host country

Chapter 440 The Confidence of Mystery

Just at the other end of the Meridian Valley, an army that had crossed the Shu Road with difficulty was making its final rest.

After the life-and-death fight in Baoxie Road, the soldiers and horses in Dong Bai's hands have expanded considerably.

There were still more than [-] soldiers from Luoyang County who had been brought with them, and Dong Bai was still handed over to Li Su for command.

More than 1000 Xiliang soldiers were attached, and Fan Chou was still the school lieutenant.

There are more than 2000 people in Zhao Qian's remaining troops who surrendered. These were originally Jingzhao soldiers with little loyalty.Dong Bai considered that Wang Yun was mature and prudent, well-known in the court, and he was his second younger brother, so he asked Wang Yun, a reliable and mighty general, to lead the more than 2000 surrendered troops.

After arriving in Hanzhong, Dong Bai found his younger brother Xu Huang without much trouble.

With Xu Huang's [-] elite soldiers, Dong Bai can be regarded as having a reliable direct line army.

Wang Yun and Dong Bai, one is an important official of the Han Dynasty, and the other is Dong Zhuo's direct granddaughter.

It was confirmed by Zhao Song that the two men easily gained Su Gu's trust once they showed up in Hanzhong.

Dong Bai claimed to have [-] elite soldiers, who could help Su Gu attack Liu Yan.

At the beginning, Su Gu was a little puzzled as to why women were leading the army, but considering that the folk customs in the Northwest were as tough as barbarians, and Dong Bai was the granddaughter of the Great Demon King Dong Zhuo, he was a little more convinced.

So Su Gu took advantage of the upper body and prepared to make a big move, using Dong Zhuo's soldiers and horses to drive away tigers and devour wolves.

Unexpectedly, this murderous army ran away overnight after asking for enough supplies.

Su Gu only had thousands of soldiers and horses in his hands, which was enough to defend Hanzhong City, and it was simply unrealistic to pursue them.

Except for the symbolic dispatch of scouts everywhere, Su Gu, the newly promoted god of seeking, could only swallow his anger and admit that he was unlucky.

With Xu Huang's military support, Dong Bai's confidence increased greatly.

She changed her previous plan and planned to take a shortcut to the Meridian Valley and return to Chang'an directly.

Wang Yun, Li Su and others were very puzzled, but Dong Bai's face was full of confused confidence.

"Don't worry, these are all within my master's expectation, he has already arranged everything for me."


Wang Yun, Li Su and the others were stunned.

How is this arranged?

Besides, your master doesn't know where he is right now.

Dong Bai didn't explain much.

Now Dong Bai has full control over the soldiers and horses in his hands.

Xu Huang's [-] elite soldiers were originally prepared for her by her master, and Fan Chou and his [-] flying bear army were devoted to the Dong family with all their hearts.

As her younger brother, Wang Yun will definitely support her.

Even Huben Zhonglang Li Su is very reliable.When Dong Bai was in distress in Luoyang, it was Li Su and Yu Xian who rescued Dong Bai to Chang'an.

With these reliances, Dong Bai has the capital to act arbitrarily.

Not long after Dong Bai led the army into Ziwu Valley without hesitation, scouts reported that they found a strange writing.

Dong Bai was puzzled when he saw it at first, but Li Su suddenly remembered that when he took Yu Xian to Chang'an last year, he had borrowed his inverted beard Wu hook gun to write and draw on the nearby mountain walls.

Dong Bai felt something in his heart, so he stepped forward and tore apart the vines climbing on the mountain wall. Sure enough, he saw those four words.

——"Taoist Yu Xian."

Everything is clear!

Dong Bai's eyes sparkled.

——It’s not that I think about it too much. Master has made clear and clear arrangements long ago, and everything is in his plan.

The guard who chased after Hanzhong should be called Wei Yan, so the master left a warning to let him pass through Ziwu Valley smoothly.

Now that everything has been arranged, then I have nothing to be afraid of.

Back to Chang'an!

It's right to go over recklessly!

So Dong Bai ordered the altar to be built and prayed to the master for a smooth trip.

Although Tai Shiling is not around at the moment, Cai Yan claims to understand these things very well.

