Lord of the Runes

Chapter 1562 Red River

Han Feng slowed down and waited for news from Wan Jianyi and the others.

He was not in a hurry to find them either, thinking that Wan Jianyi and the others would definitely find him, no matter what, he had the ancestral talisman with him, and those people would not let him slip away.

Sure enough, within a stick of incense, chaotic fluctuations appeared on his left side, and Wan Jianyi and the others emerged and gathered towards him.

But only the members of Wan Jianmen and Muli's family, the rest have not yet appeared.

"Brother Han, you run really fast!" Wan Jian said with a chuckle.

Han Feng nodded to him, and said calmly: "Thanks to you for attracting those purple worms, otherwise I would have to spend a lot of trouble."

"Well, why are there only a few of you? Where are the others?" After a slight pause, Han Feng asked.

"It's okay, they will come later, I can feel them approaching us!" Wan Jianyi said calmly.

Not long after, members of the Yuan family and the Wang family appeared, and the breath of the four of them was a little bit floating. It was obvious that they had expended a lot in the process of breaking out of the siege just now.

Immediately afterwards, members of Hehuangu and the Hua family emerged. They didn't suffer any injuries, and they were all in excellent condition, especially Daoist Hehuan, who came to Han Feng and the others with a spring breeze on his face, laughing loudly Said: "Chaos is interesting, it's much more comfortable than being trapped in the human world!"

"Hey, then you can don't go back, or you can stay in the chaos to retire!" Just at this time, the voice of Taoist Yuhua came over.

As soon as he finished speaking, he flew over with members of the Yuxian Sect and the Lin family.

"Bah, you just want to stay in Chaos to retire!" Daoist He Huan scolded angrily.

Even enlightened monks cannot stay in the chaos all the time. They usually have to return to the big world to settle down before they approach the catastrophe.

With the help of the power of the world grown by oneself, the success rate of surviving the chaotic thunder disaster will be higher.

This is also one of the reasons why enlightened monks who have lost their foothold in the big world are so eager to plunder the big world. After all, there is no place to hide, and the chance of surviving the chaotic thunder is not high.

But even with the protection of the big world, it cannot survive for a long time.

Just because after passing through the chaotic thunder calamity more than 49 times, the law of chaos will strengthen the power of the thunder calamity, making the subsequent tribulation more difficult, and each time it is more difficult.

Unless you can become a saint, you are just floating clouds, and you will die in the chaos and thunder sooner or later.

Wan Jianyang, Baili Huan, and Taoist Cailian all realized Taoism in ancient times, and they have reached almost 49 times so far. The challenges they face are extremely terrifying.

That's why they are so eager to leave the human world, trying to find an opportunity to advance in the chaos.

Even if they can't become saints overnight, as long as they reach the sub-sage state, they can extend the time for crossing the catastrophe to once every 10 years.

"Okay, time is running out, let's not waste time here, let's continue on our way!" Wan Jian waved his hand to smooth things over, and said aloud.

Naturally, everyone had no opinion and nodded their heads in agreement.

So, they gathered together again, and all kinds of forces connected with each other, rushing towards the sea of ​​flying clouds like a cloud.


On the other side, Tulong and his family were still on their way, not too fast or too slow, but there were still four to five hundred li at a stretch.

During this period, they also encountered occasional disturbances from chaotic creatures, but they were all out of danger, and they broke through one by one.

Before I knew it, another thirty human days had passed.

The four of them have gone through countless obstacles, and even almost died a few times. If they hadn't come out with their own world treasures that suppressed the family's luck, they would not have survived.

If so, apart from Long Tianyu and Tu Rihong who were better, the other two enlightened monks were covered with scars, and the Long family monk even broke his arm and has not yet recovered.

"Old Ancestor, how far is it to get there?" the monk of the Long family looked at Long Tianyu bitterly and asked.

"Hurry up, when we came out of the human world, we flew in the chaos for nearly ten years before arriving at that place. Now that the human world has moved to this area, it is convenient for us. We can get there now." Long Tianyu said.

"There are still seven days left, will we encounter even more powerful Chaos creatures?" Another Dao-enlightened monk from the Tu family said with some fear.

"You good-for-nothing guy, what is this difficulty? And along the way, those chaotic creatures are also a great opportunity for you. They have a lot of good things on them. When you return to the human world, your strength will definitely improve. "Tu Rihong scolded angrily.

Hearing his scolding like this, this person didn't dare to say more.

"Two patriarchs, were you the only two who went there back then?" asked the enlightened monk from the Long family.

"Of course not. We followed our respective ancestors back then, as well as some other clansmen. The human world was much stronger than it is now, so we were able to cross such a long distance. Otherwise, who would have persisted for ten years!" Long Tianyu replied.

"Then what have you gained?" the enlightened monk from the Long family continued to ask.

"The harvest is not small. As for any good things, you will know when you get there and successfully enter!" Long Tianyu replied somewhat perfunctorily.

The enlightened monk of the Long family wanted to ask something, but was interrupted by Long Tianyu impatiently waving his hand: "Don't ask any more, restore your left arm as soon as possible, there are still many obstacles in the next journey, don't worry about it. I lost my life on the road!"

The Dao-enlightened cultivator of the Long Family froze, shut up quickly, and devoted himself to recovering the broken arm.

Time passed by, and seven days passed quickly.

On this day, Tu Rihong and Long Tianyu stopped suddenly with their respective clansmen, and saw that there was still chaos in front of them, but it was different from other areas in that there was red liquid flowing here, like a big river. Free shuttle in the chaos, amazing.

What's even more peculiar is that during the process of the Red River's shuttle, the chaos will disappear, and fragments of the world will emerge from time to time. Although they can't see clearly, they can feel that there is a great power of law in them, which is not weaker than the human world.

"Honghe, I finally saw it again, it's here, it hasn't disappeared yet!" Long Tianyu said in surprise.

"It's not too late, let's work together to cast a spell and go in!" Tu Rihong said with a bit of excitement, but still calmly.

"Yes, let's hurry up and go in!" Long Tianyu calmed down and responded immediately.

As he said that, he stretched out his hand to make a formula, and a strange treasure emerged from his body. The light of the treasure was shining, and the shape could not be seen clearly. It was mixed with the power of countless laws, and its power was not small.

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