host country

Chapter 438 Topographic Map of Western Shu

Yu Xian originally thought that Zhang Song, who was the guide, was most likely to be left behind during this journey.

Who would have thought that Zhang Song would make the small Suyun flag bigger and ride it up and down on the flagpole, it would be very flexible.

If it wasn't so ugly, Yu Xian would have thought this was the Yizhou version of Harry Potter.

This Nima.

Yu Xian looked at his sore legs, and then at Zhang Song who was flying around.

Very envious.

In this way, for several days, the pedestrian bypassed Zouma Ridge and entered the Hanzhong Plain.

Yu Xian planned to resupply a little in a nearby town, and then avoid the ranger scouts in Hanzhong, cross the Meridian Valley, and reach Chang'an.

Zhang Song took out a roll of brocade from his arms and spread it out in his hand.

The brocade was empty at first glance, Zhang Song blew upwards, and mountains, rivers, streams, towns and suburbs immediately appeared.

Misty clouds, lifelike.

Yu Xian saw it a few times, and couldn't help asking, "What is this?"

Zhang Song didn't hide anything, and said with a smile, "This thing is called "Topographic Map of Western Shu", which Zhou Mu painstakingly rubbed from a powerful magic weapon. No matter how the vicissitudes of life change, settlements and migrations, it will change with the times. The ability of Beizhi to be your guide for this trip depends entirely on the ability of this thing."

This is the famous "Topographic Map of Western Shu" in history.

Yu Xian was very interested.

As a posterity, Yu Xian knows exactly how valuable an accurate map is.

In particular, the road to and from Yizhou is difficult. It can be said that this map is the key to unlock Yizhou.

Later, when the Yizhou Mufu was in decline, Zhang Song secretly wrapped up this picture and wanted to go to Cao Cao.


Cao Cao thought he was ugly and ignored him...

Yu Xian asked tentatively, "Can I take a look?"

Hearing this, Zhang Song spread out his hands without hesitation, and handed them to Yu Xian with a flattering smile, "National teacher, come, if you like it, you can give it to the national teacher for safekeeping first."

Yu Xian gave him a wink approvingly.

Although the young man is ugly, he is very upright.

However, this "Topographic Map of Western Shu" is an important prop for the key historical line of "Liu Bei's entry into Sichuan".

Without Liu Bei's entry into Sichuan, there would be no tripartite confrontation, and the history of the entire era would collapse.

Yu Xian was interested, but he didn't dare to have the slightest covetous heart.

He simply didn't even touch it, and Zhang Song held it up, and began to look at it carefully.

After watching for a while, I lamented the magic of creation.

Just about to ask Zhang Song to put it away, he unexpectedly noticed some strange lines.

These lines are on the edge of the topographic map of Xishu, and it seems that they were accidentally stained during rubbing.

Paths of vitality were randomly drawn to reveal their shapes.

Yu Xian was suspicious, it seemed to be somewhat similar to the half-forbidden pattern he got.

Could it be that Liu Yan rubbed it from the place where Daji's skull was buried?

Although this conjecture is a bit far-fetched, it cannot rule out a certain connection.

Yu Xian secretly memorized a few lines and prepared to go back and compare them.

He said to Zhang Song, "This thing is quite interesting, please keep it well. If I want to see it, I'll look for you again."

Zhang Song heaved a sigh of relief, smiled and put away the topographic map of Xishu.

Then, thinking about the past, looking at the crowd, he cleared his throat and said, "The trek these few days has been much harder than we thought. We are all practitioners. Although it is easy to survive in the wilderness, it is definitely not comfortable. .Now that I think about it, the previous preparations were a bit sloppy. I think we might as well do some shopping in this small town, and prepare more seasonings and washing things. I can also inquire about the news by the way, and see what the current situation is. Nothing has changed."

This proposal is very satisfactory to everyone. After all, everyone has not practiced to the level of eating wind and drinking dew, so it is still necessary to have a meal.

No one would object to making the itinerary more comfortable.

Especially the disciples of the Wugui Sect knew the Bashan Ghost King's preferences, and there was no room for them to show their strengths along the way.

In order to save weight, they didn't bring any gold or silver.

According to the original plan, everyone could plunder wealthy households in villages and towns and quickly complete supplies.

But here is not far from Hanzhong, Yu Xian didn't want to make extra troubles.

In the end, it was He Xuan who made the move, Shi Shi ran into the casino, and then proudly took out a package.

Yu Xian took some money and bought some materials that might be used for the formation, and then wandered around the town slowly, listening to the gossip of the idlers.

It is very close to Yangping Pass, and the general atmosphere in the market is not optimistic.

Most people think that with the strength of Hanzhong, even if Chen Tiao tried his best, he would not be able to stop the Yizhou army.

However, the people in the small town did not have a strong sense of identity with either Su Gu or Liu Yan.

No matter who wins, someone has to farm and pay taxes, and life will continue as before.

It's just that the battle is going on like a comb, and it will inevitably be chaotic for a while.

The news I got two days ago was that Chen Tiao somehow persuaded a powerful monster.When Pang De was fighting with others, the demon suddenly came out of the pass, and caught the Yizhou army by surprise.

Chen Tiao led his troops to attack for a while, causing the vanguard of the Yizhou Army to return in a disastrous defeat.

Now the main energy of the Yizhou Army is focused on suppressing Ren Qi and Jia Long's rebellion, and chose to endure this defeat.

"Chen Tiao." Yu Xian was a little emotional.

He vaguely remembered something about Chen Tiao.

In history, the ending of this boy was not happy.

In addition, Yu Xian also inquired about other news.

The envoys of the imperial court seem to have arrived in Hanzhong.

Although the soldiers and horses they brought were not many, they were full of murderous looks and looked very elite.

It is said that even a band of thieves cruising around Hanzhong were recruited by them.

However, this imperial army seems to be not very authentic.

When Su Gu enthusiastically made up for their food, grass and silver, and waited expectantly for them to go to Yangping Pass and meet the Yizhou Army for a while, this soldier and horse ran away overnight.

If it wasn't for the chief bookkeeper Zhao Song to accompany him personally, confirm the identity of the person who came here.

Su Gu almost thought that he had encountered a large fraud gang.

This accident made Hanzhong County, which was not rich already, even worse.

The people in the small town were very indignant when they talked about it.

——"It's not human at all!"

Yu Xian thought about it for a long time, but he didn't know which other forces nearby could come up with such a trick.

Maybe I can ask Zhao Song about this matter, and I can get some clues, but Yu Xian is not so deadly.

After the supplies were simply completed in the small town, Zhang Song led the team again and led the people to the direction of Meridian Valley.

Zhang Song rode the little Suyun flag quite fast, but he had to take into account the speed of others, so he could only control the speed slowly.

This made Yu Xian feel that this guy was riding a "chug-chug" motorcycle.

Hmm... a little kind.

The road was supposed to be calm and peaceful, but for some reason there were many searchers.

The entrance of Meridian Valley is also guarded by many soldiers.

Seeing this situation, Yu Xian had some guesses, "Could it be that the army that cheated Hanzhong of a lot of supplies fled from the direction of Ziwu Valley? I hope that we will not encounter them during this trip, so as to avoid more troubles."

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