Lord of the Runes

Chapter 151 Counterattack

Murong Xue emerged from time to time, using her white lotus swordsmanship with all her strength, and blocked the Fire Ape King from breaking out time and time again, but her face was already as pale as paper, without a trace of blood, and it was obvious that she was about to reach her limit.

The Fire Ape King roared again and again, he didn't expect that a small girl in the Qi storage realm could trap him for half a stick of incense, he couldn't bear it anymore, his eyes flashed fiercely, and his big mouth with protruding fangs suddenly opened He opened it, spat out a bottle with a thick mouth, it was the magical white jade bottle, he grabbed it in the palm of his right hand, while resisting Murong Xue's repeated attacks, while silently chanting a mantra, the blood glistening all over his body, bursts of terrifying Breath continuously poured into the white jade bottle.


After a gust of wind, his right hand began to fluctuate strangely, and the air in all directions rushed out continuously, forming a layer of wind waves higher than one layer, and the sound of whistling sounded one after another.

The next moment, he opened his right hand, and the white jade bottle was gone, leaving only a ball of pure white light, like water waves, swaying up, hanging above his head, unfolding against the wind, and turning into a ten-foot in the blink of an eye Xu Kuanda swelled up like blowing bubbles, but his appearance was unbreakable, even though Murong Xue showed up and gave him a few heavy blows, he was still unscathed.

This white light bubble became bigger and bigger, and it broke through the snow-white lotus flowers under Murong Xue's cloth in a short while, without any hindrance, it was like breaking through a bamboo, like destroying the dead.

Murong Xue's face changed in shock, her main body emerged, she quickly withdrew her hands, the Qiushui long sword surrounded her body, and quickly retreated.

"I just want to leave now, isn't it a bit late!" Fire Ape King's icy voice came suddenly, the white light bubble suddenly exploded, and circles of white light shock waves spread out, Murong Xue was the first to bear the brunt, even with the sky full of sword energy The body guard was also shaken all over, and he spit out a mouthful of blood uncontrollably.

The Fire Ape King's eyes lit up, he opened his mouth and sucked in a breath, a strange force surged out instantly and enveloped Murong Xue.she

The mouthful of blood was plundered by the other party and flew into the mouth of the Fire Ape King, and that strange force was still pulling her flesh and blood, making the blood in her body unstable and turbulent, as if she was scrambling to rush out.

Murong Xue snorted, raised her hands quickly, and moved her fingers together, the Qiushui long sword buzzed, white light surged, and the electric shot shot out, directly grabbing the opponent's head.

The sword intent is like ice, and the air is like a cold current!

Phantoms of white lotus fluttered all over the sky, and there seemed to be faint thunderclaps, this sword was Murong Xue's strongest blow!

The Fire Ape King didn't dare to be negligent, he quickly closed his mouth, stopped absorbing Murong Xue's mouthful of blood, clapped his palms continuously, and shot out a large area of ​​red light, but he couldn't resist Murong Xue's attack at all, and was directly pierced by his long sword of autumn water. Through, the mouthful of blood that surpassed her own pierced indomitably.

The Fire Ape King's lips moved slightly, as if he was reciting a spell silently, and when he raised his right hand, the white jade bottle appeared again, and shot directly at Murong Xue's Autumn Water sword, with a crisp clang, the two trembled a few times, and then they were separated.

Murong Xue's eyes flashed, her hands suddenly closed, the sword formula changed, the Qiushui long sword in front of her trembled, and happened to meet with her own blood, an astonishing spiritual pressure burst out suddenly, and the spiritual energy gathered in the sky , such as hundreds of rivers entering the sea, forming a big vortex, the long sword of autumn water becomes more transparent, as if it is about to turn into nothingness, disappears in an instant, like teleporting, across a distance of several feet, before the eyebrows of the Fire Ape King, just To stab into it with a sword.


At some point, the white jade bottle popped up again, just blocking the Qiushui long sword, made a crisp sound, burst out circles of dazzling brilliance, and shook each other back.

With a flash of white light from the white jade bottle, it sank into the center of Fire Ape King's brow again, and his figure receded violently. Two wisps of bright red blood overflowed from the corners of his eyes, and flowed into the hair all over his face. A lot, obviously suffered a lot of trauma.

Murong Xue failed to pursue the victory, she opened her mouth to spit out a mouthful of blood, her body swayed, almost fell down.The Qiushui long sword was also shocked, its momentum dropped sharply, and it turned back, circling around its body endlessly.

"What a sharp sword!" Fire Ape King's eyes were shining brightly, he stopped the blood flow from the corner of his eyes in an instant, he opened his mouth to admire, but his hands were not idle, he quickly made a tactic, his fingers flew, and a bloody light suddenly shot from his body As it floated out, spiritual energy from the sky gathered and quickly turned into a long sword, about three feet long, it shot out and stabbed at Murong Xue.

The blood sword was as fast as lightning, and before Murong Xue took a breath, it came to her in an instant, collided violently with the sword energy she released, the energy rushed in all directions, swishing, and bursting out from time to time Wisps of lightning swept across more than ten feet, blasting out large scorched holes in the ground.

Murong Xue's body trembled unceasingly, as if she was going to be unable to hold on in the next moment, at this moment, a cicada chirped from a distance, followed by a golden light, which shot in front of the Fire Ape King in an instant.

His complexion changed drastically, but it was too late, he only had time to avoid the position of the heart, and was pierced through the chest by the light, leaving a black hole with a thick thumb, and no blood flowed out, but he vomited a big mouthful of blood, covering his whole body. The breath weakened rapidly, and the blood sword that was attacking Murong Xue in front also collapsed, turned into a bloody light again, and dissipated.

These are not a problem, the point is that the hole in his chest is slowly expanding. After a closer look, it turns out that there is still a little golden spot in the hole, which is constantly eating away at his flesh and blood. The hole expanded by more than [-]%.

"You boy..." The Fire Ape King stretched out his left hand to hold his chest, and blood-red rays of light kept emitting to block the corrosion of the golden spots. Then he turned his head and looked at Han Feng who was standing in the distance behind him at some point.

The Fire Ape King was furious. He had thought that Han Feng was powerless to fight again, but he didn't expect him to stand up and come behind him calmly, seizing such a good opportunity to launch this fatal blow.

In fact, he has always been wary of the residual talisman and golden cicada in Han Feng's body, that's why he left Murong Xue earlier and turned to attack Han Feng, the purpose is to disable him so that he can't threaten him.

It's a pity that man's calculation is not as good as heaven's calculation. He didn't expect that Murong Xue could completely entangle him, and Han Feng could recover so quickly.

Han Feng's face was pale, he barely stood up straight, his eyes were closed tightly, and the golden light between his brows was gradually fading away.

He opened his eyes and looked at the Fire Ape King. Without any unnecessary nonsense, he took a breath, clenched his hands, and immediately punched out two purple light fists, rushing straight to the Fire Ape King.

The Fire Ape King raised his right hand, swung it suddenly, and immediately set off a large red wind, which collided with Han Feng's purple light fist. Amidst the roar, they canceled each other out and disappeared.

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