Lord of the Runes

Chapter 132 Murong Xue's Sword

Murong Xue's face was calm, without the slightest bit of anger, there was a light click, the Qiushui long sword in her hand was sheathed again, and the cold light subsided.Immediately afterwards, she took the sword in sheath, stood up gently and slowly, and stared at the handsome young man coldly.

The handsome young man remained motionless, never daring to take the initiative to attack, let Murong Xue stand up, as if he was overwhelmed by his calm and calm aura.

"Pretending to be gods and ghosts, playing tricks on mysteries!" The handsome young man yelled suddenly, as if to encourage himself, he slashed across with the red long sword in his hand, and a crimson sword light gushed out like a crescent moon, rising against the wind, turning ten It was more than ten feet long, and rushed towards Murong Xue and the others wrapped in a monstrous wave of air.


A sharp sound spread, and Murong Xue's Autumn Water long sword was unsheathed again, and with a random shake, snow-white lotus flowers emerged out of thin air, chilling the sky, and in the blink of an eye, a web of sword silk was condensed, cutting the world.

The handsome young man's sword light fell into the net and was split into pieces in an instant, disappearing without a trace.

He turned pale with fright, sweating uncontrollably, he retreated immediately, and was about to run away, but unfortunately the sword net caught up with him in no time.

He had no choice but to stand upright and defend with his sword horizontally, but the layers of protective sword light he released this time were hard to resist, and within a short while, they were cut into pieces by Murong Xue's sword silk net, one layer after another ground was broken.

With a loud cry, he took out a talisman at the moment of life-and-death crisis, emitting a dazzling talisman light. After crushing it, it formed a mask, showing colorful brilliance. While firmly protecting it, it also With the power of space in circles, his figure began to become a little blurred, as if he was about to teleport him away.

But at this moment, a snow-white sword light flew past his body, and disappeared in an instant without knowing where to go.

With a soft buzzing sound, the circles of spatial power finally erupted, engulfing the handsome young man's body and disappearing into nothingness.

It's just that the handsome young man stood where he was, but he didn't know when a few drops of bright red blood were added, which slowly solidified and turned into blood crystals.

bang bang bang...

There was a burst of sound, just now the snow-white sword light flew away in the direction, and a series of big trees fell straightly, kicking up dust soaring into the sky.

Han Feng had already stopped running, and stood hundreds of meters away. Seeing this situation through the prying of his soul power, he felt that Murong Xue was unfathomable, and he didn't know whether he should go to meet her.

"Where's my fire lotus?"

At this moment, Murong Xue's voice suddenly reached Han Feng's ears, which made him very surprised. It took him a long time to realize it, sighed secretly, and had to rush over quickly.

"Everyone, good evening!" Han Feng greeted in a friendly voice.

Among the dozen or twenty members of the Sanyemen, except for Situ Shaomei and Murong Xue who knew him, the others didn't know him, especially the three Tianjiao people, who stood up one after another and looked at him coldly, just in case He suddenly got into trouble.

"Han Feng, it really is you!" Situ Shaomei called out first, her face full of shock.

"Hey, it's me." Han Feng nodded towards her, secretly heaving a sigh of relief, the vigilance of those people just now really made him a little embarrassed.

"Come with me!" Murong Xue suddenly turned around and walked back, turned into the woods, and disappeared.

Han Feng felt bitter in his heart, but he had no choice but to bite the bullet and follow closely behind, walking into the woods behind.

"Sister Situ, is he the one who rescued us before?" The pretty little girl turned her head and grabbed Situ Shaomei's sleeve, asking with big bright eyes.

"Probably so." Situ Shaomei thought for a while, and finally nodded.

"Wow, then he is very powerful. I didn't expect our sect to have such a proud daughter like Senior Sister Murong!" The little girl said excitedly.

Hearing this, the expressions of the three arrogant people changed a little, and one even snorted in a low voice, obviously a little upset.

Although the little girl was young, she was still human after all. When she heard this cold snort, she immediately knew that she had violated their taboo, she lowered her head and stuck out her tongue, and stopped talking.

Situ Shaomei also didn't speak for a long time, turned around, looked at the woods behind her, her eyes flickered, she didn't know what she was thinking.

In the jungle behind, Han Feng quickly found Murong Xue standing quietly under a big tree. He was still an unearthly beauty, like a dripping lotus fairy, extremely gorgeous.

Han Feng was a little stunned for a while, until Murong Xue snorted softly, then he came to his senses, and quickly clasped his fists and saluted, "I've seen Senior Sister Murong."

"Stop doing this with me, where is Fire Lotus?" Murong Xue turned around, looked at Han Feng coldly, and asked in a flat tone.

"Uh, what fire lotus?" Han Feng rolled his eyes, and suddenly had an idea to play tricks on Murong Xue, and asked back pretending to be ignorant.

With a soft click, the Qiushui long sword in Murong Xue's hand suddenly came out of its sheath, revealing a cold light, making Han Feng narrow his eyes involuntarily.

"Hey, it's just a joke, don't take it seriously." Han Feng waved his hand quickly and said with a smile.

"A girl, don't just wield swords and swords, how will she get married in the future!" Han Feng murmured in a low voice while taking out the fire lotus.

But Murong Xue is such a character, even if his voice is very small, he can't escape her ears. He immediately sank down, drew his sword, and pointed at Han Feng, wisps of sword energy enveloped the forest , as if the next moment, Han Feng will receive a fatal blow.

Han Feng was oppressed by her sword energy, and the purple light from his body shield was automatically activated, surrounding his body, colliding violently with her sword energy, making a screeching sound, which was very ear-piercing.

"Don't, don't, don't be like this, I just said it casually, just treat me as a fart." Han Feng was startled, and hurriedly said.

Murong Xueyu's face was cold, she didn't seem to calm down, and the long sword in her hand was still pointing at Han Feng.

"Hehe, I'm your brother's good friend. If you kill me, your brother will be sad, so you will be sad too, right?" Han Feng forced a laugh and quickly persuaded him.


Murong Xue snorted heavily, put the sword back into its sheath, and the sword energy all over the sky dissipated immediately, causing Han Feng's heart in his throat to slowly sink back, he patted his chest without exaggeration, and let out a long breath , looked at Murong Xue, and said, "Brother, I was scared to death."

Seeing that he was still trying to take advantage of her, Murong Xue couldn't help but frowned. Just as she was about to explode, Han Feng respected the huge fire lotus with both hands, and said glibly: "Flowers for beauties, It's justified!"

Murong Xue showed a little helpless expression, so she had no choice but to accept the fire lotus that he sent up, put it in the storage ring, pondered for a while, and suddenly pointed like a sword, emitting a scorching sword light, and slashed towards the person about ten feet away. Han Feng.

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