Lord of the Runes

Chapter 1538 Limits

Han Feng knew very well in his heart that if he didn't succeed and instead suffered a setback, the damage to himself would not be normal, and it would even affect his subsequent performance, and he might die because of it.

The group of people paused for a while, and then rushed over again, bombarding them indiscriminately, covering a range of hundreds of feet.

This is still in this special environment. If it were changed to the outside world, I am afraid that this world would have collapsed long ago, and there is no possibility of it remaining.

Han Feng was in the midst of an attacking storm, and every breath felt like a year, but every time he survived, he survived, his defense was not broken, and he stood still.

But he also consciously moved to other places, instead of staying in the same place all the time, which was beneficial for him to use the power of the surrounding environment to share their attack strength.

Those enlightened monks were all old foxes, and they quickly understood his purpose, and cast spells to stop him, which greatly slowed down his movement speed, and he was basically pinned in one place and unable to move.

"Don't bully people too much!" Han Feng roared, holding the Heavenly Broken Sword in his hand, he slashed out a bright sword light, shattering nothingness, cutting across a small team, causing the four of them to vomit blood , retreated more than a hundred feet.

"Why does this guy seem to be stronger? It's unbelievable!" Tu Rihong said in surprise.

"Maybe he used some kind of secret method, but the price must be very high. The more brave he is now, the more vain he is. It won't be long before he can't hold it anymore!" Mouton responded in a low voice with his eyes moving slightly. .

"I hope so!" Tu Rihong said softly.

"Don't think about it so much. The most urgent thing is to gather everyone's strength to break through this guy's defense. We must not let that woman enter a higher realm of cultivation, otherwise we will all suffer!" Long Tianyu said.

The ancestors of the eight major families all nodded silently. It was precisely because of this that they joined hands with Wan Jianyang and others to launch an offensive. Otherwise, they would not have devoted so much energy.

Of course, they also want to gain something here, and no one knows who will be able to control the Tongtian Sword until the last moment.

"We can't procrastinate like this any longer. Let's perform another ten thousand yuan return sword formation and give him the strongest blow!" Wan Jianyang frowned, and suddenly sent a voice transmission to everyone.

It turns out that at this moment, Murong Xue's aura has increased a lot, and a strange dao rhyme burst out from her body, causing thousands of sword qi to gather, and it evolved into countless grotesque scenes, which made people dazzled fan.

Everyone also felt this force, knowing that it was not too late, but they were deeply wary of Wan Jianyang's proposal, they ignored him, they just fought on their own, attacking Han Feng and Murong Xue at the same time.

"Why are you so narrow-minded?" Wan Jianyang looked up to the sky and sighed with a look of hatred.

But for what he did before, no one would trust him, and he was powerless to defend himself, so he had to use his origin and attack with all his strength, trying to prevent Murong Xue from being promoted.

Daoist Cailian and Bailihuan looked at each other, and they also used their trump cards one after another, unleashing a large amount of law power, hitting Han Feng's defense layer one after another like continents.

Unfortunately, at this time, Murong Xue's power dissipated and formed a defensive layer of its own, which weakened their attacks a lot in advance. When they fell in front of Han Feng, they were already much smaller, and they were not in danger of being broken.

"Great, this is an opportunity. I have to hurry up to recover myself, and maybe I can break through the bottleneck of soul power!" Seeing this situation, Han Feng couldn't help being overjoyed.

When he thought of this, he immediately used the Nine Refining Mysterious God Art with all his strength to absorb the remaining souls from all over the place, continuously transforming them into surging soul power, constantly hitting the barrier of the soul sea, trying to break through the bottleneck and go up to a higher level.

The group of Dao enlightened monks became anxious, and continued to join forces to attack with all their strength, but unfortunately it was all to no avail, they couldn't break through the defensive circle of Murong Xue and Han Feng at all.

"Master Cailian, use your treasure again!" Wan Jianyang suggested suddenly.

"The three of us work together, and we can't really push it, unless we pull everyone here!" Taoist Cailian said.

"Then gather everyone's strength!" Baili Huan replied.

As he said that, he took the initiative to transmit the sound transmission to the enlightened monks around him. The enlightened monks of the three sects naturally follow their lead, and there is no problem, but the members of the eight major families have a lot of concerns.

"All of us take a step back. Dao blood is provided by the three of us. You just need to infuse the power of the law. How about it?" Daoist Cailian suddenly changed his strategy and said slowly.

The ancestors of the eight major families still hesitated and did not reply.

"You guys have seen the situation clearly. If you continue to delay, it's not a question of whether we can get a chance, but whether we can escape from this place smoothly!" Bailihuan said coldly.

The ancestors of the eight major families remained silent, but they communicated with each other in secret for a while, and finally Long Tianyu stood up and said: "We promised to assist in mobilizing that sixth-rank world treasure, but we are limited to one time. If you conquer, if you lose, you will all disperse, and there will be no second time!"

"That's natural, we can't do it for the third time either!" Daoist Cailian said with a smile.

After saying this, he told everyone about the method of mobilization, and after they all mastered it, he raised his hands and made a tactic, and sacrificed the world treasure of the sixth rank, the dark blue lotus flower with 81 petals. .

"Hurry up and use the Ninety-Nine Returning Evolution Technique, I won't last long!" Taoist Cailian said with a pale face.

At the same time, he opened his mouth and sprayed out a drop of Dao blood, and with repeated movements, he punched it into the treasure of the world at the sixth-grade level.

Baili Huan and Wan Jianyang didn't dare to neglect, they quickly followed suit, sacrificed their Dao blood, and integrated into this treasure of the world through a special method.

The rest of the Dao-enlightened monks used the Nine-Nine-Nine-Nine Guiding Method one after another, bringing their own powers of various laws into it, making it burst into incomparable brilliance.

It took only three breaths to gain momentum, and the radiance condensed into a beam of light, which rushed out in an instant, directly hitting the defensive shields of Han Feng and Murong Xue.


There was no explosion as expected, just a soft sound, and Murong Xue's invisible shield was broken, followed by Han Feng's defensive light curtain.

But at this moment of life-and-death crisis, Han Feng's eyebrows suddenly lit up brilliantly, and a talisman appeared, it was the ancestral talisman!

It emerged with its real body, forcibly blocking the beam of light.

The violent energy was guided into its inner world by it, and a large piece of land was shattered, but there was no waste, because the land can also be turned into pure energy, which was poured out by the ancestor talisman in reverse, resisting the beam of light , cancel each other out and become invisible.

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