Lord of the Runes

Chapter 10 Devour

Han Feng quickly returned to his stone house. He immediately put a large backpack of spiritual materials into the talisman making room, then went to the practice room, took out the rewards from his pocket, and thought about it silently. Pour out the round pulse pill in the jade box.

All of a sudden, the whole practice room was fragrant, and there seemed to be spiritual lights flashing on the Yuanmai Pill, which was very mysterious.

He has already learned from other people this afternoon that the function of the Yuanmai Pill is to help practitioners open up the spiritual veins in the body, which is especially important for a person like him with a single spiritual vein.

Han Feng's eyes flashed brightly, he suddenly picked up the little finger-sized elixir and swallowed it with his head up.

The Yuanmai Pill melted in his mouth, and a fire-like heat flowed into his body. He suddenly felt as if he was being burned by a ball of flames. Even with his willpower, he trembled unceasingly. , The blue tendons are stretched.

But at this moment when he was in unbearable pain, the residual talisman in his soul sea suddenly appeared, shining brightly, pure white, and at the same time, bursts of strange suction spread all over his body in an instant, like a long whale sucking water. Absorbed the spiritual power transformed by the Yuanmai Pill, and then the suction power that spread all over his body also disappeared.

Han Feng was astonished, and quickly looked inside, only to see that the residual talisman slowly retracted its pure white light, and at the moment when it was about to lurk again, he saw a break in a talisman on the left side of it that seemed to be healing. , just fleeting, and when he wanted to take a closer look, the other party had completely disappeared.

"Hey, my Yuanmai Pill!" Han Feng was dumbfounded, feeling as if he wanted to cry.

"call out……"

Suddenly, a strange force gushed out again from the position where the residual talisman had just disappeared, directly passed through his soul sea, and rushed down into his body.

He felt as if he had been struck by lightning, a feeling of electric shock, and then there was a sharp pain in his meridians. He hurriedly looked inside, and suddenly found that there was an extra spiritual vein in his body. One root is much smaller, but as long as it is warmed up slowly in the future, it can still grow gradually.

"It's amazing that the residual talisman can feed back a wave of pure spiritual power!" Han Feng silently realized that the feeling of electric shock just now was caused by the impact of pure spiritual power on the meridians, and this pure spiritual power Naturally, the residual character is fed back, otherwise it will not be generated out of thin air.

"If I can continue to take the Yuanmai Pill, the pure spiritual power fed back from the residual talisman will help me open up the meridians in my body, wouldn't it be wonderful!" Han Feng immediately grasped the key point, with a look of surprise on his face.

"I don't know if Yunling Pill and Soul Cultivating Pill can also be absorbed by the residual talisman?" Han Feng poured out the Yunling Pill and Soul Cultivating Pill again, and after eating a Yunling Pill, his body was warm, and there was no residual talisman for a long time. The talisman appeared, and taking the soul nourishing pill was the same. Apart from lightening his brain and slightly increasing his soul power, the residual talisman still did not appear.Obviously, the residual talisman did not like this level of pills. Perhaps the concentration of spiritual power formed by these pills was not enough to attract it, or it could not help it repair the fracture of its own talisman line.

Han Feng had no choice but to give up.

Time flies like an arrow, and in the blink of an eye, another three months have passed.

Although the production rate of Han Feng's boiled talisman paper and talisman ink has only increased to 40%, even if he deducted the share of the corrosion rate every time, he has already won the championship for three consecutive months, ranking first in the three-month competition , He couldn't realize it even if he wanted to hide clumsy. Fortunately, his silver talisman papers only appeared by accident, and they were still within the share of the dissolution rate. After four months of accumulation, there were as many as eleven pieces, and there were more than [-] A piece of copper-colored talisman paper was in his hand.

And every time he took the Yuanmai Danjing, he was devoured by the residual talisman, and the resulting pure spiritual power also allowed him to successfully possess three spiritual veins. Although it is still a low-level qualification, he can enter the room anyway.

But it's a pity that he still can't condense the true energy, because his three orifices in the dantian are closed, so naturally he can't turn the spiritual energy into true energy, let alone store the energy and enter the realm of energy storage.

"I don't know if there is a way to eliminate this defect?" Han Feng began to think about this problem after finishing his practice early in the morning.

"Perhaps that elder in the entrance hall will have a solution. I'll go over and ask him." Han Feng pondered for a while, then got up and went out, rushing to the entrance hall.

The entrance hall is still very lively, and the square in front of the gate gathers many disciples of deacons or handymen.

Although Han Feng hadn't condensed his true qi yet, after four months of hard work day and night and the nourishment of a large number of pills and spirit materials, his soul power had greatly improved, and his physical strength had also been greatly improved. With the help of the recoil force of the air-pushing palm, he climbed to the end of the steps.

"Isn't this Han Feng? I heard that he is doing very well in the Hall of Spirit Talismans. He has won the first place in the competition for three consecutive months. He is a star figure!" A deacon student who knows everything said.

"It's so amazing, it's really enviable. I don't know when I can achieve such an achievement?" A handyman disciple sighed.

"Don't dream, hurry back to the kitchen and cook. If you send lunch to the outer disciples and apprentices late, be careful that your job will not be guaranteed!" the deacon disciple who knew everything about it scolded.

The handyman disciple was immediately discouraged, and retreated obediently.

"This Senior Brother, Junior Brother Han is already so powerful, so what is he doing in the Entrance Hall?" Another deacon disciple walked up to this know-it-all disciple and asked.

"How would I know, I'm not the roundworm in his stomach." The know-it-all disciple rolled his eyes and said.

The deacon disciple's eyes flashed, and he didn't speak any more.

Not a moment later, Han Feng walked out from the gate of the entrance hall, his expression was calm, and he could not see any emotion. He walked down the steps in three steps at a time.

Many onlookers stepped forward to salute and say hello to him, Han Feng returned the salute one by one, without any arrogance.But when someone asked him why he came here, he just responded lightly with a reminiscence and got over it.

After a while, Han Feng got rid of their entanglement and hurried back to the Hall of Spirit Talismans.

After returning to the Hall of Spirit Talismans, he did not go to his residence, but to the Luofeng Pagoda in the northeast, where the missions of the Hall of Spirit Talismans were released and various transactions were made. Founded by Feng's talisman master, it provided a lot of convenience for many colleagues in the Hall of Spiritual Talismans.

Originally, Han Feng could also directly enter the identity jade card to check the corresponding task information, but that would consume contribution points, and it was not that comprehensive, so Han Feng simply came here directly.

The distance to Luofeng Pagoda is only more than ten miles away. Han Feng used the Cloud Wind Step which has recently entered the second floor, one step is three feet away, the speed is astonishing, and he came to Luofeng Pagoda in a short while.

He looked up at the huge tower that was more than a hundred feet high, and felt an invisible force pressing over him, which made people slightly surprised.

Han Feng shook his head, quickly walked over dozens of steps, and walked in through a door in the middle.

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