Lord of the Runes

Chapter 112 Quenching the Body with Poison

After a while, the potency of the Seven Star Chrysanthemum was exhausted in less than a stick of incense. Han Feng opened his eyes and was already drenched in sweat.

He shook his body lightly, let go of his true energy, and the drenched robe was evaporated dry in a short while.

He checked silently, and found that the purple light in the golden light of the body shield had only doubled. If it continues at this speed, without dozens or hundreds of Seven Star Chrysanthemums, it may be difficult to achieve the state he wants.

After thinking for a while, he took out the interspatial storage bag again, took off the Seven Star Chrysanthemum, swallowed it again, and repeated the pain just now.

After another stick of incense, the medicinal power of the second Seven Star Chrysanthemum was exhausted again, and there were more purple rays of light outside Han Feng's body, and he could already see their existence sporadically.

Han Feng stood up suddenly, clenched his fist, and with a bang, he shot out a large piece of golden light fist shadow, which hit the firework mask. There was a loud bang, bang, and ripples, but it was still indestructible, and there was no sign of damage.

Han Feng was even more amazed, and secretly admired the other party's methods. With such ability, there are too many monks who have surpassed the Qi Storage Realm. Even ordinary strongmen in the early stage of the Returning Yuan Realm, it is difficult to reach this level.

However, his admiration was nothing but admiration, so naturally he would not sit still and quickly take out that branch of Jiudongmei.

According to Ye Yuntian, the ancestor of the Sanyemen, after reaching the ninth rank, the heaven and earth elixir is considered a great medicine. Seven star chrysanthemum belongs to the tenth rank elixir, which can be regarded as a medium medicine with good quality, while Jiudongmei is a twelfth rank. The elixir belongs to the top medicine.It was also because of this that Ling Fen from Nine Heavens Palace was so angry and insisted on catching Han Feng.

"I don't know if my body can withstand the poison of this ghost thing!" Han Feng looked at the Jiudongmei hesitantly in his hand, but at the moment it was quiet, as if its activity had seriously declined after it left the root , can no longer transform into the previous poisonous snake state.

Han Feng released his soul power and checked it carefully again, but he didn't find any toxins on it, so he felt relieved.

He hesitated for a while, finally gritted his teeth, opened his mouth to bite off a small piece of Jiudongmei, and swallowed it alive.

A violent medicinal power erupted in an instant, making his body feel like he was falling into a furnace, and his whole body was scalding hot, and billowing water vapor appeared from the top of his head in no time, curling up like cooking smoke.

Han Feng's mouth was dry, and his whole body felt extremely uncomfortable. He opened his mouth as if he was about to crack open, and a mouthful of anger rushed out, and a ball of flames was born, which was extremely hot and terrifying.

The Spirit Refining Vajra Art in Han Feng's body was already working at full capacity, but it was too late to refine the violent medicinal power that was running around in his body. The excess medicinal power rushed out from his seven orifices, diffused in the firework mask, and after a while, it turned into an illusion. Hundreds of poisonous snakes with red heads and white bodies swarmed towards him.

Han Feng was terrified. Just as he was about to circulate his true energy to resist, the medicinal power in his body suddenly turned into a deep cold force, which was stronger than the cold energy of the Seven Star Chrysanthemum. It almost froze his true energy in a blink of an eye. .

The next moment, the phantom of the poisonous snake outside passed through the golden light of his body protection, drilled into his air pocket, and rammed randomly under his outer skin, impacting wantonly.

In this way, under the internal and external pincers, Han Feng's soul was shaken, and he seemed to faint. Fortunately, his willpower was unmatched, so he gritted his teeth and persisted, trying every means to protect him. Live body does not fall.

At this moment, Jiu Dongmei's toxin finally appeared, evolved from the berserk drug power, and also turned into green poisonous snakes scurrying around in his body, and black spots suddenly appeared on his body, and quickly It spread, and within a short while, the entire arm was covered, just like the previous monk, becoming the next monk corroded by Jiudongsyringotoxin.

Han Feng turned pale with shock, but he didn't regret it at all. He could only do his best to refine the toxins.

In fact, toxins are also medicinal powers, but they are more intense. Under the operation of the Spirit Refining Vajra Art, a lot of toxins have also been refined and transformed into more powerful body quenching power. His golden light for body protection is like a peerless tonic. Similarly, when Ceng Ceng expanded outwards, purple light spots also emerged, the speed was faster than when taking Seven Star Chrysanthemum, I don’t know how many times stronger, in just a moment, the increase was more than three times, even he was originally corroded by the toxin into black. A little bit of purple gradually emerged from the skin of his arm, tenaciously resisting the toxin attack.

In less than a stick of incense, Han Feng's whole body was covered with purple and black spots, not even his face and forehead. What's even more strange was that the two-color spots were slowly wriggling, and sometimes there were more black spots. , and sometimes purpura wins out.

At this time, his body was already shaking like a sieve, crumbling, as if it was about to reach its limit, but his steel-like willpower still made him clenched his teeth and persisted, without letting up at all.

Time seems to be extremely slow at this moment, and every breath is a great torment for Han Feng, it is not an exaggeration to say that his breath is like a day.

After another incense stick of time passed, the black spots on Han Feng's body slowly gained the upper hand, the purple light spots were suppressed, and the occupied area was gradually shrinking. Noise, and no idea what was going on inside it.

Han Feng suddenly opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of black blood, which was extremely stenchy, but judging by his expression, he seemed to feel a lot more relaxed, his brows relaxed immediately, and the golden light outside his body rose a bit, and the purple light derived from it was already the original two or three ten times.

The purple light spots on his skin also rose, slowly pushed away the dark spots, and reoccupied half of the area, then paused, counterattacked back, and had a fierce confrontation with the dark spots, you come and go, but as time passes, As time went on, the power of the toxin gradually weakened, and in about a cup of tea, the purple light spots almost occupied all the skin, leaving only sporadic black spots.

Han Feng didn't dare to slack off. He had clearly seen the monk's severed hand before, and the poison lurking inside launched a sudden attack, killing him.

He gritted his teeth tightly, and continued to run the Spirit Refining Vajra Technique, constantly forcing the last black spots, making them shrink and fade, and finally disappear completely, replaced by purple light spots.

Not long after, Han Feng's whole body was covered by purple light spots, releasing a powerful and incomparable power. Between the light spots, a little bit of black debris gradually gushed out, like a cream-like shape, extremely thick, The stench spread in an instant, permeating the surrounding area. If anyone was here, they might be fainted.

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