host country

Chapter 439 The Altar

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Yu Xian was planning to call out the fog to hide the whereabouts of everyone.

Zhang Song took the initiative to invite Ying and said, "The national teacher waits, let the officials come over for such trivial matters."

As he said that, he waved the Little Suyun Flag, and the surrounding area was filled with clouds and mist, and he couldn't see far away.

Yu Xian praised, "It's a good baby."

With this treasure, everyone easily entered the Ziwu Valley's dangerous road under the cover of clouds and mists.

When he realized that there was no one around, Zhang Song withdrew his magical powers and acted as a guide.

"Everyone, go slowly, wait for me to go ahead to explore the way first."

As he said that, he changed the length of the small Suyun flag in his hand, and quickly flew towards the valley on the flagpole.

Everyone watched them leave with envy in their eyes.

Good stuff.

At this moment, Yu Xian suddenly remembered that his famous gourd seemed to have the function of riding.

Back then at the "Lu" character pass, he incarnated as Li Su and chased Yu Xiaoxian on the gourd of fame and fame.

Li Su probably knew very little about this gourd of fame, and had never used it like this, and even Yu Xian forgot about it.

But at this moment, even if Yu Xian crawled out from Ziwu Valley, he didn't dare to disturb the person in the gourd easily.

After walking for not long, Zhang Song hurriedly flew back on the flagpole.

As soon as he landed, Zhang Song said nervously, "National Teacher, there is an altar more than ten miles ahead. It seems that some ceremony has been held."

"Oh?" Yu Xian was curious, "Can you see what's unusual around you?"

"This..." Zhang Song blushed slightly, "I'm afraid that there may be some evil monsters or mountain spirits causing trouble, so I didn't, I didn't dare to look any further."

Yu Xian was not harsh, he glanced at Bashan Ghost King, "Ghost King, why don't we both go and have a look."

Bashan Ghost King said with a smile, "Nephew, you don't have to be so careful, just pass by. In this land of Yizhou, who wouldn't sell some face to my Shouwu clan?"

Yu Xian didn't insist either.

Even without the face of the Shouwu clan, the combat effectiveness of this team is not weak.

Although Bashan Ghost King looks like a fat man who can eat, but just looking at the respectful expressions of these juniors, he knows that this guy is not simple.

Yu Xian had fought against brothers Feng Ming and Feng Liang, as well as disciples of Baishi Mountain like He Xuan and Chang Le.Each has some skills.As for Luo Ping and Liang Si, they were also the younger generation that Bashan Ghost King was more optimistic about.

The only shortcoming is working in Zhang Song.

But this guy has some Confucian methods, and with the help of Xiao Suyunqi, it is more than enough to protect himself.

Everyone raised their guard and moved forward slowly.

When they arrived at the place Zhang Song mentioned, they saw an altar hastily built among the cliffs and ravines.

The soil mixed with gravel was simply tamped into an altar, and many wooden stakes around it that hadn't even had time to peel off the bark were fixed in the surrounding directions.

Every step of the altar seemed to have been splashed with blood, and in the center was a pile of burnt ashes, and many scorched bones were being picked by crows unwillingly.

Chang Le murmured softly, "It looks like he is worshiping some evil god."

Bashan Ghost King glared at her when he heard this.

Chang Le immediately shut his mouth tightly.

People of the witch ghost sect practice the way of witch ghost and obtain power from mysterious places.Some hidden families even secretly communicated with some strange gods who occasionally responded.

Bashan Ghost King himself has seen the power of a female demon, so how dare he cause trouble in such a matter.

Yu Xian observed it for a while and said, "Not necessarily, it's a bit like the style of Yin Shang."

He had experienced the Luoyi ghost town sacrificial incident, and he was familiar with the placement of the altar and the way of blood smearing.

The star demon master on the side lifted half of the human skin mask, revealing a pointed chin.

Then, suddenly spit out the pink and slender tip of the tongue, rolled it in the air, and retracted it again.

Everyone looked sideways.

