancestor talisman. After all, the ancestor talisman can maintain almost the same power as the main body across infinite distances.

Of course, using it in this way would cause great damage to his clone, so he didn't use the power of the ancestor talisman immediately.

Before he had time to think about it, the center of his brows began to glow, and streaks of dazzling white light spread, sweeping across the area like ocean waves, confining the entire time and space.

This place seems to have become an independent world, ignoring the rules of the big world here, and directly submerged the big tree.

The opponent immediately released bursts of white lightning, like tens of thousands of white flowers blooming in full bloom, forming a huge force to compete with the power of the ancestor talisman and compete for control of this area.

However, the power of the ancestral talisman has cut off its connection with the great world here, no matter how it struggles, it is gradually useless and falls into a disadvantage.

Han Feng gritted his teeth. Even though his avatar was a bit crumbling and was under horrific pressure, he didn't intend to give up at all.

As time passed, the white lightning of the big tree began to collapse.

Immediately afterwards, the main body of the big tree also shattered to varying degrees, flickering like a flame, and a majestic force of rules surged out, unexpectedly forcibly propping up the power of the ancestral talisman.

Han Feng raised his eyebrows and said to himself, it really is so.

Some time ago, during several attacks, he had a faint feeling that this tree was a rule of this incomplete big world, and it could not be seen as a real thing.

As soon as he had a thought, he increased the output of the power of the ancestral talisman, and once again suppressed the resistance of the big tree.


As if the flames were extinguished, the white lightning around the tree disappeared instantly, and more than half of its body collapsed, exposing the inner torso, which turned out to be emerald green with an inexplicable breath of vitality.

"I didn't expect this big tree to be transformed by the rules of this big world. Could it be that this big world is planning something? To regenerate life?" Han Feng murmured in his heart.

It is undeniable that this is definitely a good thing, it is the vitality derived from the heaven and the earth, if it is grabbed, it will be of great benefit to the improvement of one's cultivation.

Han Feng didn't think too much, and went all out, even if he had to lose part of this clone's blood, he would not hesitate.

The power of the ancestral talisman was adjusted to the extreme by him, and the shape of the ancestral talisman emerged above his head, faintly visible, as if he was about to travel through.

Immediately afterwards, a dazzling beam of light shot out from the phantom of the ancestral talisman, ignoring all rules, and rushed towards the big tree in an instant.

However, his blow did not attack the big tree, but suddenly deviated from the direction, hitting a piece of nothingness on the left side of the big tree fiercely.


The dull sound exploded, as if it was spreading in the deep sea, and the undercurrent was surging and turbulent.

Almost at the same time, a mass of sword light flashed out, flickering on and off, and retreated extremely quickly, for fear of being blocked by the power of the surrounding ancestral talisman.

"Senior Wan hid deep enough. I worked hard to stabilize this space-time, but I didn't expect you to sneak in!" Han Feng said calmly.

"I can't compare to Xiaoyou Han. You have the ancestral talisman, so you naturally have the advantage!" Jian Guang retracted, revealing a person, which was Wan Jianyi.

Wan Jian's face was calm, but there was a little fatigue between the brows. It was obvious that Han Feng's blow just now had caused a lot of damage to his avatar.

"Senior Wan, we are all sensible people, so let's not talk nonsense. I want the life of this big tree, so you should find other opportunities!" Han Feng said directly.

"Han Xiaoyou, chance is a thing that cannot be met. The core of this big tree is formed by the vitality of heaven and earth. How can it be easily given to you? In order to avoid the loss of both of us, it is better for the two of us to work together to harvest this opportunity. , wouldn't it be beautiful?!" Wan Jianyi suddenly suggested.

"I won't bother you!" Han Feng said while exerting strength, the phantom brilliance of the ancestral talisman above his head turned, and the power of the ancestral talisman condensed into a big hand, grabbing the big tree without warning , Pull it out suddenly, and it will be uprooted.

"Dare!" Wan Jian was furious, and immediately used the way of the sword. The light of the thousands of swords shrank extremely quickly, condensed into a sword, and rushed to break through the blockade of the power of the ancestral talisman. front.

"If you come over with your body, I'd be a little scared. In this state, there's nothing you can do to get me!" Han Feng raised his left hand lightly, and endless milky white light gathered, turning into a huge shield, Yu Xunlei It's too late to block the opponent's blow.

"Hmph, don't get too complacent, my way of the sword is the way of killing!" Wan Jianyi, the avatar reappeared, said in a cold voice.

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