After half a stick of incense, more than ten miles away.

Han Feng came to a desolate place, where magma streams could be seen everywhere, and the heat was unbearable.

From a distance, he could hear the sound of howling swords bursting out from the sky, the sound of knives, and the sound of the fire ape king's explosive attack.

Obviously, Duan Qiu and Murong Xue finally caught up with the Fire Ape King, and a series of battles broke out.

Han Feng cheered up and hurriedly chased after him.

At this moment, in the northwest direction, two rays of light flew obliquely, one red and one purple, like a rainbow, they disappeared in front of Han Feng's eyes after a while, rushing into the battle group ahead.

"These two women from Nine Heavens Palace are also here. Although they are all young, they are all old and cunning! None of them are fuel-efficient!" Han Feng recognized the two of them and muttered to himself, his heart became more serious. A vigilance.


Suddenly there was a shocking explosion in front of him, and even the ground where Han Feng was on shook for a while, which startled him a lot. He tried his best to develop the speed, raised the level of sound speed again, and rushed forward with a gust of wind.

After a while, Han Feng rushed to the battlefield ahead, and saw that the Fire Ape King had lost an arm, and the cut was extremely smooth, like a mirror.What is even more surprising is that his chest has been completely sealed by the white jade bottle, and the golden spots on the edge of the hole have also disappeared, causing his aura to slowly rise again.

And Duan Qiu also fell to the ground again, struggling to take out a bottle of elixir and take it.

Murong Xue's face was pale, without the slightest trace of blood, almost transparent, but fortunately, the long sword of Qiushui still surrounded her body, with cold light shining and sword energy lingering.

Ling Fen and Long Min stood aside, staring at the Fire Ape King solemnly, not daring to continue to attack for a while.

There was an awe-inspiring silence in the arena. Following Han Feng's arrival from a distance, gusts of wind blew up, breaking the silence.

The three girls and the Fire Ape King all looked at Han Feng at the same time, the eyes of the Fire Ape King flashed with hatred, and Murong Xue raised his eyebrows slightly.

"Okay, since we're all here, let's all die!" The Fire Ape King grinned, raised one hand, and a ball of blood appeared in the palm of his hand. Shoot out and disappear in an instant.

Han Feng's face changed in shock, he crossed his hands together, and the Spirit Refining Vajra Technique in his body began to circulate crazily, purple light formed into a shield, and with a bang, the bloody light shot onto his purple light shield in an instant, and the bloody light contained The extremely strong sharp force pierced through, causing the purple light shield to collapse immediately.The lingering prestige of the blood was still there, and it hit him on the chest, causing him to retreat more than ten feet in a row, and spit out a mouthful of blood.Fortunately, at the critical moment, a large amount of spiritual power suddenly surged from the various meridians, flesh and blood of his body, converging in the outer skin, making his purple skin go further, and a layer of purple light film appeared in an instant, which will become thinner A lot of blood light was blocked, leaving only faint white marks, preventing the blood light from entering his body, otherwise the consequences would be more than just spitting out a mouthful of blood.

The Fire Ape King narrowed his eyes slightly, showing a little surprise. He was already more and more surprised by Han Feng's body. Although his blood light attack just now was not the most powerful, it was quick and sudden. After some minor injuries, it seemed that Han Feng's physical defense ability had improved a bit.

In fact, Han Feng was also stunned for a moment, and after careful inspection, he found that the golden spots on his outer skin were much less, and he had taken a big step towards a pure purple outer skin. He didn't know the specific reason for this. , perhaps after repeated traumas, he got tempered instead.

The Fire Ape King snorted, his figure flickered, and he disappeared in place, with afterimages. Just as Han Feng had just stood still, he suddenly came up to Han Feng, stretched out one hand, his five fingers became claws, and blood flashed , grabbing his throat.

Han Feng turned pale with shock. At this moment, all the escape routes on the left and right sides seemed to be blocked by the Fire Ape King. He could only retreat quickly, but he still couldn't get rid of the opponent's pursuit. The stronger it is, the more difficult it is to break free like being in a sticky quagmire.

Just when he didn't know what to do, an extremely bright sword light slashed uncontrollably, chopping off the arm of the Fire Ape King.

At the same time, Ling Fen and Long Min also turned into fire phoenix and purple dragon, roaring towards them, threatening to devour them.

The Fire Ape King was close in front of him, and he suddenly grinned, revealing a strange smile, and he didn't know how he moved. His only wrist was suddenly severed, and he continued to attack Han Feng like an arrow leaving the string.And his arm turned around, and a bloody light condensed at the extremely smooth fracture, blocking in front of the sword light like a big sword, with a chirping sound, the two phases canceled out, and disappeared.

At this moment, the departing wrist came to Han Feng in an instant, almost touching his neck. At the critical moment of life and death, he let out an angry roar, lowered his head suddenly, and hit the Fire Ape King with his head. On this wrist, purple light flashed, and there was a loud bang. The Fire Ape King's wrist was shattered, but his forehead was also red, and the huge recoil force made him fall backwards with his head up. A human-shaped pothole was smashed out of the hot and hard ground, as deep as a foot.


The shattered wrist of the Fire Ape King exploded without warning, setting off a terrifying bloody flame. Han Feng was the first to bear the brunt of the impact. He was hit on top of his body, and immediately sank a foot deep. Even though he was protected by purple skin, he was still burned , there are more than 20 black spots all over his body, and his clothes are ragged.

Han Feng was in severe pain all over his body, and he groaned and couldn't recover for a while.

The Fire Ape King leaped high, and was about to rush forward and kill Han Feng completely with the momentum of Mount Tai. Since he couldn't escape from this place for the time being, he should kill Han Feng first to vent his hatred.

However, this time he has no chance.

At this moment, Ling Fen and Long Min rushed over, the dragon and the phoenix attacked together, a red-black flame and a purple-blue dragon claw killed them.

At this moment, the spiritual energy in the sky seemed to be boiling, stirring and rolling, rumbling loudly, spreading in all directions.

The Fire Ape King was frightened and furious, so he had to retreat in the air, his blood swelled up, rushing out like a wave, piece by piece, layer by layer, blocking the attacks of the two girls, the collision exploded again and again, the air waves soared into the sky, within a hundred feet It's all chaos.

Fortunately, with a flash of white light at this moment, Murong Xue came to Han Feng's side, protecting him from the raging wind in all directions.In addition, she didn't stay idle, she raised the Qiushui long sword in her hand from time to time, slashing out several zhang long sword lights, often attacking the weakest defense of the Fire Ape King.

"Hmph, I really thought I couldn't do anything to you!" The Fire Ape King stared wide-eyed, snorted heavily, kicked his left foot suddenly, and suddenly broke, rushed into the space between Ling Fen and Long Min, and exploded Come on, a more intense bloody flame erupted than when the wrist exploded, sweeping across a radius of tens of feet.

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