Lord of the Runes

Chapter 150 Compliance

The sword light is like snow, and its glory is like the sun.

A wave of the sky was stirred up, and it rushed towards the Fire Ape King with lightning speed.

"That's interesting!" The Fire Ape King showed a playful smile, raised his right hand, and punched out without any extra movement.

The red light flashed by, and a crimson fist flashed out. Accompanied by the strong wind, it became bigger and bigger, and it became nearly three feet in size almost in one breath. , so that the sky was buzzing.

In the next moment, Han Feng's sword slash landed on the shadow of the opponent's fist, and there was a sharp sound like a metal impact. The strength exploded, scraping a few white marks in the air, and the sonic boom continued.

Han Feng took a few steps back, narrowly dodging a powerful impact, but his face was as pale as paper.

Immediately afterwards, the sword glow and the fist shadow competed to disintegrate and dissipated, as if they had never appeared before.

The Fire Ape King crossed his arms, his eyes gleaming, and he asked slowly: "What about your broken talisman, why hasn't it appeared yet? Do you still want me to enter your soul sea?"

Han Feng secretly groaned, he had already communicated with the residual talisman repeatedly, but there was no movement after so long, it seemed that it had no intention of appearing at all.

In fact, he also knew that even if the residual talisman appeared, it might not be of any help, after all, it would only hide in the sea of ​​souls and show its might, never showing itself to attack.

The Fire Ape King smiled faintly, and continued: "Then I will maim you, the host, if you don't believe it won't come out!"

As he said that, he punched again, and he also punched out a huge fist shadow with the size of three feet, but there were some pure white flames around the shadow of the fist, burning blazingly, and the air was scorched, obviously extremely hot .

Han Feng looked at this attic-sized Scarlet Flame Fist. He didn't have any real energy in his body, and he couldn't swing his sword light to stop him. He could only clenched his fists tightly and used the purple light of his body to make a series of fist shadows. Suddenly, seven or eight purple fist shadows filled the air, flew over, and collided with the red flame fist shadow of the Fire Ape King one after another. Amidst the loud bang, the purple fist shadows were all wiped out, and the red flame fist shadow of the Fire Ape King continued to charge , the pressure is like a mountain, and he pursues Han Feng relentlessly.

As soon as Han Feng retreated again and again, he was about to be smashed into meatloaf by this fist shadow. At this moment, pieces of sword light suddenly appeared, stabbing diagonally, and slashed on the scarlet flame fist shadow. Liantian actually smashed it, but all the sword lights also scattered away.

"Hey, so you still have helpers!" Fire Ape King was not in a hurry, with a smile on his face, he turned his head to look at Murong Xue who came to Han Feng's right hand at some time.

Han Feng was rushed by the aftermath, his face turned even paler, but he was greatly relieved in his heart, secretly glad that he was not mistaken, Murong Xue really kept his promise, and came back to rescue at such a critical moment.

"Senior Sister, I knew you would come back, haha!" Han Feng turned around and grinned.

Murong Xue didn't answer, she stared at the Fire Ape King with a sullen face, the sword energy all over her body became stronger and stronger, there was a faint whistling sound, she was always on guard, lest the other party launch a sudden attack, she had seen his speed before.

The Fire Ape King looked calm, he didn't show any anxiety because of Murong Xue's appearance, he clasped his hands on his chest, and waited for Han Feng to recover.

Han Feng swallowed a large amount of elixir, and finally recovered a little qi in his body, and his complexion also slightly improved.

A fierce look flashed across the Fire Ape King's eyes, he let go of his hands, and closed his palms the size of cattail leaf fans together, making a crackling sound, and then there was a crackling sound as his whole body trembled, but his aura became more restrained and hidden. .It seems that his body has become more rounded and harmonious, and his gestures and gestures are all agile and extraordinary.

Murong Xue looked stunned, sighed, and said regretfully: "It turns out that your Excellency has been in the stage of merging the new body just now, but unfortunately we were all scared away!"

The Fire Ape King looked at Murong Xue, a look of admiration flashed in his eyes, he smiled lightly, and said: "What a girl, at your age, it's really good to have this insight, but it's a pity..."

"You all have to die!"

He shouted fiercely, and just as he finished speaking, he crossed his hands and swung forward fiercely, two crossed red lights flew out like cross swords, rose against the wind, and became ten feet wide in an instant, With a loud bang, it directly attacked Murong Xue and Han Feng.

Murong Xue's face was solemn, and the long sword of autumn water in her hand floated up, spinning endlessly in mid-air, countless sword qi flew all over the sky, criss-crossing, and quickly transformed into a snow-white lotus, nearly ten feet wide, blocking the opponent's cross cut .

After a while, the two collided, and the air wave lifted the sky, just like thunder roaring, deafening.

Han Feng resisted with all his strength, but his whole body was still trembling, and he couldn't help but retreated more than ten feet. His bodyguard's purple light was suppressed by Man Tianling, and he almost collapsed.

Of course, both sides of the war were having a hard time, as they couldn't stand still and retreated a few steps.

The difference is that the Fire Ape King stabilized his body first, kicked his feet, and his huge body rushed towards him like a cannonball, forming a violent wind, which was invincible. Blocking him for half a step, he rushed to Han Feng's front in half a breath, and smashed his fists with momentum like a rainbow, smashing like two mountains.

Han Feng's eyes were full of fear, but he still didn't give up. He gritted his teeth and raised his hands to support him. The purple light all over his body rolled up, forming a light shield several feet wide, blocking the opponent's fists.


With a loud bang, the purple light shield collapsed, followed by sonic booms, sending Han Feng far away and falling to the ground.

However, the Fire Ape King was also blocked by this counter-shock force, and he took a step back to stabilize his body. Just as he was about to take advantage of the victory and pursue him, Murong Xueren killed him from the side with his sword.

I saw snow-white lotus flowers drifting towards the sky with the towering sword energy, and surrounded the Fire Ape King in an instant. Murong Xue was flickering in the sword energy, and from time to time she approached her, swaying towards the Fire Ape King. A piece of sword light.

The Fire Ape King was terrified and roared continuously, a large number of white flames burst out from his body from time to time, intercepting Murong Xue's sword light, and they fought on par with each other.

Han Feng had countless broken ribs on his body. He struggled to get up and fell down several times. He even vomited a few mouthfuls of blood. Finally, he sat up straight and took out a large amount of elixir, which only stabilized the injury. , to avoid getting worse, but he didn't even have the strength to continue standing up, let alone go to help Murong Xue.

He watched Murong Xue fighting against the Fire Ape King with dazed eyes. He could clearly feel that Murong Xue's aura was gradually weakening. It seemed that he couldn't last long after launching this move. On the other hand, the Fire Ape King became more and more courageous as he fought, and almost broke through a few times. The siege of Murong Xue.

Han Feng sighed secretly, closed his eyes, immersed himself in the sea of ​​souls, and began to call out the residual talisman deeply.

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