Lord of the Runes

Chapter 1561: Purple Bug

But in the chaos, being able to have such a speed is also the best of the Taoist monks.

Han Feng continued to make moves with both hands, and zoomed in on the camera. These people were the figures of Long Tianyu, Tu Rihong and others.

The four of them did not have any verbal communication, and they flew past silently, looking like they had no direction.

In fact, Long Tianyu and Tu Rihong are communicating through soul thoughts.

"Brother Long, you said that after so many years, can that place still exist?" Tu Rihong asked.

"I don't know either. You can only find out if you go to see it." Long Tianyu replied.

"Hope hasn't disappeared, right? Otherwise, we would have lost a lot and gave up the opportunity to go to Feiyunhai." Tu Rihong said.

"Although Feiyunhai is good, you have to go there with your life. It's not like you don't know how dangerous it is. Back then, we were just wandering around at the very edge, and we almost died." Long Tianyu's expression was blank. expression, said slowly.

"Before, we were only at the early stage of enlightenment, but now we have improved a lot, and we have a large army joining forces, so we think it will be much safer." Tu Rihong said.

"Hey, something really happened. Do you think Wan Jianyi and the others will help? Don't we have to rely on ourselves, and even if we get any chance, they will step in to snatch it!" Long Tianyu said a little coldly.

"Then tell me, if we leave on our own this time, will they follow us?" Tu Rihong asked.

"It will definitely, at least Wan Jianyi and the other three sub-sages will use some means to follow them. Don't forget that we still have Wan Jianyi's sword symbol in our hands." Long Tianyu said firmly.

"I think so too, and even if we throw away his sword talisman, I'm afraid we won't be able to escape their pursuit. But I don't think it's possible for them to come here from the deity, and they probably sent some avatars." Tu Rihong said.

"That's why we have to work together, otherwise we won't be able to deal with their clones." Long Tianyu said.

"Don't worry, without the two treasures in our hands, even if they go to that place, they won't be able to enter it." Tu Rihong said.

"It's better to be careful, these guys have endless tricks, it's hard to guarantee that there won't be any other magic method that can crack the entrance of that place." Long Tianyu said.

Tu Rihong nodded and said no more.


Before you know it, ten days have passed.

Tu Rihong and Long Tianyu had already flown the distance of dozens of big worlds, but they were still galloping without stopping.

Han Feng followed behind, keeping a distance of seven or eight big worlds, not giving them a chance to find out.

It's a pity that during these days, he hasn't noticed the aura of Wan Jianyi and the others. Presumably they have such good concealment methods that they can't be detected easily.

However, he was sure that the three of them would definitely send clones to follow them, and it was impossible to miss this opportunity.


At the same time, Han Feng's body also flew forty or fifty big worlds away in the direction of Feiyunhai.

During this period, the weather was calm and nothing happened. Wan Jianyi and the others seemed to be very experienced, and they had secret treasures to explore the way.

Several Dao-enlightened monks who entered Chaos for the first time felt that Chaos was nothing more than that, and not as dangerous as their predecessors said.

Time passed quietly, and soon another half a month passed.

At this moment, not only those enlightened monks who have just entered the chaos, but even some veterans are a little lax.

At this moment, on the left side of the main force, a mass of purple light suddenly appeared, which was extremely dazzling, and shot towards it in an instant, even Wan Jianyi and the others were not able to detect it in advance.

Fortunately, Wan Jianyi and the others reacted quickly, and immediately cast a spell to open a light curtain to block the attacks of these purple lights.

"Bang bang bang..."

A series of loud noises rang out, waking up those enlightened monks who had just entered the chaos, and gathered the power of various laws in their bodies to prepare for emergencies.

"What the hell is this?" An enlightened monk from the Li family shouted a little uneasy.

It was because he saw that the purple rays of light that flew over were actually worms, which looked like locusts, but were all purple, emitting a dizzying light.

What is even more frightening is that these insects ignored the attacks of Wan Jianyi and the others, and came forward one after another, fearless of death.

"This is the purple worm, an innate creature in the chaos. It claims to have the ability to devour everything. In fact, their individual strength is equivalent to the level of alchemy, but they can roam freely in the chaos, hundreds of miles in an instant. , not slower than us! And when they come together, they can shake the world, which should not be underestimated!" Wan Jianyang explained as he shot to kill.

Han Feng was no longer a rookie, he had already learned some things about Chaos from Mrs. Bailong, so he was not surprised to see these purple worms.

But he still showed a little bit of worry, purple worms began to appear here, maybe there is their lair here, once caught in their ocean-like siege, even enlightened monks will fall.

What's more, not all the purple worms only have the cultivation base of the alchemy level, and there are also some evolved worms, whose strength is comparable to that of psychics or the realm of heaven, and they flock to them. Just thinking about it makes people's scalp tingle.

"Let's split up and rush out of this area, so as not to attract more purple worms. These guys are inexhaustible. There is no need to spend time with them here." Wan Jian raised his hand and shot tens of thousands of worms. The lightsaber wiped out thousands of purple worms.

He took the lead and led his family members away with the members of the Li family and the Hua family, and disappeared into the depths of the chaos.

Daoist Yuhua and Taoist Hehuan nodded in agreement, each used their means to tear a hole, and led their respective disciples and members of the two families to leave this place.

With a turn of his wrist, Han Feng released countless black fire marks, wiped out the purple worms around him, and rushed out alone.

It's not that he did it on purpose, but it just so happens that the position where he breaks through has the fewest purple worms, and he's by himself, relatively less attractive, making it easier to break through later.

The fact is also the same, after he killed three waves of purple worms in a row, he could hardly see their existence, and they seemed to be attracted by Wan Jianyi and others.

He thought for a while, and continued to gallop straight away without turning his direction. Anyway, he had Wan Jianyi's sword talisman in his hand, so he didn't have to worry about finding them.

After all, Han Feng's strength was much stronger than ordinary Dao enlightened monks. Even in the chaos, his speed could reach thousands of miles at one breath, and he quickly got rid of the purple worms who continued to chase after him.

When half an hour passed, he successfully broke out of that area. It seemed that there was no purple worm's nest there, otherwise he would not have been so relaxed.

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