Lord of the Runes

Chapter 133 Invitation

Han Feng was startled at first, but seeing that he didn't use all his strength, he couldn't help being a little stunned. He immediately unfolded the purple light on his body shield, without transforming into a light shield, and just pushed up like this. With a chirping sound, the opponent's sword light entered his shield. After a while, the purple light on the body was blocked, but a violent explosive force blasted out, shaking it away several feet, and even the purple light on the body swayed.

Of course, the sword light on Murong Xue's fingertips also collapsed and disappeared without a trace.

Han Feng's expression was embarrassing, he let out a low growl, and rushed forward, and the shadows of purple light fists also swayed out. In an instant, his aura spread for tens of feet, and the sharp wind hit the forest in this area, making a loud noise. The leaves are flying.

Murong Xue's face was calm, and when she raised her jade hand, the sword light from her fingertips jumped out, instantly setting off sword energy all over the sky, disturbing the whole world, all the shadows of purple light fists were pressed back by the invisible sword energy, shattered and dissipated.

Han Feng was dumbfounded, and was about to continue to attack, but Murong Xue suddenly put down his jade hand, and the sword energy all over the sky disappeared, as if it had never appeared before.

Han Feng had no choice but to stop there, put away the purple light on his body, stepped forward, and said with a bit of embarrassment: "Senior sister can defeat me without using a sword, what a genius!"

"I've already drawn my sword." Murong Xue shook her head and said calmly.

Han Feng was a little confused, and was about to ask, but Murong Xue looked up at him, and suddenly said: "Your strength is not bad, you can help me, come with me to snatch the twelfth grade elixir white lotus on Chiyan Island !"

"White lotus?" Han Feng wondered.

"Actually, it's also a fire lotus flower, but the fire energy contained in it exceeds a certain critical point, so it turns white." Murong Xue explained, and after a slight pause, she continued: "It is very useful to me, and everything will come true." After that, I will not treat you badly!"

"Okay then, I'll give up my life to accompany the beauty!" The purpose of Han Feng's visit to Scarlet Flame Valley this time was to go to Red Flame Island and obtain that large piece of Shining Stone, and now an expert like Murong Xue invited him Go, with her presence, he is even more fearless.He had already burst into laughter in his heart, but his face showed a solemn expression, as if he had paid a very high price, and there were tears in his eyes.

"Three days later, we are still meeting here, and we will leave at that time!" Murong Xue glanced at him, then turned around and left suddenly, not knowing where he was going for a moment.

Han Feng stared at the white shadow, stood there for a while, then turned back to Situ Shaomei and the others.

"Senior Brother Han, where is Senior Sister Murong?" The little girl approached Han Feng, looked back, and asked.

"She left beforehand, and you all should leave Scarlet Flame Valley as soon as possible. It will become more dangerous here, and I have to go too, and there will be a later date!" Han Feng looked at this charming woman with a smile on his face. The lively little girl took one look, then raised her head to look around the others, and said loudly.

As he spoke, he cupped his fists slightly at the crowd, and then walked away, disappearing in an instant, leaving more than a dozen of them staring at each other, not knowing what to do.

In the end, most of the people turned their heads to look at the three Tianjiao figures. Anyway, they have been leading this team all along.

"Withdraw!" The three Tianjiao people discussed for a while, but they were not tempted by the treasures here, so they made such a decision with one voice.

Afterwards, a group of more than ten of them rushed to the outer area of ​​Scarlet Flame Valley. Fortunately, they made this decision because some big forces started to clear the field the next day. , were all beaten and killed to varying degrees, and some were even completely annihilated, which was extremely bloody.But all of this is reasonable, any big power would not want to be picked up by some small teams after their decisive battle with the ape king.

After Han Feng left that place, he sneaked all the way, but returned to a mountain peak on the edge of Scarlet Flame Valley, dug a cave, covered it up, and hid in it, silently recharging his energy.

He took out several bottles of pills and took them one by one. First, he eliminated some old wounds in his body. After a lot of tossing, half a day passed.

Then, he took out the space storage bag where the seven-star chrysanthemum was placed, opened it, and found that there was another flower bud emerging from the position of the seven-star chrysanthemum that he had eaten before, but the psychic liquid inside the space storage bag He also consumed more than half of it, so he had to transition in from the storage ring and fill it up again.

Without much hesitation, he picked off the seven-star chrysanthemum in the middle, put away the space storage bag again, and swallowed the seven-star chrysanthemum.

The cold air entered his body, but the spiritual power filled his whole body. He didn't take the initiative to run the Spirit Refining Vajra Art, it had already been activated automatically, silently refining the spiritual power and transforming it into special power to temper his outer skin.

This time Han Feng used Tianlong Yuqi Jue with all his strength, he had to raise his true energy to a perfect state, at least he had to fill his dantian and meridians.

Time passed by little by little, and another day passed in a blink of an eye.

Han Feng's meridians were finally full of true energy, and even his dantian was almost [-]% full, but he found that the spiritual power of the Seven Star Chrysanthemum had been exhausted. However, nearly half of the spiritual power was still taken away.

Of course, after nearly half of the spiritual power was converted into special power, it was not wasted. It really made his skin tougher, and even the purple light on his body was a little more, but there was still a trace of golden light remaining in it , and it seems that relying on foreign objects has been unable to completely reach the peak of the purple light level.For this, he can only let nature take its course.

Han Feng had no choice but to take off another Seven Star Chrysanthemum and continue to increase his zhenqi storage.

Time is like water, quietly flowing away, sinking into the unknown future, and a new day begins again.

In the cave, Han Feng slowly opened his eyes, and suddenly a scorching light burst out, illuminating everything in the cave.After a while, he stood up, and there were a series of clicking sounds all over his body, and his whole figure seemed to be a little taller.

Han Feng didn't stay long, and with a loud bang, he kicked away the boulder blocking the cave, and the dust and grass clippings flew up, turning into an afterimage and disappearing on the mountain.

Half a day later, Han Feng came to the forest again, and found the place where he met Murong Xue before.

Through a few big trees, he vaguely saw a snow-white figure. He quickened his pace, and his eyes suddenly lit up. Suddenly, a peerless beauty was standing under a big tree, standing quietly, like a fairy lotus blooming.

This person is naturally Murong Xue.

A bright light flashed in Han Feng's eyes, he took a few steps forward, and said with a smile: "Beauty, it's really fate, we meet again!"

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