host country

0218 Fairy healing

Yu Xian made up his mind, and after a little identification of the direction, he ran towards Situ's mansion.

A curfew had already been imposed in Luoyang city.

Those who came out in the dark at this moment were not good people.

Yu Xian encountered several waves on the road, but each of them retreated in a tacit understanding.

The soldiers patrolling the city didn't dare to provoke these ruthless people, they just patrolled perfunctorily at night, and then hid back to the barracks and fell asleep.

Yu Xian ran recklessly for more than half an hour, and finally arrived near Situ's mansion.

He looked at the night, saw the moonlight was bright, and the ground was full of silver frost, and he thought that Diao Chan was probably still in that back garden.

Yu Xian restrained his breath quietly, climbed over the wall and touched the back garden.

Yu Xian tiptoed to the vicinity of the back garden, sneaked a peek inside along the crack of the door.I saw Diaochan really was there to worship the bright moon in the sky.

Yu Xian could only see Diao Chan's back, but he could feel that her mood looked good, and she was absent-minded in tonight's practice.

Yu Xian came here to ask for help this time, so of course he shouldn't be reckless.

He coughed lightly, then knocked on the garden door.

Diao Chan turned her head suddenly, seeing that it was Yu Xian, she was startled, and blurted out, "For an old and disrespectful master?!"

As she said that, Diao Chan subconsciously hid her hands back.

Yu Xian laughed out loud, pushed open the courtyard door and came in, not forgetting to tease him.

"Take out your hand quickly and let Master see if you are doing something embarrassing."

Diao Chan was furious when she heard the words, "You're courting death again."

Seeing that Diao Chan was about to turn his back on him, Yu Xian quickly stopped him and said, "Don't be so angry, I have something to ask you this time."

"Oh?" Diao Chan thought of something when she heard the words, but suppressed her anger and looked at Yu Xian carefully, "Then tell me."

Yu Xian hurriedly said, "That's it. You have seen a lot, do you know that there is an evil method that can make people's heart palpitations unbearable, and both Qi and blood are empty. Master, I seem to be plotted by someone."

Diao Chan narrowed her eyes, a pair of curved eyes, very beautiful.

She thought for a while, and asked Yu Xian, "Have you ever asked others? What did they say?"

Yu Xian said with a smile, "We know each other so well, why should I ask others. When it comes to being knowledgeable, I'll be the first to convince you."

Diao Chan hehe, sneered and said, "I'm afraid there is no one to ask."

Yu Xian shook his head hastily, "This is not possible."

If it doesn't work, he can ask Li Su to help him find out.

However, Li Su's current attitude is very ambiguous, and Yu Xian doesn't want to show any weakness in front of him.

As for Diao Chan, it's different, both of them have shady identities, and each has means of blackmailing the other, Yu Xian will be at worst with her.

Diao Chan moved her eyes and said to Yu Xian, "Hold out your hand, and I'll feel your pulse."

Yu Xian was immediately confused, "You are a goblin, how can you feel the pulse of others?"

Diao Chan's face was stern, and she said indifferently, "Then get out!"

Yu Xian immediately handed his big hand to Diao Chan honestly.

Diao Chan's small hand is not big, holding Yu Xian's big hand, the picture makes Yu Xian a little funny.

But Diao Chan had a very serious expression on his face, which made Yu Xian embarrassed to play anymore.

Yu Xian glanced at Diao Chan's wrist inadvertently, but only saw a section of the wrist, which was nothing special.

Diao Chan supported Yu Xian's palm with one hand, and felt Yu Xian's pulse with the other. After listening quietly for a while, she seemed to ask casually, "By the way, now that you are deficient in both Qi and blood, you can still feel like you were in Mangshan." Do you have inexhaustible power?"

Yu Xian has never tried this question.

"let me try."

Yu Xian silently activated the power of one mother, and saw the muscles on his body expand rapidly, and his body began to grow taller slowly.

Clenching his fists, Yu Xian immediately felt the powerful force.

"The strength is still there, it's hard to say how long it can last."

Diao Chan also seemed to have encountered a difficult problem, she frowned and said softly, "Strange."

Then, he couldn't help pressing the muscles on Yu Xian's chest with his small hands.

When Yu Xian was touched by Diao Chan's hand, his body felt itchy and uncomfortable.

However, Diao Chan scratched very seriously to confirm the hardness of Yu Xian's muscles.

Yu Xian's eyes fell on Diao Chan's hand.

The wounds caused by hard grafting Zhang Liao that day have fully recovered, and there is not even a scar on his fair little hand.

Yu Xian smiled and said, "The injury on your hand healed so quickly?"

Diao Chan's hand retracted instantly, and when she realized it, she calmly put it back on Yu Xian's chest.

Yu Xian asked strangely, "Why such a big reaction?"

Diao Chan responded casually, "It's nothing. After being injured, it is inevitable that I will be a little wary."

Yu Xian looked at Diao Chan enviously, "It's because you monsters are amazing. Not only are you strong enough to hold weapons, but you also recover so quickly."

Yu Xian thought about the scene where Diao Chan received the sword empty-handed and toughened Zhang Liao, and felt that this beauty was really tough.

Diao Chan remained silent.

After touching Yu Xian, he just sat there alone and stroked his small chin thinking carefully.

From time to time, he whispered softly, "It shouldn't be."

Yu Xian closed his ears, "What?"

Diao Chan rolled her eyes at Yu Xian, "It's none of your business."

Yu Xian didn't care too much about this, he asked, "Then what's wrong with me, am I poisoned, secretly wounded, or cursed by someone else?"

Diao Chan was suddenly asked several sentences by Yu Xian, and was a little incoherent for a while, "Of course, of course not!"

"That's it."

Although Yu Xian is concerned about how he got this problem, he is more concerned about whether there is a way to get rid of it.

"Then what can you do?"

Diao Chan faltered for a while, obviously she didn't have any good ideas, she thought about it, narrowed her eyes again and smiled, "Well, I'll prescribe you a medicine for you to take."

It sounds strange that the goblin prescribes medicine for people.

Yu Xian asked with a smile, "I don't dare to take the medicine you prescribed. Is it possible to use something like a child's heart and liver as a medicine primer to deliver it?"

Diao Chan gave Yu Xian a supercilious look, "Wait here."

With that said, Diao Chan went into a side room next to the backyard by herself.

After a while, the lights in the room were turned on, and Yu Xian vaguely saw a graceful figure writing with a pen on the window paper.

Yu Xian admired it for a while, and had to admit that this girl was beautiful, no wonder she was scrambled by so many strong men later.

However, when Yu Xian knew that this beauty was a monster, he realized that the things inside were not simple.

After a while, the lamp was blown out.

Diao Chan came out with a piece of yellow paper, on which several herbs were written, "Eat first, prepare well, in two days..., come here again."

Yu Xian unfolded the paper, and saw several kinds of medicinal materials written on it.

——"Rehmannia glutinosa, cornus, dried yam, Alisma, Moutan bark, and white poria cocos."

Yu Xian was dumbfounded, isn't this prescription just...

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