Lord of the Runes

Chapter 11 Goal

The area inside Luofeng Tower is huge, covering five or six acres, but it is also full of people, which makes it feel a bit crowded.

Han Feng hung a ten-foot-long giant eight-sided stele in the center of the hall. There was a flash of spiritual light on it, and various mission information and transaction content scrolled out.And under the eight-faced stele, in the center of the hall, squatted a weird toad with eight mouths, all golden in color.When Han Feng saw that someone wanted to post information about his deal or mission, he had to throw a low-grade spirit stone into any mouth of the toad, which was quite novel.

Han Feng withdrew his gaze, walked to an inconspicuous corner, and looked up all kinds of information intently. After reading one side, he adjusted his position and continued to look at the second side. After more than an hour, he completed all the tasks above. Information and transaction content.

He pondered for a while, and selected a transaction to purchase silver talisman paper, which contained the specific time and place of the transaction and the corresponding contribution point rewards. After silently remembering it, Han Feng turned around and left.

He hurried back to his residence, meditated for a while, and then went to the talisman making room to start making talisman paper and talisman ink.

The reason why he is so anxious to need contribution points is mainly because he intends to exchange them for the body training method of the Qiqi Hall, the Spirit Refining Diamond Jue.

He went to the Entrance Hall before, and after describing his needs to the old man, the old man gave him two suggestions after receiving three hundred contribution points from him. It is Wan Zedan who obtained the alchemy room.When he heard that only inner sect disciples were eligible to purchase the Wan Ze Dan in the Alchemy Room, he could only choose the former. Although the Contribution Points needed to exchange for the Alchemy Hall's Alchemy King Kong Jue were [-], but with His ability to make talisman paper is not impossible.Of course, it is against the rules of the sect for him to trade silver talisman papers in private, but many excellent apprentices will do this when they need additional contribution points, just because the reward for private transactions is higher than that for handing them in to the sect. more than double.Generally speaking, when Zongmen collects silver talisman paper, one piece will give ten contribution points, while private transactions can reach twenty.But then again, if you hand it over to the sect, in addition to the contribution points, there are other rewards, so you won't lose too much.It's just that for someone like Han Feng who doesn't want to reveal his strength, he naturally chose to make a deal in private.But what surprised him was that the Zongmen never seemed to care about it, allowing everyone to trade privately, otherwise, with the Zongmen's inspection power, no one would be able to escape, let alone openly leave transaction information on the Luofengta mission monument up.

Another seven days passed in a blink of an eye, Han Feng's character exploded, and he successfully brewed two more silver talisman papers, plus the previous eleven, a total of thirteen.

On this day, after he finished practicing, he put all the silver talisman papers into a long wooden box and went out to the trading place.

The trading place is at the junction of No. [-] handyman circle and the outer gate area, on a small hill.

Although Han Feng had never been to No. [-] handyman's circle, he was guided by his status jade badge, so he didn't get lost. In about an hour, he came to the bare hill.He didn't go up in a hurry, but took out a coat from his backpack and put it on his body, and covered his face with a black cloth, revealing only a pair of eyes, and finally tied his hair back like a long tail.

After tidying up, Han Feng walked slowly up the hill.

When he came to the mountain, there were already three people there, and the handover was already beginning.

"Hey, here comes another fellow daoist." The person who was collecting the silver talisman said in a hoarse voice.

Han Feng raised his eyes to look at them, and found that they were also tightly wrapped, and they did not show their true colors.

"Let's make a deal." Han Feng didn't talk nonsense, he stepped forward and threw the box of silver talisman papers to the tall man with a hoarse voice.

"Hey, there are quite a few more, 260 cards, totaling [-] contribution points." After putting away Han Feng's silver talisman paper, the tall man took out his own white jade card.

Han Feng naturally understood what he was going to do, and immediately took out his own white jade token.I saw that tall man picked up his white jade card and put it against Han Feng's white jade card, a flash of inspiration flashed, Han Feng's jade card shone slightly, and Han Feng already knew through his soul power that there was more money under his name. Got 260 contribution points.

After the transaction was over, Han Feng cupped his fists and saluted, turned around and left without saying a word.

The other two also left one after another, leaving only the tall man still on the mountain waiting for the arrival of other trading partners.

After Han Feng left Xiaoshanbao, after confirming that there was no one around, he put away his robe and black mask in a secret place, and then rushed straight to the Hall of Spirit Talismans.

When he returned to his residence, it was already scorching sun. After lunch, he continued to make talisman papers, which was still far from his goal.

Half a year passed like this. Although the yield rate of Han Feng's boiled talisman papers was still about 36%, the appearance rate of silver talisman papers had increased significantly. In the past three months, seven pieces were recorded in the account every month. After half a year, there are a total of 720 photos.However, he was not in a hurry to use it for private transactions. He felt that doing so would be risky, and the benefits would be too little.Even if he traded them all, he only had [-] contribution points. How much time would it take to reach the goal of [-]?

How about using it to practice drawing talismans by yourself!

It was only in the last three months that Han Feng figured it out. Anyway, in one year or so, the three-yearly Spirit Talisman Palace Apprentice Competition will be held. If he fails to draw the talisman at that time, everything will be for naught. Wait another three years.

But how many three years can a person have?

He is already 17 years old this year. If he has not entered the Qi storage realm at the age of 20, the meridians in his body will solidify, and it is even more impossible to change his fate against the sky.

After Han Feng had a clear goal, he began to hoard the silver talisman papers with all his strength.

Time flies, and half a year has passed, Han Feng's skill in making talisman paper has exploded this month, and the production rate has suddenly reached an astonishing [-]%, and it has directly jumped from [-]% to [-]%, which makes him feel incredible .

What's even more surprising is that he made a total of thirteen pieces of silver talisman paper this month, and he had never been able to break ten of them before.

So this month he once again stole the limelight in Xiaobi. Even though he concealed the thirteen silver talisman papers, he was still appreciated by the purple-clothed youth, who rewarded him with an extra Yuanmai Pill.

But what makes him depressed is that after taking the Yuanmai Pill nine times, although the residual talisman still absorbs and denies a stream of pure spiritual power as before, this pure spiritual power has been unable to open up the meridians in his body. It is because the meridian impurities in the body are deposited more tightly.So for more than a year, he has only broken through to the fifth spiritual vein, and his aptitude is below average. What is terrible is that his three orifices in the dantian are still not open, and he cannot condense his true energy.

Fortunately, Han Feng was resolute and did not give up. After all, the current situation is much better than before, and self-sufficiency is the only way to be happy.

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