Lord of the Runes

Chapter 152 Chasing and Killing


The Fire Ape King swayed, and spit out a mouthful of blood again, the blood also began to overflow from his chest, and his aura fell to the bottom.

The Fire Ape King's expression changed, he loosened his left hand slightly, and found that the hole had expanded to nearly half an inch wide, only half an inch away from the heart, and blood was flowing out uncontrollably.

Just at this moment, Murong Xue breathed a sigh of relief, made a decisive decision, grabbed the Qiushui long sword, slashed out a bright sword light, and surged the sword energy several feet high, rushing towards the Fire Ape King.

Seeing this, the Fire Ape King snorted heavily, opened his mouth and spat out the white jade bottle, made a decision with one hand, moved his lips slightly, and recited a spell silently, manipulating the white jade bottle to burst out dazzling white flames. A giant tiger nearly ten feet tall raised its two front paws, and with a loud bang, it smashed Murong Xue's attack into pieces. Qiushui's long sword trembled and bounced back.

Murong Xue retreated several tens of zhang, and made a series of tactic with both hands, it took a while to stabilize the Qiushui long sword that was out of control, her chest heaved unsteadily, and she gasped for breath.

The Fire Ape King could no longer suppress the injury in his chest, opened his mouth and spit out another mouthful of blood, his body shook violently, and with a flick of the seal in his hand, the giant white flame tiger also lost strength and dissipated with the wind.

He hastily stretched out his hand and was about to switch back to the white jade bottle, but at this moment, a blade of light stabbed in obliquely, hit the white jade bottle hard, and knocked it away, causing the Fire Ape King to move for a while. Can't take it back.

A hundred zhang away, saber aura pervades, revealing a person, it is Duan Qiu, the swordsman.

Duan Qiu's face was still pale, as if he hadn't recovered from Han Feng's serious injury, but it didn't prevent him from coming to snatch the white jade bottle.I saw him move his feet lightly, one step is more than a hundred feet, he came to the white jade bottle, his left hand densely covered with saber aura stretched out, and he was about to grab the mysterious white jade bottle.

"Dare!" Regardless of the injury, the Fire Ape King completely released his left hand, closed his hands, and quickly made a tactic. The speed of the white jade bottle increased sharply, retreated, turned a corner in mid-air, adjusted its direction, and turned into a white streamer Fly to the Fire Ape King.

Duan Qiu's reaction was also extremely fast. With a turn of the big saber in his right hand, he slashed horizontally with a beam of several feet long. It roared into the sky and exploded again and again, cutting horizontally towards the Fire Ape King.

The Fire Ape King let out a low growl, and as soon as the seal in his hand changed, the white jade bottle flying halfway stopped abruptly, the white flame rose again, the roar of the tiger shook the sky, and a giant white tiger descended again, stretched out its claws, and grabbed Duan Qiu. The sword light was smashed into pieces.

The Fire Ape King gritted his teeth and persisted, but the giant white flame tiger didn't collapse, and charged straight at Duan Qiu. Duan Qiu was terrified. shock.

"Bang bang bang..."

Explosions continued, and monstrous waves rose into the sky.

Duan Qiu was the closest, and the saber energy all over his body was shaken to the point where a hole was exposed. Just at this moment, the giant white flame tiger opened its mouth wide, and a crimson light shot out, hitting him in an instant. Fortunately, he was in danger. He dodged a few feet, but his left shoulder was still pierced. The huge impact force knocked it over, rolled over ten feet away, and fell heavily to the ground, unable to stand up again for a while.

Of course, the giant white flame tiger that used this move also dispersed immediately, and turned into a white jade bottle again. With a flash of white light, it returned to the side of the Fire Ape King in an instant, circling around.

The Fire Ape King's body swayed unceasingly, as if he would fall down at any moment, but so far he still held on, standing upright.

Murong Xue took a deep breath, holding the Autumn Water Sword, stepped forward again, trying to completely kill the Fire Ape King who was almost exhausted.

"Hey, you still want to kill me just because of your small Qi storage? Practice for another 500 years!" Fire Ape King's eyes flashed, he sneered again and again, and the white jade bottle suddenly flew into the hole in his chest , the white flame was burning, instantly sealing the wound, stopping the blood, even temporarily freezing the flashing golden spot inside, making it unable to expand any further.

However, the Fire Ape King did not launch an attack. He kicked his feet quickly, and his whole body rose into the air. In an instant, it turned into an afterimage and flew towards the distance. Although the speed was much slower, it still surpassed speed of sound.

"Don't let him run away!" Han Feng exclaimed, because his body was supported by the Spirit Refining Vajra Art and nourished by many pills, his body recovered very quickly. The ape king chased after him, and at the same time he did not forget to greet Murong Xue.It's a pity that he has not recovered from his serious injuries, and his speed is lower than the speed of sound, so he can only watch the Fire Ape King fly farther and farther.

Han Feng was very anxious. The Fire Ape King knew a lot of his secrets. If he escaped, he would definitely come back.Moreover, if he spread his secrets to the public, he might not have a foothold. Now that he still wants to enjoy his broken talisman and golden cicada worms to himself, Han Feng has to kill them completely. To avoid future troubles.

Murong Xue naturally didn't know Han Feng's many thoughts, but she also wanted to get the white jade bottle, so when she saw the Fire Ape King fleeing suddenly, she didn't even need Han Feng to call her, and immediately flew up, chasing after the Fire Ape King. Go, after a while, he surpassed Han Feng and disappeared into the sky.

Duan Qiu, who was lying motionless on the ground, suddenly stood up, his shoulders were dripping with blood, but his face was not as pale as imagined, and he seemed to have stabilized his injuries. He was just pretending to be dead just now, and his purpose was to fish in troubled waters. Get the fisherman's profit.

He looked into the distance with piercing eyes, and quickly took out a talisman. The talisman was brilliant, and it was a fifth-grade talisman. Baizhang, quickly chasing the Fire Ape King.

Han Feng pursued closely on the ground, but after more than a hundred breaths, both Murong Xue and the Fire Ape King had completely disappeared within the range of his soul power. If it wasn't for the fact that he and Murong Xue still had a connection with the Jade Card of Communication, they would have just died. I was able to turn my eyes black and rely on luck to find their traces.

At this moment, there was a rumbling sound from behind, he swept back his soul power, and suddenly found Duan Qiu coming quickly, but Duan Qiu just gave him a hard look, and then passed over his head , Continue to chase the Fire Ape King.

Han Feng didn't mind either, the more people chased and killed the Fire Ape King, the more benefits he had than the disadvantages.However, if the Fire Ape King was desperate and told his secret in front of everyone in advance, he would be somewhat passive, so he had to rush to the scene as soon as possible and kill the opponent as quickly as possible.

Then he thought about it again, even if the Fire Ape King told his secret, as long as he firmly refused to admit it, and did not reveal the aura of the broken talisman and golden green cicada, with his own strength, I believe they would not be able to do anything to him.The tougher you act, the more likely you will be able to calm them down.Moreover, this kind of thing is very normal, which one of these Tianjiao doesn't have some adventures.

Thinking of this, Han Feng relaxed a little.

Of course, no matter what, he has to go all out to hunt down the opponent!

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