Lord of the Runes

Chapter 119 The Consummation of the Gas Reservoir

For the past three days, Han Feng has been meditating to practice Qi, waking up from time to time to take pills that can help increase his true Qi. The cultivation of Qi has progressed rapidly, filling all the meridians with true Qi, even though he is still in the Qi reservoir At the peak in the later period, but the combat power has been greatly improved.

Of course, in addition to cultivating true energy, he still takes time out to practice the ten-picture secret book every day. With the strengthening of his own physical strength, he can hold on to the posture of the first picture for more than 30 breaths every day. After the first practice, I felt hot and full of strength, but unfortunately I can't practice more, I can only practice once a day, and I don't know when it will end, as if there is no possibility of breakthrough.

Four more days passed like this.

In the cave, there was a long howling sound suddenly, followed by a slight dragon cry. With a bang, the air wave soared into the sky, and the cave exploded, mud and rocks flew, and snowflakes splashed everywhere.

There was a flash of purple light, and Han Feng walked out of it.

Just a moment ago, he finally succeeded in breaking through to the perfect state of qi storage. Tianlong Yuqi Jue entered the fourth level. When the zhenqi was being circulated, there began to appear a series of slight sounds of dragons.

What's more, his dantian has also expanded several times because of it, and it is already nearly a thousand feet wide, so that his true energy only covers half of the area, and it will take some time to reach its peak again.

But these are not the main points. The most amazing thing is that there is a rudimentary hole in his dantian, which faintly releases an inexplicable suction force. Take it up a notch.

It was only then that Han Feng realized that there were so many secrets hidden in the physical body, everything could be improved and evolved!

After he calmed down, he walked down the hill under the sparsely falling snowflakes. He chose a direction and rushed directly to the ice pool that he encountered seven days ago. He still had to use the silver flying fish there to continue tempering. Flesh, reaching perfection.

For Han Feng, it took only a cup of tea to cover the distance of tens of miles, and he arrived at the ice pool smoothly all the way.

It's a pity that this place has been completely frozen. The original ice pool towered high and turned into an iceberg. Strong chill.

The light from Han Feng's body shield spontaneously emerged, resisting the bursts of cold air.He frowned, thinking to himself what kind of thing existed at the bottom of the pool, which had such a powerful cold energy, and condensed such a huge iceberg in just seven days.

He thought silently for a while, sighed secretly, and was about to leave here, his brows were raised suddenly, he quickly restrained his breath, jumped onto a big tree silently, and hid.

Not long after, three monks rushed over from a distance, one man and two women. When they saw the iceberg, they also made voices of astonishment, but when they approached the iceberg for more than a hundred feet, they were also blocked by the cold air. Can no longer get close to half a point.

Han Feng's eyes flashed, and his face showed a cautious look. The strength of these three people is very strong. Even if they are not as good as himself, they are much stronger than the so-called Tianjiao like Duan Tian. He quickly restrained his breath More detailed, no more leaks.

"Brother, this place is very strange. It seems that there is a treasure inside the iceberg, which emits a steady stream of cold air, freezing the world, and even the spiritual energy can be frozen." A young girl in blue looked at the iceberg in front of her, her gaze flashing.

"Unfortunately, the cold here is too strong, we can't get any closer, let's go quickly, according to the information sent back by the brothers of the Red Flame Valley, there are many blocks of Yixin stones, and there seems to be one A treasure is born!" urged another young girl in a pink dress.

"Junior Sister Li is right, let's retreat!" The male monk in a blue robe, who was about 25 or [-] years old, nodded at this moment, and immediately turned around and ran back.

His speed was very fast, and he passed the place where Han Feng was hiding in the blink of an eye, but just tens of feet away, he suddenly waved a cyan light with his hand, which rose in the wind, and instantly became ten feet wide, like a machete. With a violent wind, it came towards Han Feng.

This change was so sudden that even Han Feng didn't notice it in advance. He was caught off guard by this blade light, and the air wave was overwhelming. There are many.

"Brother, what's the matter?" The girl in blue asked hurriedly with a look of surprise on her face.

Another girl in a pink dress looked thoughtfully at the collapsed forest, and when she was about to speak, there was a sudden bang, purple light shot out, and a figure appeared, suddenly it was Han Feng.

He turned his eyes to look at the young monk in the blue robe, patted the sawdust on his body casually, and did not speak.

The two girls were startled, especially the girl in blue took a step back, pointed at Han Feng after a while, and shouted: "Who are you, how dare you spy on us!"

Han Feng didn't mind her attitude either. Anyway, he had already gotten used to the arrogance of these disciples of the main line, so he smiled and said casually, "I came here early in the morning, you just crossed my area by yourself."

The girl in blue was slightly startled, and was about to refute, but was stopped by her senior brother who stretched out his hand.The young monk in a blue robe also looked at Han Feng, and said softly, "Your Excellency, if you hadn't deliberately restrained your breath just now and changed a little bit, otherwise I really wouldn't be able to discover your existence. !"

"Hehe, that's unnecessary for me." Han Feng showed a little embarrassment, and smiled sarcastically.

"I, Su Yun, Yuxian Sect, may I ask which sect you come from? Maybe we have some connections with each other?" The young monk smiled lightly, reported his origin and name, and asked Han front.

"Han Feng, I don't know about the sect I belong to, but your Yuxian sect is like thunder, and I have admired it for a long time!" Han Feng said politely. In fact, he didn't know what kind of sect the Yuxian sect was. That's right.

Hearing this, Su Yun was also taken aback for a moment. Naturally, he knew that Han Feng didn't want to report his sect, and he didn't force it. He chatted with him casually for a few more words, and then left each other with fists in their arms. He didn't mention anything about the blow just now. As if nothing had happened.

After the three people from Yuxianzong moved away from Han Feng, the girl in blue pouted and said, "Senior brother, why did you just let that kid go like this, he is clearly spying on us, he must be hiding evil intentions!"

"Don't talk about it, it's better to have one thing less than one thing more, hurry up to Scarlet Flame Valley!" Su Yun said with a sullen face.

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