Lord of the Runes

Chapter 1558 Sealing the fragments of the ghost world

"Daoist Cailian, you led the arrangement of this formation?" Han Feng turned to look at him and asked.

"I arranged it with Ling Yuntian, and his formation skills are somewhat stronger than mine." Daoist Cailian didn't show any complacency, but confessed honestly.

He knew very well in his heart that although Han Feng was young, but Han Feng possessed the ancestral talisman, he must not be bad at formation, and he didn't need to boast at this juncture.

"Well, you guys are very thoughtful, the layout of the formation is very reasonable, but you can go to another level." Han Feng nodded and said with a smile.

"I would like to hear the details." Taoist Cailian raised her brows, cupped her hands and said with a smile.

"I also benefited from the ancestral talisman. I can guide part of the power of the Heaven-Sealing Formation here and make the Ghost-Sealing Formation a part of the Heaven-Sealing Formation. Strength, otherwise it would be impossible to escape." Han Feng said.

"That would be great, what do we need?" Taoist Cailian asked.

"My strength alone is limited, and I can't mobilize the power of the Sealing Heaven Formation on a large scale. I need your help." Han Feng said.

When everyone heard the words, they all said that there was no problem.

"Since everyone agrees, let's start." Han Feng said with a smile.

As he said that, he told them a formula he had prepared, and asked them to cooperate with him to guide the power of the Great Formation of Sealing Heaven to come to this place.

After a while, everyone mastered that formula proficiently.

Han Feng held his hands high, his thoughts reaching the sky, and the Great Formation of Sealing the Sky immediately rotated, and rays of light fell down, but they did not fall on the sea, but hovered in mid-air, and pieces of runes slowly emerged, like a It poured down like a big bowl, covering all directions.

Those people understood, and immediately used the formula, inputting their respective powers of law, to assist Han Feng in guiding more power from the Heaven-Sealing Formation to descend.

This performance lasted for most of the day.

With Xihai Haiyan as the center, the power of the Heaven-Sealing Formation is permeating tens of thousands of miles around. The runes are densely covered, and the power is like a mountain. Except for the existence of a few sub-sages, the rest of the enlightened monks feel very uncomfortable.

"Daoist Cailian, open your eyes of the formation! I'll fuse your ghost sealing formation!" Han Feng looked serious, and suddenly shouted loudly to Daoist Cailian.

Daoist Cailian responded, as if she had been prepared for a long time, and unhurriedly cast a spell to unlock the eyes of the ghost sealing formation.

On the sea level, a vortex suddenly bursts out a group of bright lights, colorful and radiant, which seems to be the eye of the big formation here.

Han Feng said good, and immediately the power to control the Great Formation of Sealing Heaven poured into it like a stream of water, making it brighter and brighter. After a while, many vortices also emitted brilliant brilliance one after another, extremely dazzling.

Unknowingly, when more than half an hour passed, all the vortexes here lit up, and rays of light extended from each other, connecting each other to form a whole.

During this period, one of the vortexes suddenly rotated at a high speed, releasing billowing gray gas, continuously evolving grimaces, opening its mouth to scream, but no sound came out.

This vortex is the sea eye of the West Sea and the entrance to the fragments of the ghost world.

At this moment, it was the source of the fragments of the ghost world that was causing trouble. It was unwilling to be re-sealed and took the opportunity to resist.

It's a pity that its power is not worth mentioning in front of the Heaven Sealing Formation, and it was suppressed not long after. Xihai Haiyan regained its calm, and even more majestic runes poured into it, firmly imprisoning it.

After two days and one night, all the power of the Heaven-Sealing Formation in this sea area disappeared, and finally the Ghost-Sealing Formation was included in the Heaven-Sealing Formation.

If things go on like this, the fragments of the ghost world will be assimilated into a part of the human world, and its origin will be strengthened to feed back the Heaven Sealing Formation, which may allow the Heaven Sealing Formation to last longer.

"It finally succeeded. Should we prepare to go to Chaos?" Bailihuan rubbed his hands and asked with a smile.

"Don't worry, isn't there another day? Let them prepare, lest they be too hasty, something really goes wrong, and the human world suffers great damage because of it, then we have no place to stand." Open your mouth and say.

Bailihuan hesitated to speak, not daring to refute.

"Let's go back to Wanjianmen first, it's a good thing for everyone to adjust." Wanjianyi said.

Naturally, everyone had no objection to this, and they used Taoism one after another, and returned to the outer area of ​​Wanjianmen smoothly in a few breaths.

As soon as Wan Jian opened the formation, he led everyone into the core area, and gathered together on Wan Jian Mountain. After discussing for half an hour, they each dispersed.

This meeting is nothing more than an arrangement for the follow-up. After the strongest of them leave, the order of the human world will not be chaotic, and proper arrangements must be made.

That night, without any outsiders knowing, Han Feng informed Wan Jianyi and the others to leave the Wanjian Gate quietly and move directly to the sky, almost reaching the top of the sky.

But at this moment, Han Feng and Murong Xue were nowhere to be seen, as if they were a step behind.

"You've been waiting for a long time. I guess after we leave, the spies left behind by the devil clan in the human world will be ready to move. I just use this opportunity to eradicate them one by one." After a while, Han Feng and Murong Xue emerged from nothingness. Out, Han Feng glanced at them and said calmly.

"Brother Han, your plan is to keep us from going out temporarily? Lurk in the dark, waiting for those spies to show their feet?" Daoist Hehuan asked.

"That's not true, but I'll take you out first, and you can find opportunities on your own. My wife and I will come back and take charge of the human world!" Han Feng said with a light smile.

"This is not good. After all, you are carrying the ancestral talisman. With you by your side, our efficiency will be higher, and we will have more opportunities to get opportunities." Before Taoist Hehuan could speak, Taoist Yuhua frowned.

Wan Jianyi also raised his eyebrows, seeming a little dissatisfied.

It was right to think about it, after I left the human world through the door of Fengtian Great Formation, but the key was in Han Feng's hands, wouldn't it be very likely that the door would be closed and I would not be able to come back?

No one wants this feeling of being controlled by others.

No matter what, Han Feng had to be by his side, going in and out together.

"I know what you are worried about, but don't forget that there is a contract between us. I don't dare to attract the chaos thunder to bombard me. I don't have the ability to break the contract." Han Feng explained.

"We don't mean that, we just want you to be with us and share the blessings. Presumably you also want to get some chaotic fetishes or innate treasures, which are supreme treasures that are not available in the human world!" Daoist He Huan laughed.

Han Feng showed emotion, pondered for a while, and then changed the subject: "In that case, let my wife stay. Her strength is enough to rule the human world."

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