Those four people were stunned, even though they were far apart, the fluctuation just now made them tremble with fear, they retreated again and again, and they had retreated more than a hundred feet away.

In addition to their sideline battles, there was another person, who was extremely beautiful, stood on the ice like a fairy, and watched the battle between Ling Fen and Han Feng from hundreds of meters away.

The more she watched, the more frightened she became, her brows furrowed from time to time.

Ling Fen was also shocked by the Vietnam War. He didn't expect Han Feng's resilience to be so strong. Whenever his flame sword was about to cut through his defense, the purple light on his body would always condense together, even though it was only thin The first floor is indestructible, no matter how violently she attacks it, it will be of no avail, instead, he will be suddenly bombarded by his ready-to-release true energy from time to time, shaking her away, making her unable to obtain further results.

"Hmph, I underestimated you!" Ling Fen finally let go of her previous underestimation, and took a few steps back abruptly to avoid the slash of a broken sword that Han Feng took out at some point. The flaming sword was quickly put away by him, and the imprints of both hands were pinched, and the flames radiated from his body, layer by layer, wave by wave, layer by layer, like a wave, surging and surging, arousing a torrential energy, covering tens of feet.


A group of flames soaring into the sky suddenly condensed, enveloping his body tightly, and turned into a fire phoenix several feet high in the next moment, with a pair of wings spread out, it was about ten feet wide, surrounded by red flames, dazzling light, The ice surface is slowly melting, which shows how high the temperature is.

As soon as the fire phoenix was condensed, it immediately rushed towards Han Feng, and the strong wind raged in all directions, sweeping all directions.

Han Feng's face was extremely solemn, the purple light flashed, and transformed into purple fists, all about the size of a foot, like a casserole, roaring towards the fire phoenix, and they made a loud bang before they collided. Like thunder, shaking the four fields.

It's a long story, all these changes happened in the blink of an eye, the next moment, the purple fist and the fire phoenix collided together, and there was no sound at all, all the purple fists seemed to be in a quagmire, and disappeared in an instant, as if they had been trapped The red flames all over Huofeng's body were completely devoured, not even a bubble emerged.

Han Feng turned pale with shock, he didn't dare to urge the purple light to attack again, he quickly retracted all the purple light, condensed into a group, and brazenly resisted.


With a muffled sound, Han Feng's body was immediately sent flying by the fire phoenix, and he stabilized after being a hundred feet away. The corner of his mouth also oozes blood at this moment, and his face turned pale, but the purple-gold light outside his body was still dazzling. Doesn't appear to have been hit hard.

Huofeng froze, as if he was a little surprised by Han Feng's defensive strength, the surrounding fire light froze slightly, Ling Fen's voice sounded from the huge Huofeng's body: "I'll see how long you can last!"

As soon as his voice fell, the fire phoenix more than ten feet away swished, and an afterimage passed by too much faster than the speed of sound. It descended on Han Feng again, and hit Han Feng fiercely, accompanied by a fiery flame attack, killing Han Feng. Surrounded by fronts, it burned blazingly.

Han Feng only got away a few feet away and was not hit head-on, but he rolled backwards like a kite with a broken string, his body wrapped in flames, colliding violently with the purple light of his bodyguard, making crackling noises.

At this moment, the two warring parties produced a huge energy impact due to the strongest collision, which permeated the surroundings. The ice finally couldn't bear it, and with a cracking sound, a small gap was opened. Although it was like a needle thread, it was shocking.

Han Feng took a deep breath and stabilized his body again. The purple light outside his body was still dazzling, and he felt as if he was getting braver as he fought.

Ling Fen stopped talking, and drove the fire phoenix to launch a violent attack towards Han Feng. It didn't stop for a moment, making rumbling sounds one after another. From a distance, it seemed like huge fireballs were constantly colliding with Han Feng, setting off waves of fire. The monstrous vigor and heat wave.

The four people who watched the battle had already withdrawn from the ice and hid at the edge, their faces were surprised, and the beautiful warlock murmured in a low voice: "Is this still the power we can have at this level?"

This is also the common aspiration of the other three people, it is too strong!

Long Min in Nine Heavens Palace was also shocked, frowning from time to time, and wanted to rush in to help Ling Fen several times, but she was vetoed by herself in the end.

She knew Ling Fen's temperament was extremely strong, if she rushed in rashly, even if she helped out with good intentions and finally defeated that person, she would be blamed by Ling Fen for the rest of her life.

However, she was really worried that if this continued, Ling Fen's body would suffer serious backlash. Don't look at Ling Fen's majestic phoenix at the moment, but he can't last long, and now ten breaths have passed, but he still failed to win. If it continues, it will probably be bad.

Sure enough, just as Long Min thought, after a breath, the fire phoenix stopped suddenly, and the fire light around it receded like a tide, the red flames subsided, and the fire phoenix dissipated, revealing a person, it was Ling Fen.

At this moment, she no longer had the slightest majestic posture, with her hands on her waist, panting, but her big agile eyes were staring at Han Feng who was still as stable as Mount Tai on the ice.

The steam around Han Feng was steaming, and the purple light was shining. Although it became thinner, it still didn't collapse. What's more amazing was that it was still getting stronger gradually, and the golden light mixed in it became less and less. Achieved its transformation.

Han Feng's face was covered with sweat, and he was pale and colorless, but his eyes were piercing, his back was straight, and he looked at Ling Fen without looking sideways.

"Stop fighting?" After a while, Han Feng suddenly smiled at Ling Fen.

Even though his tone is gentle and his smile is bright, in Ling Fen's eyes, he is extremely hateful, and he wished he could continue to transform into a fire phoenix and fight with him desperately.

"Xiaofen, his skills are a bit strange, don't confront him head-on!" A white shadow passed by, and Long Min came to Ling Fen's side, persuading him in a low voice.

Ling Fen gritted her teeth, finally sighed secretly, and put down her outstretched hands.She has been fighting with Han Feng for so long, and she doesn't know that the opponent's martial arts are unique, not only is the defense extremely strong, but also can absorb the overflowing spiritual power in the battle, especially when she collides with him in the form of a fire phoenix, even more so. I don't know how much power of the fire spirit was absorbed by him, otherwise she wouldn't have stopped after only holding on for eleven breaths.What's even more hateful is that this guy is getting stronger and stronger as he fights, and the fire of his own life has helped him temper his body invisibly!

Thinking of this, if it weren't for the strict family education, she would almost swear!

Ling Fen was very unconvinced, and turned her head to look at Long Min, with hazy eyes and a sad face.

Long Min sighed, shook his head, moved his lips slightly, and said via voice transmission: "My strength is comparable to that of your incarnation after becoming a fire phoenix. If we unite against the enemy from the beginning, there is still hope for victory. Now there is nothing we can do. him!"

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