"You are finally willing to let the ancestor talisman reveal its real body!" Just at this moment, the voice of Taoist Yuhua came over, and his figure appeared out of nowhere and came to the sky above Han Feng.

He stretched out his hand quickly, and a big hand formed by condensing laws was condensed and grabbed towards the ancestor talisman.

"I knew you would be impatient!" Han Feng made a tactic with both hands, and pushed it out suddenly, the ancestral talisman shone brightly, and quickly converged into an extremely bright beam of light, piercing into Taoist Yuhua's big hand like a knife. superior.


A sharp voice spread throughout, and the big hand transformed by Taoist Yuhua collapsed, and then hit his body.

This change was so rapid that Taoist Yuhua couldn't dodge it in time, so he could only use Taoism to gather the power of the world to form barriers in front of him.


There was a shocking explosion, and the beam of light completely shattered the barrier of the power of the seven worlds before slowly stopping and dissipating.

All this is a long story, but in fact it is just a blink of an eye.

Han Feng also took advantage of this gap to put the ancestral talisman into his body so that it would no longer be exposed to the outside.

"Hmph, I didn't expect you to be so clumsy, so you've been guarding against me all along!" Taoist Yuhua snorted coldly, looked down at Han Feng, and said unhurriedly.

Han Feng ignored him, and directly took out a large bottle of elixir and took it to restore his consumption.

The blow just now had consumed half of his vitality, and even the world inside the ancestral talisman had almost collapsed.

Moreover, this is with the help of Wan Jianyang and others, otherwise he may not be able to stop the capture of Taoist Yuhua.

In any case, the opponent is also a character at the sub-sage level, even if he has not fully recovered, it is not something that he, a character in the late stage of enlightenment, can completely defeat.

Of course, if it wasn't for the joint attack by Wan Jianyang and others, Han Feng might not have sacrificed the body of the ancestral talisman. With his ability, there are other means to counter it.

"This time, I won't let you escape again!" Taoist Yuhua sneered coldly, and raised his hand abruptly.

The sixth-grade world treasure on Taoist Cailian's chest flew out immediately and fell into his hands.

Without any hesitation, Taoist Yuhua opened his mouth and let out a breath, which condensed but did not disperse. There were worlds ups and downs in it, and there were thousands of scenes.

"Innate Qi?" Wan Jianyang frowned, a little surprised.

"You have some knowledge!" Taoist Yuhua smiled lightly, stretched out his hand and pointed, and this innate energy was submerged into the sixth-rank world treasure, and immediately made it bloom with dazzling brilliance.

This kind of radiance is not given by others, but it exists by itself, so it is extremely comfortable to look at, and there is a feeling of indulging.

Han Feng's heart skipped a beat, and he quickly mobilized all his strength to condense countless five-element seal rings, forming an array, and he wanted to strike first.

It's a pity, when he rushed over there with this move.

The brilliance of that sixth-grade world treasure suddenly spread out, imprisoning all his five-element seal rings in an instant, causing their light to gradually converge and extinguish, and disappeared without a trace after a while.

The next moment, this brilliance poured out like a waterfall, directly hitting Han Feng and Murong Xue.

"Han Feng, hurry up, you can't stop this brilliance!" Mrs. Bailong warned suddenly.

Han Feng smiled wryly. It's not that he didn't want to hide, but it was mainly limited by Murong Xue's state. He couldn't dodge quickly, so he could only resist with all his strength!

He released all the power of the Five Elements Law, and according to his comprehension, fused them into one, turning them into a colorful mask to protect him and Murong Xue.

Sword Spirit Duan Tian didn't make a move, but the Five Elements Talisman also released scorching five-color light, echoing its mask, forming a more powerful defensive force.


In the next moment, the brilliance of the sixth-grade world treasure spread over, touching the mask that Han Feng and the five-element talisman jointly set up, making a sound like a drum in the evening and a bell in the morning.

Circles of ripples appeared on the surface of the mask, the halo was infinite, but it was not broken.

"Huh?" Daoist Yuhua was very surprised. His blow seemed ordinary, but in fact its power was restrained. Once it touched anything, it would collapse.

He squinted his eyes, naturally he wouldn't give up, and tried to crush the sixth-rank world treasure with all his strength, trying to crush Han Feng's defense.

However, to his surprise, Han Feng's five-color light mask became stronger and stronger, with a feeling of being stronger and indestructible, which made him extremely annoyed, but there was nothing he could do for a while.

Even if it is him, he will not be able to fully activate this sixth-rank world treasure unless he can return to his peak state.

"Why are you all standing still, attack me quickly!" Daoist Cailian was the first to react, and immediately launched an attack. A lotus flower floated towards Han Feng's colorful mask, hitting it lightly. Light waves.

The enlightened monks of the Yuhua Sect were naturally ordered to launch an offensive one after another.

The rest of the enlightened monks didn't take action, but chose to wait and see what happened, and let their master and apprentice torment.

"Brother Wan, Fellow Daoist Baili, do you really want that girl to be promoted to the sub-sage level?" Daoist Cailian urged anxiously while attacking.

"It's not that we won't take action, but that we don't have the energy left!" Bai Lihuan smiled lightly, took out a bottle of elixir, poured out three elixirs, and took them silently to restore his vitality.

Wan Jianyang didn't say anything, but he did the same thing.

Daoist Cailian was very angry, but it was not easy to explode at this moment, so he could only be depressed in his heart, and instead tried every means to break through Han Feng's defense.

Taoist Yuhua also showed a sad face, he can't stay here for too long, there is still a clone of him attacking Xiao Qiong over there, if it is delayed for a long time, it may affect the battle situation there.

"Hmph, now that I've reached this point, I don't have anything to keep!" He snorted heavily, and suddenly opened his mouth to spew out another cloud of innate energy, which quickly merged into the sixth-rank world treasure.


The brilliance of this world's treasure became even more brilliant, shaking lightly, strands of supreme dao rhyme crossed towards Han Feng, and it contained countless powers of laws, blending together, the power was boundless.

In just one breath, Han Feng's multi-colored mask was cut open, with a chi-chi sound, and flames shot out.

Sword Spirit Duan Tian was taken aback, but Han Feng remained calm and composed. With a flash of brilliance on his body, the power of the Five Elements Law dissipated on its own, filling the hole in an instant, and successfully stabilized the collapse without further ado. break down.

"You can't stop me!" Daoist Yuhua was furious, he made a series of gestures with both hands, his whole body was brightened, and he had the momentum to break through Han Feng's defense at all costs.

With his efforts, the treasure of the sixth-grade world burst into a more intense flame, full of dao charm, and even the surrounding space began to twist violently.

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