Lord of the Runes

Chapter 12 Drawing Talismans

Time flies, and there is only half a year left before the Apprentice Competition in the Northern Spirit Talisman Hall, and all the apprentices are intensively practicing drawing talismans.They are also allowed to keep half of all the boiled talisman paper and talisman ink for their own use within half a year.

Han Feng is very much in favor of Zongmen's tactic, because his production rate just reached 22% this month, and there was even a [-]% production rate during the period, and the silver talisman paper broke through [-] pieces, Reach the level of [-].

On this day, Han Feng also started to draw talismans for the first time. He didn't use the silver talisman paper right away, but the copper talisman paper he had stored over the past year.

Before drawing, he rehearsed the drawing of the first-grade talisman fireball talisman in the sea of ​​souls. After he was completely sure, he took out the flashing talisman pen, unfolded a piece of copper-colored talisman paper, and opened a box of talisman ink.

He took a deep breath, dipped the talisman pen into the red talisman ink, and then wrote on the top of the copper-colored talisman paper, and then the pen flew away, with talisman roads flowing out from the tip of his pen, with a flash of inspiration and a hidden charm.

When he ticked back for the last time, the drawing of this talisman was completed, but it didn't shine as brightly as imagined. Instead, the whole piece of talisman became eclipsed and became a waste product.

Han Feng sighed inwardly, put down the talisman pen, and began to think about the reason.

After thinking about it for half a day, until the afternoon, Han Feng didn't even eat lunch, so he started to draw the second talisman.

It's a pity that after a cup of tea, the talisman drawn on the second drawing still had no inspiration and became a waste product again.

Han Feng stopped to think, study, and deduce. He tossed and tossed until midnight, and then he started to draw the third picture.

The result is still the same, still a waste product.

Han Feng's eyes were red, and he couldn't believe it. A stubborn temper came up, and he drew the fourth, fifth, and sixth pictures in a row, but he still failed.

Han Feng had no choice but to turn to other experience talks. The external soul power penetrated into the identity jade card. After paying [-] contribution points, he only saw the experience summary of a talisman master.

"So that's how it is, too much talisman ink!" Han Feng suddenly realized, he hurriedly drew the seventh sheet, and carefully adjusted the amount of ink dipped in it, but in the end it still ended in failure.

Han Feng fell into deep thought, and then re-infiltrated the identity jade card, and once again opened up the experience talk of that talisman master, and studied it carefully.Fortunately, after purchasing, you can continue to read for seven days, otherwise Han Feng would cry to death, and every contribution point would be his hard-earned money.

Time flies by, and for seven days in a row, Han Feng has been studying how to draw talismans. He failed dozens of times during the period, and his whole body was haggard and disheveled, but his eyes still glowed with a frenzied energy. supporting him.

After Han Feng had a good night's rest that night, he still didn't stop practicing the Qi-Condensing Bagua Palm the next morning. He was able to hit the third palm, the Cloud Qi Palm, which was more than [-]% stronger than the Qi-holding Palm.

After Han Feng finished his breakfast, he went to the talisman making room and continued to draw talismans.

A month passed in the blink of an eye, except for the part handed over to the sect, Han Feng consumed the hundreds of copper-colored talismans accumulated before, but he failed to get a single talisman.

"I feel that it's almost done. I can use the silver talisman paper!" Han Feng's eyes showed a confident light. He unfolded a piece of silver talisman paper, released his soul power, dipped the pen in the ink, and put the pen on the top. , one after another talisman roads flashed out, completed in one go.


When he finished drawing the last stroke, the entire silver talisman paper suddenly glowed red, and the aura of heaven and earth poured in, instantly forming a talisman with red letters on a silver background, emitting a faint spiritual pressure.

"It's done!" Han Feng was overjoyed, he let go of a big stone in his heart.

Han Feng put down the talisman pen, picked up the first-grade talisman that he had just drawn, poured his soul power into it, waved it casually, and immediately ignited it spontaneously. The surrounding aura gathered together and formed a skull-sized fireball in an instant, whizzing away. Finally, it hit the opposite wall and exploded, leaving a dark mark on the wall.

"Haha, it's not weak!" Han Feng laughed out loud, satisfied.

Taking a deep breath, he calmed down his excitement, unfolded a piece of silver talisman paper again, and continued to draw the next talisman.

His technique was still proficient, and the journey was smooth, but at the end, there was a fluctuation in the soul power, and the talisman pen shook slightly, and the talisman path seemed to be a little off, and the entire talisman path suddenly became dim.His heart skipped a beat, and just as he was about to give up, the residual talisman in the sea of ​​souls suddenly appeared, and released a ray of white light that passed through the talisman pen along his arm, and injected it into the talisman paper at a very high speed. The path of the talisman was suddenly corrected, and the talisman glowed again.

Han Feng couldn't believe it, but at the critical moment, he still calmed down and completed the final outline.

The entire talisman rose red, and it succeeded again.

Han Feng didn't look at this talisman, but looked inside to look at the residual talisman, but it had already disappeared, hiding again.

"It turns out that the remnant talisman has such functions, it's really God's help!" Han Feng was ecstatic in his heart.

Next, Han Feng drew six talismans in a row, only three of which were completed in one go, and the other three had some small flaws, but they were all rectified by the broken talismans that appeared in an instant, and the last one was a success.

Han Feng placed the seven first-grade talismans next to his body as a treasure, rested for a night, and continued to draw talismans the next day.

After more than ten days, he also consumed all the silver talisman papers, but none was wasted, and all of them became first-grade talismans, all of which were put into his pocket.

And his achievement is largely due to the residual talisman in the sea of ​​souls. Whenever he makes a mistake, the residual talisman will come to the rescue in time, allowing his precarious talisman to be "reborn".

Of course, after hundreds of successes during this period of time, he is already familiar with drawing this kind of first-grade talisman fireball talisman. Even without the help of residual talismans, he can still have a success rate of [-] to [-]%.

This is a kind of momentum!

The more successful, the more successful!

After Han Feng didn't have any talisman papers, he didn't plan to brew them himself. Instead, he went to Luofeng Pagoda to anonymously list his needs - to purchase silver talisman papers indefinitely.Of course, he paid the price of a low-grade spirit stone for this, and this information can only be kept for three months. If he wants to renew, he has to continue to pay a low-grade spirit stone.

At the same time, he browsed through the transaction information column and selected a transaction content: the acquisition of a first-grade talisman fireball talisman.After recording the relevant information of this transaction, he left here, and left the Hall of Spirit Talismans. He used the third floor of Yunfeng Step, and rushed to the No. [-] handyman's circle every step of the way. He arrived in about half an hour. By the edge of the still water pool, after putting on a robe and covering it with a black cloth, he quickly climbed to a high mountain opposite.

The trading location he announced is here, and the exchange points he gave are 22 contribution points and a silver talisman paper. I believe many people will come here admiringly.

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