Lord of the Runes

Chapter 135 Overlapping in March

Duan Qiu choked slightly, swallowed back the words in his mouth, looked at Han Feng, smiled, but didn't speak, just looked at Murong Xue.

Han Feng could see his disdainful expression, but he didn't care, he was just looking at the other party's displeasure, deliberately disrupting the situation, but he knew in his heart that Murong Xue would probably agree, even if the two sides didn't trust each other, there might be such a situation. The help of the strong can still play a big role in the ensuing disputes.

Murong Xue also didn't speak, but she shook her head in the end, causing Duan Qiu to snort heavily, glared at Han Feng fiercely, then soared into the sky and flew to the other side, there seemed to be a shadow of someone in the distance Moving, exuding powerful spiritual pressure fluctuations, it may be the gathering place for his Yuxianzong disciples.

"Uh, senior sister, I just said it casually just now, don't you take it seriously?" Han Feng glanced at Murong Xue secretly, and asked in a low voice with some fear.

"Of course, so the next battle will depend on you!" Murong Xue still looked like a frosty beauty, but her tone was a little more playful.

"Ah, I can't do it, people will die like this!" Han Feng waved his hands quickly, with a frightened expression on his face, and added specifically: "No, I'd better get that Duan Toad back to be our thug!"

"Duan Toad?" Murong Xue knew that he was putting on a gesture, but she still frowned when she heard this word, and couldn't help asking.

"Hey, it's that kid Duan Qiu, the toad wants to eat swan meat, who else could it be!" Han Feng laughed.

Murong Xue couldn't help smiling, but the smile was fleeting. She turned her back to Han Feng, looked up at the night sky, and found that the three silver moons were already very close, and said lightly: "There are still two or three hours, three The silver moons will overlap, and when the time comes, the sky and the earth will become silvery, and when the snow is blowing and the cold air is at its strongest, that is when the fire ape group is weakest, so we, the limitless people, have rushed here."

Suddenly, Han Feng couldn't help raising his head to look up. Sure enough, the three silver moons were close together, and there was almost no gap between them. The silver glow was much stronger, but the place was still hot. It didn't cool down at all.

Murong Xue didn't say any more, just sat down cross-legged on the spot, closed her eyes and meditated, not afraid of the heat here at all.

Of course, Han Feng wasn't afraid anymore, he also sat down, protecting himself from the heat from the ground with the purple light on his body.

Time passed slowly as the two of them sat quietly to recuperate the breath in their bodies, and more than two hours passed before they knew it.The three silver moons in the sky finally overlapped together, bursting out with extremely bright silver light, and from top to bottom, heavy snow fell down immediately, but when it fell to this area for more than a hundred feet, it was melted into rainwater again, splashing It slammed down, but failed to fall to the ground. When it was about ten feet away, it was evaporated into gas again by the heat here, and diffused. As time went by, a thin layer of mist shrouded the midair.

Fog-locked Red Flame Valley!

At this time, the monks lurking around Chiyan Island stood up one after another, emitting different lights, and flew towards Chiyan Island, using various means to cross the sea of ​​flames thousands of feet away.

Murong Xue and Han Feng opened their eyes, stood up as well, looked at each other, and immediately turned and ran towards Chiyan Island.

Murong Xue was already able to fly with Qi control, surrounded by sword energy all over her body, she flew away without a trace in an instant.Han Feng was not left behind, he ran on his own, and when he got close to the magma lake, he took out a fourth-grade talisman whirlwind talisman, wrapped himself in the power of the whirlwind talisman, and flew towards Scarlet Flame Valley at a breath of tens of feet.

At this moment, except for some monks who have comprehended the method of controlling air flight in advance, most of the monks use the power of talismans to cross the flames. It was faster than a strong man like Murong Xue, and landed on Chiyan Island a few breaths earlier.

But these people didn't have time to be happy. As soon as they got ashore, they encountered a fierce attack from the fire ape stationed nearby. The flames blazed and the sound of explosions was endless.

Han Feng's soul power was unleashed, and he saw those fire apes from a distance of hundreds of feet. There were more than a hundred heads, and each head was about ten feet high. With a tuft of silver hair, these silver-haired adult fire apes are all extremely strong, and when they swing their casserole-sized fists, they can shake out a large amount of flames, which is as powerful as ordinary extreme people.

However, as more and more monks landed on the shore, these adult fire apes stationed on the side were routed, leaving behind the corpses of five or six ordinary adult fire apes, and kept retreating.Of course, some monks were injured or even died during this brief contact, but instead it aroused the resentment of the crowd, and they chased and beat them fiercely.

After a few more breaths, Han Feng finally came to the shore. Instead of participating in the pursuit of the Fire Ape, he started secretly looking for the large piece of Yixin Stone that was rumored.

As for the matter of assisting Murong Xue, there is no rush, only after the Fire Ape King is completely defeated and even killed by gathering everyone's strength, it is possible to fight for the White Lotus. After all, the location of the White Lotus is in the residence of the Fire Ape King .

Han Feng released his soul power silently and searched hard, but found that there seemed to be a mysterious power protecting the place. The deeper he probed, the more blurred the feedback of the soul power became. Standing on the edge of the island, he could only He can peek into an area of ​​thirty or forty feet, and as he goes deeper, this range is still shrinking.

After a cup of tea, he got nothing, except for the dense red forest all around and the dense foggy aura here.

At this moment, a fire ape came out from nowhere, with some wounds on its body, it didn't seem to expect to meet Han Feng, without saying a word, it let out a deep roar, and danced its hands The fist was aimed at Han Feng.

The flames overflowed, and fiery red fist shadows struck like wheels. Han Feng's eyes flickered slightly, and when he raised his hand, a large purple fist shadow also shot out with anger, instantly swallowing all the opponent's fiery red fist shadows, and submerging the opponent .

bang bang bang...

A sound spread, and all the shadows of the purple light fist fell on this ordinary adult fire ape, and it was immediately sent flying, rolling to the ground, crushing an unknown number of trees, and after billowing dust and smoke, The ape was silent again, apparently dying beyond death.

Han Feng walked into the collapsed jungle, and soon found the opponent's body. Seeing that it was covered with fist marks the size of a bowl, his eyes flickered slightly, and he was not polite. He dug out the core and put it in his bag. middle.

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