Yu Xian had seen a lot in the past few days, but he was calm.

He asked, "Did the Star Demon Master discover anything?"

The star demon master carefully felt the breath in his mouth, thoughtfully, "There is no human smell, and the smoke has dissipated, it should be some time."


Everyone was relieved, and stepped forward curiously to look at it.

Yu Xian carefully looked at the style of the altar and the patterns on it, the more he looked at it, the more familiar it became.

This is really similar to the ceremony held in Luoyi ghost town.

At this moment, Chang Le suddenly pointed to the opposite side, "Hey, look at the stone wall over there, there seems to be writing."

Everyone was a little surprised when they heard the words, and looked at the stone wall opposite the altar.

On the stone wall, there were five characters engraved in scribbled handwriting.

——"Wei Yan returns to the horse!"

Yu Xian was startled, and suddenly remembered what happened when he passed Ziwu Valley last winter.

At that time, he worked hard with Guan Hai, Li Su and others.When passing by this place, Yu Xian suddenly remembered the allusion that Wei Yan wanted to use Ziwu Valley to attack Chang'an.

Yu Xianyao imagined the scene when Wei Yanxing came here and wanted to make great achievements, but Zhuge Liang strictly refused.

For a while, I thought of playing around.

So Yu Xian used a spear borrowed from Li Su to stab a stone on the stone wall for a book.

Leave these words.

Yu Xian looked around carefully, and had some vague impressions in his mind.

It seems to be here.

Yu Xian is lost in thought.

He Xuan's sharp eyes saw that the green vines clinging to the stone wall showed signs of being tampered with, so he immediately stepped forward and lifted the green vines on the stone wall.

The inscription of the next few words was revealed again.

——"Taoist Yu Xian."

Yu Xian? !

He Xuan widened his eyes and looked back.

Everyone saw it too, and looked back in astonishment.

Previously, they had been guessing what kind of evil thing they were offering sacrifices to, but they didn't expect that it was the people around them who played tricks on them.

Many people showed helplessness and squinted.

The gray-robed girl, Chang Le, was straightforward, and said to Yu Xian with a giggle, "So it was you who did it."

Luo Ping, a member of Canling Ghost King's sect, looked hesitantly at the moss and vines attached to the word, and said, "Maybe it's the same name, it seems like it's been a while."

Yu Xian was a little embarrassed, so he had to explain.

"Everyone, these words are indeed left by me."

Seeing the different expressions on everyone's faces, Yu Xian had no choice but to explain, "Pindao passed by this place last year, and he had a feeling for a moment. He learned that decades later, a general named Wei Yan would lead his troops here. I know other things can't be done." So I left a letter here to persuade him to leave early. I did it at will at that time, but I never thought about it today."

When everyone heard this, their faces became more and more strange.

Decades later?General Wei Yan?Leave a book here?

Isn't this guy crazy?

Everyone is a practitioner, who dares to say what will happen decades later?

Bashan Ghost King seemed not to have heard Yu Xian's absurd words. He frowned and asked, "Since it was written by you in the past, what's the matter with the altar here?"

The wooden stakes on the side of the altar are still fresh at the joints. Except for some of the charred bones being turned by crows, the others are still in a decent position.

All this proves that a ceremony was held here just a few days ago.

Moreover, the ceremony was solemn and solemn, and the lost power prevented the beasts from approaching for several days.

The object of worship of these people...

It is Taoist Yu Xian.

Yu Xian also thought of this verse, he and Bashan Ghost King looked at each other in dismay.


Yu Xian's heart moved, and he suddenly thought of the only possibility.

That mysterious army that just passed by!

Building an altar in such a dangerous place would definitely require a huge amount of manpower, and if it wasn't for them, they wouldn't let this marching obstacle block them and remain indifferent if they passed by.

——Come from Chang'an, defrauded Hanzhong's supplies and ran away, and also abducted a nearby bandit, a familiar sacrificial ceremony.

Yu Xian had a vague guess in his heart.

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