Lord of the Runes

Chapter 1559 Yongyeon District

After everyone heard the words, they knew that Han Feng had a plan long ago, and they couldn't force him too much, so they had no choice but to agree.

"Okay, let's enter the Heaven Sealing Formation right away, please enter the Ancestral Talisman World first!" Han Feng chuckled, raised his hand and tapped lightly between his eyebrows, a beam of light shot out, condensed into a light door in the void, and the inside was faintly visible One world.

"Why do you want to enter the world of ancestral talismans?" some enlightened monks asked softly with hesitation on their faces.

"Without the protection of the ancestral talisman, you wouldn't be able to last a quarter of an hour inside the Heaven Sealing Formation, and you would be easily wiped out by the power within it," Han Feng said.

"Everyone go in, don't worry too much, brother Han has a contract with us, nothing will happen, haha." Daoist Hehuan said haha, and took the first step to enter the world inside the ancestral talisman.

Wan Jianyi and Taoist Yuhua looked at each other, and flew straight in without much hesitation.

The monks of the three factions naturally followed closely behind and flew in one after another.

Seeing this, the enlightened monks of the eight major families did not want to miss this opportunity, and filed in one after another.

Han Feng's soul power avatar was already waiting for them in the center of the mainland, and after telling them the precautions, he sat down cross-legged on the spot, closed his eyes and rested his mind.

Wan Jianyi and the others did not wander around, but their eyes were like torches, and they swept across the four directions. They saw that this continent was only a hundred thousand miles in size, and the edge area was full of chaos, which made people feel oppressed.

"How can there be chaos here?" Baili Huan asked, puzzled.

"It's not surprising that the ancestral talisman was originally derived from a chaotic fetish, and it's normal for it to contain chaos," Taoist Yuhua explained.

Bailihuan came to a sudden, looked around for a while, felt bored, didn't look any more, sat down cross-legged by himself, and practiced silently.

The rest of the enlightened monks watched for a while, but they couldn't see any mystery, so they dispersed.

Wan Jianyi, Taoist Hehuan and Taoist Yuhua separated into three directions, and continued to observe the changes in this world. At the same time, they also secretly transmitted voices. As for what they were discussing, it is unknown.


Outside, with a wave of Han Feng's body, the light door was closed, and he turned to Murong Xue and said, "Ma'am, where are you going to hide?"

"I have to go back to the Heavenly Sword World. I still need to consolidate my cultivation, where my improvement is the fastest." Murong Xue said.

"Well, if there is anything going on in the human world, you have to keep an eye on it." Han Feng nodded.

"It's okay, even if I'm inside the world of Tongtian Sword, I can perceive everything in the human world, so don't worry. On the contrary, you have to be very careful. Although you have a contract with the three sub-sages to restrain each other, it's hard to guarantee They have no other means to cheat." Murong Xue warned.

"Understood, I know in my heart, they can't make waves." Han Feng laughed.

"Then I'll take a step first." Murong Xue said.

"Wait." Han Feng grabbed her hand and pulled her into his arms.

"Why are you like this again..." Murong Xue said with some embarrassment.

"I don't know when I'll be back when I leave this time, I have to be gentle, haha!" Han Feng hugged him tightly and laughed.

Murong Xue was also a little emotional, and hugged Han Feng with her backhand, quietly feeling his body temperature.

After a long time, they separated and left each other.


The light of the ancestor talisman overflowed from the center of Han Feng's eyebrows, forming a protective film around his body, and quickly passed through the barrier of the Heaven Sealing Formation to enter his inner world.

He didn't stop much, and rushed straight up all the way. It didn't take long before he successfully reached the top of the sky, left the door, and entered chaos again.

He summoned the Biyou Dragon Boat, landed on it, and left at top speed.

After flying out of the distance of five or six big worlds, he let the Biyou Dragon Boat leave first, and he stayed alone in the chaos.

After flying millions of miles, he released those people.

"Is this the real chaos?" some enlightened monks who had never been in chaos asked a little excitedly.

Wan Jianyi and the others felt it for a while, and they were sure that it was correct, so they couldn't help but smile.

Wan Jianyang even smiled and said: "Finally, we have returned to chaos. I don't know where our human world has drifted to after so many years."

"Oh, chaos is divided into different regions? Aren't they all the same?" asked a newly enlightened monk.

"Of course it's different. In ancient times, the chaotic area where our human world was located was called Longyuan District. Later, it was invaded by the two worlds of demons and had to leave." Wan Jianyang explained.

"It should still be in Longyuan District. After all, a region spans nearly [-] large worlds, and it is extremely vast. Even if the ancestor Fu's holy law was boundless back then, it is unlikely that the human world will be directly moved out of Longyuan District." Wan Wan Jian Yi glanced around and said slowly.

"Well, it's possible. I don't know where it is in Longyuan District, and how far is it from that place?" Taoist Yuhua nodded and changed the subject.

Everyone was attracted by his words, and they turned their eyes to him.

"Now that we have come out, we naturally cannot return empty-handed. In the early years, we found some chaotic artifacts in Feiyun Sea in Longyuan District." Taoist Yuhua further explained.

"Oh, what chaos fetishes are there?" Han Feng raised his eyebrows and asked.

"There are some, but they are difficult to obtain. For example, Xiao Qiong's Taiji Eight Diagrams was obtained in Feiyunhai. It's just that he was lucky and snatched it first, and it matched his Taoism and was quickly refined by him. As a result, the three of us joined forces and failed to win it." Taoist Yuhua said.

When everyone heard this, their eyes lit up. After all, they had a deep understanding of the power of Xiao Qiong's Tai Chi Eight Diagrams.

"Since the Longyuan District is so large and we don't know the exact location, how can we get to Feiyunhai?" asked a mid-stage monk from the Li family.

"Brother Wan, I wonder if your secret treasure is still there?" Daoist Yuhua didn't answer this question, but turned to look at Wan Jianyi and asked.

"Of course it's there, I don't know if we can find Feiyunhai." Wan Jianyi replied.

"You should try it." Daoist He Huan said with a smile.

Wan Jianyi stopped talking, stretched out his hand, raised it, and grabbed it lightly. An umbrella-like treasure appeared in his hand. With a snap, it spread out, and the surface of the umbrella emitted a soft water-blue light. It continued to spread in all directions.

Except for Taoist Yuhua and Taoist Hehuan, the rest of the people were a little surprised, what is the use of this umbrella, no matter how much water blue light it releases, it is impossible to cover everything in a short time.

"This is the sea blue umbrella, the treasure of the fifth-grade world. It was obtained by Brother Wan from Feiyunhai. It can sense the specific direction of Feiyunhai." Taoist Yuhua explained.

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