In the center of the lake, the nine extreme fighters continued to fight, with endless waves and roaring.

Ling Fen from Nine Heavens Palace suddenly frowned, and slapped out a palm, shattering the shadow of a female cultivator from Hehuan Valley. With a touch of the object ring, the imitation of the white jade-like celestial mirror appeared in her hand, with a red light spot shining on it.

"You finally appeared!" Ling Fen whispered to herself with a look of hatred.

"Xiaofen, what's the matter!" Long Min was still fighting, without Ling Fen's assistance, the pressure immediately increased, and he quickly asked through the voice transmission of soul power.

"That guy appeared again!" Ling Fen said anxiously.

"Which guy!" Long Min became even more anxious, he was accidentally struck by a long sword of a sword cultivator from Wanjianmen, and he shouted with a bit of annoyance on his face.

"The guy who stole one of our nine winter plums!" Ling Fen shouted, and after a pause, she suddenly said: "No, I have to go after him! He dared to snatch something in front of me, but no one has ever It went like this!"

Long Min knew that Ling Fen had fallen into the princess disease again and played petty temper, so he could only hold back his anger, and persuaded him earnestly, "Don't worry, you have the Luminous Sky Mirror, he can't escape, wait until you get this colorful flower." Empress Wulian, I will help you!"

"Oh, he's already gone!" Ling Fen didn't seem to listen to Long Min's words at all, and was focused on Han Feng. 21. Immediately, he also rushed out, chasing after Han Feng in the direction he left.

Long Min was so angry that his phoenix eyes widened, and his whole body burst out with evil spirit. The surface of the lake with a radius of tens of feet collapsed in an instant, scaring the monks who were peeping from a distance to retreat in fear.

But the monks of the other two sects did not have such scruples. A handsome male monk from Hehuan Valley even teased and said: "Hehe, the big girl is not allowed to stay. It seems that the little witch has also been abducted by a certain man!"

"Yes, yes, I only feel sorry for our little sister Long, who is alone, I really feel sorry for her!" A pretty nun from Hehuan Valley said.

Hearing this, Long Min's anger exploded completely. She took a deep breath, stretched out her hand, and with a wave, the splendid square scarf was quickly put away. Then she put her hands together, crossed her fingers, and changed the seal formula.In the far distance, wisps of purple gas suddenly appeared, coming from the east, arriving in an instant, falling into her body, causing wisps of purple light to suddenly appear all over her body, like flames, burning blazingly, and the scorching temperature quickly flowed out Spreading out, even the aura was boiled, layers of flames appeared, and a little bit of purple awns appeared.

"This is the Purple Qi coming from the East technique. You are not a monk in the Yuanyuan Realm, so how could you succeed in practicing it!" A male monk from Wanjianmen said with a look of surprise on his face, and immediately recognized this secret technique. .

Long Min answered his question with practical actions, and suddenly pushed forward the seal of both hands, and the sound of dragon's cry suddenly sounded, and the purple flames wrapped around her suddenly spewed out, and in a blink of an eye, it transformed into a purple flame nearly ten feet long The dragon, coiled around her, suddenly engulfed her and soared into the sky, rushing straight to the colorful mist lotus more than a hundred feet away.

Wan Jianmen and the seven people from Hehuan Valley rushed to stop them, but under the impact of the purple flame dragon transformed by Long Min, all the sword light, knife shadow and even all the spells were completely burned up, leaving nothing behind, invincible.

In a blink of an eye, the purple flame dragon transformed by Long Min broke through all obstacles and came to the colorful mist lotus. Without a word, driven by her, the purple flame dragon suddenly opened its mouth, surrounded by purple flames, and slammed Bite it down, and the colorful light film covering the outside of the colorful mist lotus was immediately sizzled by the purple flame, and finally there was a crisp creaking sound, the colorful light film burst, turning into dots of colored light and dissipating, revealing the overflowing light. colorful mist lotus.

Seeing that the colorful fog lotus was about to be snatched away by the purple flame dragon, the next wave of offensives from Wanjianmen and Hehuan Valley's seven people followed closely. All kinds of light, flame, and frost swarmed in, especially one The sword cultivator of Wanjianmen suddenly jumped up high, holding the sword in both hands, as if condensing his whole body's cultivation, he slashed out a [-]-foot-long sword glow, the sword's energy soared into the sky, and the lake surface with a radius of hundreds of feet was disturbed Many monks from other sects who were hiding in the distance waiting for an opportunity were injured by the sword energy, vomiting blood again and again, shouting angrily and kept retreating.

bang bang bang...

In the next moment, various attacks landed on the Purple Flame Dragon, and there was a sudden bang and bang sound, but most of them were burned by the Purple Flame. Of course, there were holes of different sizes left on the Purple Flame Dragon, hidden inside Long Min's body trembled because of it, obviously also under a lot of pressure.

However, she clenched the seals with both hands, let out a low drink, and the purple light all over her body became more intense, and she added it to the purple flame dragon in reverse, quickly repairing those potholes.

At the same time, the sword cultivator of Wanjianmen's sword cultivator also chopped off the giant sword that held up to the sky, and violently rubbed against the purple flame dragon, causing flames to splash and roar.

Long Min's face was solemn, and before he could control the purple flame dragon to take away the colorful mist lotus, the seal in his hand suddenly spread out. wave.

But at some point, Long Min's body was surrounded by clusters of purple flames. While blocking the impact of the sky-filled sword energy, he went to the colorful mist lotus in an instant, and quickly took out a jade knife that was about a foot long. Flying past, the colorful mist lotus was cut off, and when it was about to fall, the storage ring between Long Min's fingers flashed white, and she put it away instantly, and then she also left quickly. With the help of the raging purple flame, the sound It exploded again and again, one breath was two or three hundred feet, and it disappeared in a blink of an eye.

All of this is a long story, but in fact it all happened in the blink of an eye.

The people of Wanjianmen and Hehuan Valley were not reconciled, they took out the wind wing talisman or other talismans to increase speed one after another.

It's just that when they rushed out of the lake and re-entered the snowy slope, their speed dropped sharply, so they had to use the power of these talismans to resist the wind of spiritual power around them. On the other hand, Long Min was not affected much. Under the interference of the wind of spiritual power, he still kept speeding at the speed of sound. In a few flashes, he passed through the spiritual storm area of ​​thousands of feet, and then quickly left the snowy slope, sank into the dense forest, and escaped.

Wan Jianmen and the seven people from Hehuan Valley acted decisively, and also used various secret techniques. The speed exploded, and they rushed out of the snowy slope in a short while, chasing after Long Min.

In the jungle, Long Min's face was pale, and with a sudden wow, he spat out a mouthful of blood, as if he had suffered the backlash of the Ziqi Donglai technique, maybe she had forcefully activated it just now, that's why she suffered the backlash.

After she took out a few green elixir and took it, her complexion recovered a little, and she was about to sit down cross-legged to refine the power of the medicine, but there was a sudden burst of strong fluctuations behind her. Injured, he quickly took out a Wing Wind Talisman, activated it and flew into the sky again, disappearing without a trace.

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