Lord of the Runes

Chapter 111 Trapped

The words were divided into two parts. After Han Feng decisively evacuated from the lake, he also quickly rushed out of the mouth of the mountain depression and entered the snowy slope again. He immediately took out the last Winged Wind Talisman and urged it to protect himself against the spirit. The wind of strength moves swiftly.

At this moment, a loud shout suddenly came from behind him: "Little thief, don't try to escape this time, let's see how I deal with you, your aunt!"

This voice suddenly came from Ling Fen!

Han Feng's soul was terrified, and he subconsciously released the golden light to protect his body. Unexpectedly, after casting it, the pressure around him dropped suddenly, his whole body lightened, and his speed suddenly increased. The distance from Ling Fen.

Han Feng was overjoyed, his soul power concentrated, and he found that the golden light of the body guard had a slight trace of purple light. It seemed that it was because of this purple light that he was able to resist the wind of spiritual power around him, and his speed increased greatly.

His speed is getting faster and faster, and finally stabilized at the level of a hundred feet in an instant, infinitely close to the speed of sound, but this is the speed burst out in the spiritual storm. If it is outside, even without the help of the Wing Wind Talisman, he will definitely be able to surpass it. The speed of sound, which made him feel hot inside, and he wanted to rush out of this area faster, and even escape from the snowy slope.

Ling Fen watched Han Feng getting further and further away, and was also dumbfounded. She couldn't understand how his strength could improve so much in just a few hours, it could be described as a completely different person.

"Hmph, even if I might suffer backlash, I have to catch you!" Ling Fen gritted her teeth, as if an ant-like existence provoked her, and suddenly became extremely powerful, which made her extremely unhappy.

As she spoke, she continued to clench with her hands, and layers of fiery red light gradually appeared on her body, like red flames, like flowers, and there was a fragrance overflowing, permeating all directions.

At this moment, the surrounding spiritual energy storm seemed to be slightly stagnant, and a massive amount of heaven and earth spiritual energy surged towards Ling Fen, gathered around Ling Fen, and with a bang, it also burned up and turned into red flames.

In an instant, all the flames suddenly changed their shapes, and quickly condensed into a fire phoenix, which was more than ten feet high, tightly protecting Ling Fen.

At this moment, Ling Fen's eyes were tightly closed, her hand was clenched tightly, her jade face was as pale as paper, and her whole body trembled slightly, as if she was under tremendous pressure.

Huofeng's eyes opened suddenly, and two beams of light burst out, reaching tens of feet away, arousing waves of spiritual power fluctuations, causing the spiritual energy of the heaven and earth to become disordered.

With a sound of swishing, the pair of wings of the fire phoenix spread out, which was fifty or sixty feet wide. With a light flap, it disappeared instantly, ignoring all the wind of spiritual power, as if teleporting, it appeared all at once Three or four hundred feet away, within three breaths, it caught up with Han Feng and immediately swooped down.

Han Feng was terrified. Just when he didn't know what to do, the fire phoenix suddenly opened its mouth and spewed out a mouthful of red flames, as if the fire from the sky had fallen. The light curtain, like a bowl, immediately covered Han Feng.

Afterwards, Ling Fen's voice came from inside the fire phoenix: "Trap you for now, and I'll deal with you later!" After saying this, she drove the fire phoenix away in a hurry, without a trace for a moment, looking at its direction , which is exactly where Long Min escaped from before.

Han Feng immediately launched a violent attack, but when he hit the red flame light curtain, he couldn't break through it except for the muffled sound and ripples that seemed to be real.

What's even more troublesome is that this mask even covers the ground, even if he wanted to use the Earth Escape Talisman, it would be useless.In addition, this light shield cuts off the aura of the outside world. Over time, his true physical strength will slowly be exhausted, and he cannot be replenished from the aura of heaven and earth.

At this moment, he shot a lot of golden light fist shadows continuously, and his physical strength was consumed a lot. He also realized this problem, so he stopped immediately, paced back and forth in the mask, thinking about countermeasures silently.He sometimes stopped to observe the changes of the mask, and sometimes released his own body protection golden light analysis. After an unknown period of time, he suddenly stopped.

"If I can condense the purple light in the golden light of my bodyguard alone, and punch it out, I may be able to successfully break through the layers of light barriers!" Han Feng said to himself.

As he spoke, he silently operated the Spirit Refining Vajra Art, golden light shone all over his body, and a little bit of purple light was mobilized, but after more than a quarter of an hour, he couldn't condense it.

After a little analysis, he understood the reason. It was nothing more than that there was too little purple light. There was only a little purple light in a thousand pieces of golden light. Violet light that is too diffuse.

"If you can condense more purple light, maybe you have a chance!" Han Feng's eyes lit up, and he immediately sat cross-legged on the spot.

If other people have this idea, it may be unrealistic, but Han Feng is different, because he has a large number of elixir, there are three types of elixir alone, especially the seven-star chrysanthemum, the liquid aura in the space storage bag Under the moisture, another flower has already grown. He opened the interspatial storage bag at this moment, picked off a Seven Star Chrysanthemum without any hesitation, put it in his mouth, and swallowed it in one gulp.

The cold air spread in his body in an instant, and he only had the unique feeling of coldness. He shivered, gritted his teeth and ran the Spirit Refining Vajra Art, continuously refining the medicinal power of the Seven Star Chrysanthemum, transforming it into a unique body quenching ability, which made him The outer skin is further improved.

Originally, according to the second volume of the Spirit Refining King Kong Jue, the outer skin reaches the level of golden skin, which corresponds to the perfect state of refining gangsters. The next step is to start exercising the flesh and blood body to create the five internal organs King Kong, and finally condense the bleeding tiger to enter the stage of body refining. The second level of realm, the realm of subduing the tiger, achieves an invincible body.

But for some unknown reason, under the sacrifice of that mysterious blood man, his outer skin unexpectedly broke through again, and a little bit of purple light condensed, as if he had broken some kind of limit, but he didn't seem to have completely broken through , in a state of being unbreakable, which made him unable to condense the purple light alone.

After swallowing the Seven Star Chrysanthemum this time, with the help of the exercises, the power of the medicine became more concentrated, and the cold air soared, like knives cutting his body continuously, the trembling turned into a huge tremor, and the severe pain came, like a thousand With the knife on the body, ten thousand arrows piercing the heart.

He gritted his teeth and insisted, his eyes were red, and he was running the Spirit Refining Vajra Art crazily. After a while, a little bit of purple light finally appeared slowly in the golden light of the body protection. Although the number was still very small, there were at least some Progress, which comforted him a little, otherwise this Seven Star Chrysanthemum would have been wasted, and he would have suffered in vain.

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