Lord of the Runes

Chapter 1540 Another Sword Pill

An extremely majestic force was released, like countless worlds pressing down on Han Feng and Murong Xue, causing the five-color mask to make a clicking sound.

Han Feng's pressure increased greatly, and the power of the five elements in his body disappeared like running water. He began to make ends meet. According to his assessment, he would be defeated by the opponent without ten breaths.

However, even so, he did not give up, and continued to grit his teeth and persevere. There is nothing to be afraid of when it is far from the end of the mountain!

"Bang bang bang..."

Right at this time, Bailihuan and Wan Jianyang also attacked suddenly. I don't know what they were thinking. Maybe they saw that Han Feng's defeat was imminent, and they wanted to get a share of the action.

Daoist Cailian felt a little disdainful in his heart, but on the surface he looked welcome, and attacked together with them, making Han Feng's colorful mask even more turbulent.

Dao enlightened monks from other sects or families also started to take action one after another, all of them were people who followed the wind and did not want to get any benefits under such circumstances.

"Okay, in this way, you can only hold on for another seven breaths!" Taoist Yuhua laughed, and suddenly grasped the sixth-rank world treasure tightly with both hands, increasing the output of power, making Han Feng's colorful mask gradually dim .

As he said, after only six breaths of time, countless gaps appeared in Han Feng's multicolored mask, and the rays of light collapsed, losing its previous brilliance.

Just when Han Feng and the five-element talisman's defensive circle were about to collapse, Murong Xue suddenly opened her eyes and made a tactic with one hand. A sword floated above her head, emitting a scorching white light. There was almost no space left. The ground replaced the layer of multicolored light shield, and successfully blocked the opponent's attack.

"You're awake, is there anything wrong?" Han Feng heaved a sigh of relief, glanced back at her, and asked with concern.

"It's okay, thanks to my husband for helping me win such a long time, I have successfully promoted to the sub-sage level!" Murong Xue said calmly with a slight smile.

Han Feng nodded, and just as he was about to say something, Duan Tian, ​​the sword spirit, said first, "Then hurry up and kill all these birdmen!"

"Now is not the time to kill them, let's go find another sword pill, I have to collect all the sword pills before Xiao Qiong comes back to life!" Murong Xue said solemnly.

"Is he so powerful? Why are everyone so afraid of him?" Sword Spirit Duan Tian asked in surprise.

"I don't know him well, but as a non-kendo practitioner, he can compete with me for the control of the Heavenly Sword World. He is by no means an ordinary sub-sage!" Murong Xue said with a serious expression.

"That should not be too late. Let's leave here quickly. Where are we going next?" Han Feng probably knew about Xiao Qiong's situation from Mrs. Bai Long's mouth, and understood that Murong Xue's worries were not groundless.

"Continue to the east for three thousand zhang, and I can sense the approximate location of the next sword pill!" Murong Xue said.

"Husband, I will break through their blockade. You take me there, and I have to concentrate most of my strength on snatching the control of this world!" After a short pause, she said to Han Feng again.

"No problem, I have mastered the art of fusion of the five elements, and I can ignore the existence of spatial distance. As long as you break through the blockade, I can deploy it and go to the direction you mentioned in an instant!" Han Feng replied through voice transmission.

Murong Xue nodded, said no more, lightly shook her jade hand, and the sword suspended above her head shot out immediately, sweeping across the surroundings.

The sword energy of the whole world was shaken, and countless sword shadows condensed, rushing towards the group of enlightened monks besieging them like a vast ocean, smashing all their attacks.

Moreover, he rushed to them in the blink of an eye, making them retreat violently, not daring to accept the move.

Even Taoist Yuhua could only resist, but he had already lost the ability to besiege the opponent. After all, he couldn't fully use the power of the sixth-rank world treasure.

Han Feng reacted quickly, and immediately retracted the power of the Five Elements Law. Under the seal of his hands, a formation was formed in an instant, and the runes flashed, and disappeared in an instant with Murong Xue, Duantian Sword and Five Elements Talisman.

When they reappeared, they were three thousand zhang away.

Murong Xue didn't waste any time, her eyes lighted up slightly, a strange power was released from her body, she searched around, and after a while, she found the location of another sword pill.

"It's right here!" Murong Xue pointed to the front left and said quickly.

Han Feng didn't hesitate at all, and immediately raised his hand to slap, the point was immediately sunken, and most of the sword energy was scattered.

However, although his strength had improved significantly, he still couldn't break through the barrier there with one blow.

Without further ado, Murong Xue condensed a lightsaber with one hand, stabbed lightly, like piercing a layer of window paper, and successfully broke through that spot in an instant, revealing a sword pill.

"call out……"

This sword pill was about to fly away, but Murong Xue imprisoned it with a single thought, pulled it back into her hand, and was integrated into her body by it.

Han Feng was a little surprised, he didn't expect Murong Xue to be so powerful after becoming Yasheng.

Murong Xue was not in a hurry to refine the sword pill, but asked Han Feng to continue to move around, looking for the fourth one.

Naturally, Han Feng would not object, and immediately used the Five Elements Teleportation technique, teleporting more than 3000 feet in an instant, to another place.

Daoist Cailian and others had chased here, but Han Feng and Murong Xue had disappeared before they arrived, which made them half-dead from anger.

As for Taoist Yuhua, he didn't know where he ended up, maybe he returned to the central position and joined forces to attack Xiao Qiong.

For them, Xiao Qiong is the biggest opponent, Murong Xue and Han Feng are at best a trouble, but they cannot affect the overall situation.

It is correct to think about it, Xiao Qiong has the power of Jiuxiao Palace as support, once he is resurrected, he will form a huge influence in the human world, enough to break the balance of power of the four major sects for many years.

After a while, Han Feng brought Murong Xue to another location.

Murong Xue did it herself, with extremely high efficiency, within five breaths, she found the spot where the other sword pill was.

She waved her jade hand lightly, a sword light descended from the sky, broke the barrier there in the blink of an eye, and took another sword pill.

Just at this moment, Taoist Cailian and others rushed to this place and wanted to surround them.

But Han Feng took a step faster, arranged the Five Elements Teleportation Array in advance, and escaped successfully.

After crossing another 3000 zhang distance, Han Feng and Murong Xue came to the other side of the altar, where there was also a sword pill, which was successfully excavated by Murong Xue.

However, when they went to another direction, Daoist Cailian and the others stayed there ahead of time and stopped them both in a way of waiting for a rabbit.

Han Feng didn't say anything else, and directly fought.

Although Murong Xue couldn't attack with all his strength, every move contained the brilliant power of this world, making it difficult for this group of Taoist monks to parry.

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