Finally, under the auspices of Cai Yan, Dong Bai completed the prayer.

Many soldiers in Xu Huang's army came from Luoyang refugees. These people were grateful to the national teacher Yu Xian and worshiped devoutly.

For a while, Xiliang soldiers, Jing Zhaojun, and Luoyang County soldiers all followed without knowing it, looking around, suspicious, as if they were sheltered by some mysterious positive energy.

Due to high morale, it took Dong Bai only 20 days to pass Ziwu Valley, which originally took almost a month.

This gave Dong Bai more time.

This allowed her to block the entrance of Meridian Valley to rest and reorganize the army while sending scouts to secretly inquire about Chang'an.

Meridian Valley is very close to Chang'an, and it didn't take long for the thunderous news to come from Chang'an.

The Bingzhou army and the old officials of the imperial court joined forces to lure Dong Zhuo into the Weiyang Palace under the guise of abdication.

Then, at the place where Queen Lu killed Han Xin, Lu Bu suddenly stabbed him with a halberd in the back.

Dong Zhuo was wearing a precious armor and escaped with his life.However, he couldn't resist the fierce Lu Bu, so he had to flee in a hurry.

At this moment, Shi Sunrui suddenly came out holding the Empress's jade seal in his hand. Immediately, "there is no sky above, no spring below", Dong Zhuo had nowhere to go, and was finally beheaded before the jade steps.

Lu Bu's rebellion was richly rewarded.

He was formally appointed as General Fenwu, the three divisions of Jiajie and Yibi, and jointly ruled the government.

Except that part of the power was taken away by the old officials of the Han Dynasty, it can be said that Lu Bu, who seized power in a military coup, almost replaced Dong Zhuo's position at that time.

Huangfusong took advantage of the chaos and galloped into the Jingzhao army barracks. After promising pardon, he easily regained this force.

The long-standing grievances made Lu Bu hate Liangzhou people very much.Dong Zhuo's death also completely broke out the conflicts accumulated before.

Soon after Dong Zhuo's death, Lu Bu and Huang Fusong led troops to surround Meiwu.

It's a pity that the most elite Feixiong army among the Xiliang soldiers stayed in Meiwu, and they were besieged by Bingzhou soldiers and Jingzhao soldiers for a long time, but they failed.

If it weren't for Dong Zhuo's early death, which made the Xiliang army a mess, I am afraid that both armies may be counterattacked.

Shi Sunrui entered Meiwu lightly and negotiated secretly with Xiliang soldiers.

The imperial court will appoint Li Ru as the shepherd of Liangzhou. As long as the Xiliang army leaves behind mountains of grain, grass and wealth in Meiwu, they can be allowed to return to Liangzhou.

Xu Rong, Duan Yan and other foreign generals attached to Dong Zhuo can all re-enter the court as officials.

Rebellious behavior in the past will also be ignored.

This condition moved Li Jue, Guo Si, Zhang Ji and others of Feixiong Military Academy.Especially not long after news came that Xu Rong, Duan Yan and other generals stationed in various places had surrendered one after another, they finally agreed to the court's conditions.

Just as the Feixiong army withdrew from Meiwu and was about to return to Liangzhou to lick their wounds, they suddenly heard a shocking news from Shi Sun Rui.

Lu Bu succeeded in raiding Dong Zhuo because Li Ru was involved in the conspiracy.

Li Ru's face changed drastically when he heard the news, and he denied it.

But Niu Fu, who was stationed in Shan County, obviously believed it. He ignored it and led the army to attack Li Ru.

Although Li Jue, Guo Si, Zhang Ji and others had doubts in their hearts, the situation was over now, and they could only count on Li Ru's way of life.

Niu Fu's soldiers and horses fought a scuffle with the Feixiong army supporting Li Ru. As a result, Niu Fu was defeated by the third school lieutenant who belonged to him, and died on the spot.

After the civil war between Dong Zhuo's two sons-in-law, the Xiliang army was also seriously injured. Now that they are stationed in Fufeng County, they are temporarily unable to go west.

for a short time.

Dong Bai lost her grandfather who loved her so much.

Lost the Xiliang Army who protected her.

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