Lord of the Runes

Chapter 118 Ice Crack

Ling Fen couldn't help being very annoyed when she heard this, but she was so strong by nature, and she didn't want to admit her mistake, so she just snorted coldly, and the sound transmission replied: "When I find the fire lotus suit, I can break through the next limit After that, we must give him a severe lesson!"

Seeing her talking like this, Long Min secretly heaved a sigh of relief. He was afraid that she would lose face and suffer. If she really went all out to take down the opponent, the gain would not be worth the loss. After all, there are still many extreme people who have entered the secret world here. If it consumes too much on this person, it will not be good for their follow-up plans.

Han Feng knew that they had nothing to do with him, so he secretly relaxed a little. He didn't want to be an enemy of such a strong man, especially these so-called masters who were not only powerful, but also possessed all kinds of treasures. One mistake, it is very likely to die in the battle with them.

At this moment, Ling Fen suddenly turned her head to look at the four people outside the ice, and shouted coldly: "Stop!"

The four of them were about to sneak away, but they were stopped by Ling Fen, not daring to move an inch.

"Which sect do you belong to? Why did you come here? What's the purpose of hiding in the dark and watching the battle? Do you want to fish in troubled waters?" Ling Fen asked viciously with wide eyes.

That Yan Buyan had no choice but to bite the bullet and turned around, clasped his fists in salute, and said respectfully: "Fairy, don't dare, I'm a disciple of Huiyan Pavilion, it's purely a coincidence that I passed by here, there is no other intention."

"Hmph!" Ling Fen snorted coldly again, and stopped talking.

"You are the disciples of Huiyan Pavilion, and you have some connection with our Nine Heavens Palace. My junior sister just asked casually, don't take it to heart, go!" Long Min glanced at Ling Fen, knowing that she was just changing the subject on purpose. That's all, to save herself from embarrassment, she immediately stood up, waved her hand, and let the four people who returned to Yange leave.

Yan Buyan received the amnesty, clasped his fists again to salute Han Feng and the two daughters of Jiuxiao Palace, and hurriedly led the three fellow disciples out, but his Junior Sister Lan suddenly turned her head and said to Long Min: "This Sister, we are planning to go to Red Flame Valley to pick fire lotus, so why don't you go with us."

"Junior Sister Lan, what nonsense are you talking about!" Yan Buyan stared at the beautiful warlock very severely, and couldn't control his emotions for a while, and cursed directly.The other two classmates also looked back at her angrily.

Yan Buyan was furious, and immediately dragged the beautiful warlock to run away.

"Stop!" Ling Fen shouted coldly, and was about to rush over to stop the four of them. At this moment, the ice surface cracked without warning, and strands of dark blue light rushed out from the gap the size of a thumb. The cold air soared into the sky, and even the spiritual energy of the surrounding world condensed into frost.

Everyone was startled, Long Min reacted immediately, a blue compass emerged out of thin air, bursting out with a dazzling blue light, protecting the two daughters in an instant, and quickly fled to the outside of the ice surface.

Han Feng's reaction was not slow at all. As soon as the purple light spread out, it blocked a burst of dark blue light, but the purple light on his body was also stagnated, and it seemed to freeze into ice. Fortunately, he was only [-] feet away from the outside of the ice surface, and he escaped after more than ten breaths. During this period, he was repeatedly touched by the dark blue light emerging from under the ice layer, and was almost caught by the ice several times. Feng, if he hadn't decisively discarded part of the purple light protecting the body, he might really be trapped inside.After he came out, only a thin layer of purple light was left on his body, and he looked like he was going to collapse at any moment. It felt much more dangerous than fighting Ling Fen.

The same was true for the two daughters of the Nine Heavens Palace. Long Min finally resorted to the Purple Qi Donglai technique to protect Ling Fen and escape together. She also felt embarrassed.

After this incident, the three parties were isolated, and Huiyan Pavilion's Yan Buyan changed his expression several times, and finally stomped his feet, regardless of 21, [-], and immediately took the beautiful warlock and the other two colleagues to escape.

Han Feng saw more and more cracks on the ice surface, and the dark blue light that came out became stronger and stronger, and the cold air spread. Even if he retreated several tens of feet, he still felt the deep chill, and he didn't dare to have other thoughts , turned around and ran to the rear, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Long Min of Nine Heavens Palace stared at this area with piercing eyes. She practiced the ice-cold technique, but she couldn't bear the coldness of the deep blue light, so she stopped for a long time before giving up and accompanying Ling Fen Chase the four people in Huiyan Pavilion.

After Han Feng left the ice surface of the pool, he ran quickly. In less than a stick of incense, he was tens of miles away. He hid on a small hill, holding a broken sword, and dug out a hole that was several feet deep and the entrance was only a few feet away. The cave is hidden in it, and some branches are used to cover the entrance of the cave. Under the cover of dense forest and falling snowflakes, it is difficult to find the existence of this cave.

He sat cross-legged at the bottom of the cave, and then took out a bottle of pill and took it. At the same time, he operated the exercises to catalyze the potency of the medicine. After a while, his whole body was steaming with heat, and his complexion gradually improved.

After a while, with a wow, he suddenly spit out a large mouthful of blood, the color was slightly black, it was the blood left in his body from the long battle with Ling Fen, after being forced out, his whole body loosened a lot, he The whole person has a new look.

In the previous battle, although he was very strong in the later stage and frightened the two daughters Long Min and Ling Fen, he was constantly suffering from injuries at the beginning. On the other hand, absorbing the power of the opponent's fire spirit and replenishing himself, I am afraid that he will be completely defeated, and the consequences will be unpredictable.Moreover, in the end, if Long Min and Ling Fen really join forces to attack, he will be powerless to deal with it. The injuries in his body have already accumulated too much, and if the battle continues, it will suddenly erupt and bring him fatal damage, and he will definitely lose. No doubt about it.

Han Feng heaved a sigh of relief, he couldn't help but secretly rejoice, then adjusted his mood, closed his eyes, and began to practice and recuperate.

Except for the release of soul power covering the entire hill, most of his mind is immersed in his body. It can be seen that the range of his soul sea has broken through the area of ​​​​thousand feet, reaching more than 100 feet, and it is still pushing outward. Obviously, the bottleneck has been broken, and we are moving towards the next limit.

And the meridians in his body have also reached twelve, and he has the aptitude to become the best of the mortal rank, which can be regarded as a little capital to challenge to a higher level.

However, his true qi cultivation was still at the late stage of qi storage, so he sat down quietly this time to practice seriously and raise the realm of qi training to the next level.

The time of cultivation naturally passed quickly. Before he knew it, Han Feng had spent three days and three nights hiding in the cave. Of course, there was no specific day and night transition here, but according to his perception, it was almost over. such a long time.

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