Lord of the Runes

Chapter 1560 Trailing

"Is this a relic of a saint?" Han Feng asked.

"Then we don't know, but since this object is the treasure of the world, it must have come from the hands of a saint. As for whether it was left from the saint, that remains to be verified." Taoist Yuhua replied.

Just as they were asking and answering, the sea-blue umbrella in Wan Jianyi's hand changed again, and the sea-blue rays of light merged into the chaos and disappeared.

Time flickered, and more than half an hour passed without knowing it.

"Everyone help me, I didn't expect Feiyunhai to be so far away, and I have to continue to search!" Wan Jian said suddenly.

Naturally, everyone had no objection, and immediately joined him after receiving his mobilization method to assist him in mobilizing the sea blue umbrella. The sea blue light became more and more blurred, and gradually completely merged with the chaos.

Not long after, even this sea blue umbrella merged into the chaos, and its existence could no longer be seen.

If it weren't for the traction of the law, they thought it had disappeared.

Soon, more than an hour passed.

"Okay, I know where Feiyunhai is, but the distance is too far, it's more than 3 big worlds apart." Wan Jianyi signaled everyone to put away the exercises, and said slowly.

"Well, it's really too far. In the chaos, we can only fly with the power of the law, and the distance to cross a big world is less than half a day." Li Dexiang said in a low voice with a melancholy face.

"Besides, with such a long distance, I don't know what difficulties will be encountered on the way. After all, in the chaos, any accident will happen." Mouton added with a distressed expression on his face.

"Although this trip must be extremely difficult, we have finally come out of the human world. Could it be that we just gave up? Don't forget that the chaos and thunder disasters will come one after another for us. Without some opportunities, do you think we can survive it? "Wan Jianyang snorted softly and reminded him.

Mouton and Li Dexiang looked at each other and said nothing more.

The two of them only mentioned some objective situations, and they didn't mean not to participate in this trip.

The rest of the Dao enlightenment monks only hesitated for a moment before regaining their composure.

Daoist He Huan looked around them, and said with a smile: "You don't have to be so nervous, as long as we unite as one and work together to cross this distance, it is not impossible to accomplish."

"In addition, you may not know that we, a group of Dao enlightened monks, were only wandering around the edge of Feiyunhai back then, and discovered many chaotic fetishes. We also got some opportunities there and became sub-sages one after another. You are also the same. I have this opportunity." After a short pause, Daoist Hehuan continued.

The enlightened monks had different expressions when they heard the words, but none of them opened their mouths to speak.

"We don't force everyone. If you are willing to go to Feiyunhai with us, then go with us. If you don't have this willingness, then go away separately. After a hundred years, we will still gather at this location." Wan Jianyi seemed not to want to Waste of time, straight to the point.

After saying this, he raised his hand and shot out a sword shadow, which disappeared into the chaos.

Then, he sketched it with his bare hands, and sword symbols emerged out of thin air, floating around him.

"I left a mark here with my swordsmanship. Everyone can find this place even if they are separated by a distance of [-] big worlds as long as they hold the sword talisman I refined." He said again.

As he spoke, he waved his hand casually, and those sword symbols flew towards those people one after another.

The reason why it was set as a hundred years was because he was worried that the army of the two realms of the devil would attack the human world. Although he had learned from Han Feng that the saints of the two realms of the devil were still sleeping, he couldn't take it lightly. Still very necessary.

The enlightened monks of the eight major families received the sword talismans without much hesitation. No matter what they chose, there must be a place to gather. After all, they couldn't go back to the human world alone, and had to rely on the power of Han Feng's ancestral talisman.

Han Feng didn't have any objections either. As the person who held the key to enter and exit the human world, it was impossible for him not to come back here to gather. Once he had such a thought, this group of people would explode immediately.

"Now let's make a choice. If you want to go to Feiyunhai with us, you can come to my right hand side. If you have other plans, you can go to my left hand side." Wan Jianyi continued.

Everyone was also very agile, without any procrastination, they made choices directly.

After a while, the result came out.

Except for the Long family and the Tu family who did not stand on Wan Jianyi's right, the rest of the monks came to his right.

"The choice has been made, so let's go separately!" Wan Jian glanced at Long Tianyu and Tu Rihong, and said bluntly.

As soon as he finished speaking, the four members of the Long family and the Tu family clasped their hands in salute, turned and left, and disappeared into the vast chaos in a short while.

"Let's go, too. It's a long way to go, and we need to keep our spirits up." Taoist Yuhua said slowly, looking away with a smile on his face.

Wan Jian gave a hum, and flew in the direction of Feiyunhai with his family members.

The rest nodded and followed closely behind.

Han Feng also turned into a ray of light and followed the large army to Feiyunhai, but the moment he turned around, his right hand tucked into his sleeve moved slightly, as if he had made a magic move.


The Biyou Dragon Boat, dozens of worlds away, emerged from a certain chaotic place, and on top of it, a beam of colorful light suddenly lit up, condensing into a figure in the blink of an eye.

This person was none other than Han Feng!

Of course, this is just a clone of his soul power.

The reason why he activated this clone was naturally to track down Long Tianyu and Tu Rihong.

These two families actually disregarded the danger and left the large army on their own. Presumably, they had a plan. Maybe they knew some secrets that could bring them huge gains.

Han Feng knew in his heart that these people were not easy-going lamps, Wan Jianyi and the others would not just sit idly by, they would probably use some means to create their own avatars to secretly follow the Long family and the Tu family.

As for how to track down these two, Han Feng didn't have any worries.

After they entered the Ancestral Talisman World before, Han Feng left inexplicable marks on them. Unless their realm reached the sub-sage level, they would not be able to detect it.

Han Feng's avatar's eyes flickered, and suddenly he moved his hands and fingers together, and struck out a series of spells. The aura of the ancestor talisman permeated, and it condensed into a mirror in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, he opened his mouth and sprayed a cloud of colorful flames into it.

The mirror was hazy at first, but as the group of colorful flames melted into it, it gradually brightened, and some pictures appeared inside.

The four of them were flying past in the chaos, their speed was not fast, only a few hundred miles per breath.

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