Tu Rihong and Long Tianyu also looked at each other in blank dismay, and they didn't understand the reason.

"I don't know why such a change happened. After all, it's been a long time since I came here. Last time there were only real spirit beasts attacking, so there was no such weird situation!" Long Tianyu wondered.

"Could it be just an illusion?" Taoist Yuhua pondered for a while, he had a very profound attainment in the formation method, and said slowly.

"This statement makes sense, we are likely to break into a formation." Wan Jian nodded.

"Is there a solution?" Tu Rihong asked.

"You block those ferocious beasts for me for a moment, and I'll come and find out!" Taoist Yuhua said.

The rest of the people naturally had no objection, and immediately took their respective positions, and joined hands to resist the beasts.

With a flash of blue light in Taoist Yuhua's hand, he took out a picture album, which contained a picture of a lake. The water in the lake was so clear that it looked like a real scene.

The sky above the lake is high and the moon is bright, and a round of ice moon exudes a soft brilliance, and the lake water is like a dream.

The next moment, Taoist Yuhua lightly tossed the picture book in his hand, and slowly rose to a few feet above his head. With a soft "huh", he released a dazzling brilliance and spread out quickly.


A sound like broken glass spread in the air, centered on Taoist Yuhua, the surrounding space began to shatter, like a broken mirror.

Wan Jianyi and the others retreated quickly, hiding in the brilliance released by the album.

Those ferocious beasts rushed in, but disappeared without a trace like melting ice and snow.

Daoist Yuhua clenched the Jue in his hand, with a solemn expression on his face, and said in a deep voice: "Hurry up and help me, this is really not a real place, there are huge forces of laws pressing around!"

Before he finished speaking, the album was trembling, and the brilliance released was also flickering, as if it was under great pressure.

Wan Jianyi and the others had different expressions when they heard the words, but they all offered help involuntarily.

With the help of a few of them, the brilliance of the picture album stabilized immediately, and slowly spread out.

At this moment, Han Feng sensed the strong fluctuations on their side, rolled his eyes, and seemed to have a clear understanding.

He thought for a while, and instead of getting closer, he took this opportunity to rush out.

He didn't want to be exposed under their eyes. Anyway, with them breaking the formation, the power of the law of the formation here could not help but gather there, and the area he was in became more relaxed.

He jumped out tens of feet and killed several ferocious beasts that were besieging him, but he was relieved to find that he hadn't returned to his original position.

However, he also understands that if he is still in this magic circle, he will be discovered by them sooner or later.

"Looks like I have to crack this formation first!" Han Feng pondered for a while, thinking to himself.

If Taoist Yuhua and others did not break the formation, it might not be easy to break the formation with his own strength, after all, he is not here in real body now.

But at this moment, with this opportunity, he can give it a go.

As soon as he thought of this, he mobilized the power of the ancestral talisman, operated the power of his own laws, and penetrated out.

He didn't directly break the formation, but took advantage of the incomplete power of the formation here, guided by the power of the ancestral talisman, and gradually integrated into the formation, trying to find a way for him to escape from the formation.

Time passed by little by little, and a stick of incense passed without knowing it.

Han Feng still hadn't found a suitable passage, and it was more difficult than he imagined.

On the other side, Taoist Yuhua and others are also struggling to support, and the speed of cracking is getting slower and slower.

On the other hand, this formation is getting stronger and stronger. Although the number of transformed beasts is decreasing, they are becoming stronger and stronger. There are many existences that can stand shoulder to shoulder with the monks in the early stage of enlightenment. They besieged and beat them secretly.

"Senior, if we continue like this, we will be unable to resist. Is there any other better way?" Tu Rihong blushed, and shouted to Taoist Yuhua.

"I have a better way, how can I not come out!" Taoist Yuhua replied breathlessly.

"If there is Xiao Qiong's Chaos Supreme Treasure Taiji Eight Diagrams, it will save trouble. It specializes in all kinds of formations. No matter how strong the phantom formation here is, it cannot be stronger than the Heaven Sealing Formation!" Wan Jianyi couldn't help feeling a little emotional.

"What's the point of saying this, hurry up and find a way to leave this place!" Daoist Hehuan said in a low voice.

"Of course it's meaningful. Although I didn't snatch that treasure back then, I have its imitation in my hand. I think it can be useful here!" Wan Jian didn't get annoyed at all, and quickly took out a picture. The Tai Chi Bagua diagram is very similar to Xiao Qiong's treasure, but it only exists at the level of the world's treasure.

"Brother Wan is really hiding something!" Daoist Yuhua laughed and couldn't help but praise.

Daoist Hehuan was also a little surprised, as if he didn't expect the other party to let the avatar bring such a treasure over.

"Get up!" Wan Jianyi ignored the changes in their expressions, and immediately activated the treasure of the world, causing it to fly up quickly, bursting out with blue light, and a Tai Chi Bagua diagram was derived, expanding like a water wave Drive away, stabilize the situation immediately, and complement the picture album of Yuhua Taoist, once again pushing the surrounding space to keep breaking, revealing the real scene.

There is no beautiful scenery with mountains and clear waters, only a barren land with exhausted aura, which is in stark contrast to the surrounding illusions.

Wan Jian and the others couldn't help being taken aback, as if they didn't expect such a scene.

Right at this time, a saber light slashed across without warning, directly killing Taoist Yuhua.

At the same time, a giant dragon emerged out of thin air, and devoured Wan Jianyi with its fangs and claws.

"You dare!" Taoist Yuhua and Wan Jianyi shouted loudly, but there seemed to be no surprise on their faces.

The two of them turned their hand, and the treasure of the world above their heads immediately dropped layers of light, blocking the sudden attack respectively.

"Bang bang bang..."

In an instant, there was a loud explosion, and the formation space here was collapsing on a large scale, and countless beasts besieged were wiped out.

"Tu Rihong, Long Tianyu, I know you are uneasy and kind!" Daoist He Huan sneered again and again, flicked his sleeve, and shot out a long spear, aiming at Tu Rihong.

"Senior, soldiers never tire of deceit. Since you have come here, don't even think about getting out!" Tu Rihong sneered, and suddenly took out a treasure, which was shining brightly, but no specific shape could be seen. It was the treasure that he opened the ruins of this great world before.

With the sacrifice of his treasure, the power of the formation here immediately increased a lot, and the invisible force surged forward and gathered in front of the treasure, forming a light shield horizontally in the air, blocking the attack of Daoist Hehuan.

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