Lord of the Runes

Chapter 134 Destination

Murong Xue had no expression on her face, she glanced at him coldly, and said flatly: "You are late."

Han Feng was stunned for a moment, then hurriedly nodded and smiled, "That's, that's, I'm late and kept my senior sister waiting, I'm really sorry, I'll kill a few more youngsters later, to do my best for my senior sister Mianli."

"Hmph, don't hold back when the time comes, let's go!" Murong Xue said coldly, as she said, she ran in the direction of Chiyan Island first, her speed was extremely fast, and she traveled hundreds of feet without a sound. Much faster than the speed of sound.

Han Feng tried his best to catch up with her, but he couldn't catch up with her, so he could only use his soul power to say: "Senior sister, we are going to snatch the treasure, not rushing to reincarnate, don't be in such a hurry."

Murong Xue's face twitched slightly, and she responded silently, but her speed still slowed down, allowing Han Feng to follow slowly, and the two of them drove side by side and quickly rushed to their destination.

Chiyan Island is almost located in the central area of ​​Chiyan Valley, surrounded by magma rivers criss-crossing, forming a magma lake. spectacular.

Half a day later, Han Feng and Murong Xue finally came here. If they were in other places, they would probably be able to arrive in less than half an hour at their speed. But this is the Red Flame Valley, and there are inexplicable dangers everywhere, and there are many obstacles on the road. , Detoured a lot of distance, so it took so much time.

Moreover, along the way, the two of them often encountered monks rushing to the island, and each team had extreme warriors. There was once a team with no eyesight trying to intercept the two of them.

Before Han Feng could make a move, Murong Xue used thunderous means to arouse sword energy all over the sky and killed him indiscriminately. Only the extreme man escaped, but he also paid the price with a wrist.

In addition to this battle, the two of them were also blocked by a team of three extreme men, but with the joint efforts of the two of them, they successfully beheaded one extreme man and broke out of the team's encirclement. Severely injured several Tianjiao figures like Duan Tian.

Since then, the prestige of the two of them has been spread by some onlookers, and the rest of the teams put away their contempt, and no longer covet them.

Standing on a slightly protruding boulder, Han Feng looked at the thousands of feet wide lava lake in front of him, especially those tall pillars of flame that rushed out from time to time, he couldn't help frowning, and glanced at Murong Xue , asked in a low voice: "Senior Sister, has anyone gone up?

"Ten days ago, the four major sects organized a group of extreme warriors to attack, but under the obstruction of the ape king and more than a hundred silver-haired adult fire apes, they failed. Instead, five or six extreme warriors fell. Competing for the storage rings of those dead extreme warriors, killing each other, and more than a dozen people were killed or injured, and then they dispersed. Since then, no one has been able to organize a group of people to join forces to fight together. Everyone has their own ghosts. Who doesn't believe anyone!" Murong Xue seemed to have personally experienced that battle, and she spoke very clearly.

Han Feng couldn't help but think of what that Linglong Palace Mo Shang said. He didn't expect that his information was similar to what Murong Xue said. It was indeed of a certain level. He thought to himself: "If I meet this person again in the future, I'm sure I will You can consider collecting it for your own use, maybe it will be of great use in the future."

"What are you thinking about, so preoccupied?" Murong Xue's indifferent voice reached his ears, and he woke up suddenly.

"It's nothing, I just suddenly felt that we humans are too ridiculous, we might as well be united by a group of strange beasts." Han Feng said with a little emotion.

Murong Xue took a deep look at him, snorted suddenly, and said with a sneer: "Moaning without illness, the monks who enter here are all involuntary people, they all want to survive, so there's no right or wrong!"

Han Feng was too lazy to argue with her on such a high-level issue, not to mention that he half-understood, and immediately smiled, and changed the subject and asked: "Then why did so many monks gather here this time? Everyone forgets the pain when the scar is healed, is life a bitch?"

Murong Xue frowned, seeing that what he said was vulgar, but there was still some unreasonable reason, so she said angrily: "Then you are also guilty."

Han Feng chuckled and stared at her with playful eyes, which meant each other.

Murong Xue was annoyed by this, she stared at her phoenix eyes, and was about to reprimand her, when a cyan rainbow suddenly appeared in the distance behind her, and it landed, revealing a slender man, dressed in green clothes, with resolute features, thick eyebrows and big eyes , with a big knife on his back.

The person who came was Duan Qiu, the swordsman Han Feng had seen before.

"Fairy, you're here too!" Duan Qiu's eyes lit up suddenly, he walked forward a few steps, looked at Murong Xue with a rare smile, and greeted him.

Murong Xue nodded towards him, it was regarded as a courtesy.

Han Feng was very vigilant. He had seen the opponent's strength with his own eyes. He could kill a genius like Duan Tian with a single blow, which was not comparable to ordinary extreme people.

Duan Qiu also looked at Han Feng at this time, and suddenly asked, "You little thief, did you return the fire lotus to the fairy?"

Han Feng was slightly startled, he didn't expect that the other party would have already noticed his existence that day, but at this moment, he couldn't just lose his momentum, and said indifferently: "This is an agreement between me and my senior sister, it seems to have nothing to do with your Excellency, right?"

"Hmph, you don't have the right to say more here, so you just answer, did you return the fire lotus to the fairy?" Duan Qiu snorted coldly, took a step forward, and continued to ask, with saber lights flashing all over his body.

Han Feng was about to pass Murong Xue and face him directly, but Murong Xue lightly stood in front of him, surrounded by sword energy, stopped the opponent's coercion, and said indifferently: "You don't have to worry about it, Junior Brother Han has already handed over the fire lotus to me. In my hands, do you still want to compete with me?"

Hearing this, Duan Qiuwen saw Murong Xue standing in front of Han Feng without hesitation, his expression changed slightly, but in the end he smiled lightly, shook his head, and replied, "Duan didn't mean that, you and I were together that day. In this battle, I lost a move after all, and the fire lotus is what you deserve."

After a pause, he went on to say: "However, with the gathering of heroes this time, and the ape king blocking it, the white lotus is not so easy to obtain. Why don't you and I join forces and unite swords and swords? I dare not say that we are invincible, but the odds are against you." It must increase greatly.”

When Murong Xue heard this, the expression on her face changed, the strength of the swordsman Duan Qiu, she had fought against him many times, she understood very clearly, with his help, it would really be like a tiger with wings added, just like what he said In that way, the chances of winning will be multiplied many times.

Duan Qiu saw that Murong Xue was moved, and was about to say a few more good words about cooperation, but Han Feng interrupted at this time: "Hey, don't bother Your Excellency, with Han's help, Senior Sister is enough to face all enemies Already!"

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