host country

0219 Mr. Spring and Autumn

Yu offered Situ's mansion, but he was still a little confused.

Find a witch to help yourself.

As a result, the other party didn't resort to such appalling monster methods as dissecting the liver and draining the blood. Instead, he prescribed a pair of Liuwei Dihuang Pills to send him out.

Who can believe this?

Yu Xian gave up on Diao Chan.

Well, Liuwei Dihuang Wan is Liuwei Dihuang Wan.

After Yu Xian returned to the Prime Minister's Mansion, he used some tricks and sneaked to the warehouse to search for it.

He is practicing the wood attribute technique, so it is not difficult to find medicinal materials.

After gathering all the medicinal materials, Yu Xian rummaged around again.

However, the "One Dou" cast by Emperor Qin was not found as expected.

He was not disappointed.

If this thing is really stored in the warehouse as grandiosely as in the dungeon, then it will be called a ghost.

This thing should not be carried by Dong Zhuo.

Although "one bucket" sounds awesome and magical, if there is no "one catty" cooperation, at most it is convenient for loading things.

Although the volume of the things that come in remains the same, the more you put in, the heavier the weight.

The magic of "one bucket" is that it can hold a lot of things made by human civilization, but when it can really play a role, it will cause huge inconvenience of being overweight.

It can be said that using "one bucket" alone is still a bit tasteless.

Yu Xian secretly guessed that the Emperor Qin's "One Dou" should be hidden in the master book.

Dong Bai still needs to make up his mind on this matter.

Yu Xian took the collected medicinal materials to the kitchen to cook them, and finally made dozens of honey pills, which were sealed with wax.

He picked one up and popped it into his mouth, hoping it would have some effect.

In the early morning of the second day, Yu Xian took a selfie in the mirror and found that he was becoming more and more vain.

Last night, he had palpitations twice again, which made Yu Xian feel strongly uneasy.

Yu Xian took out the silver gourd, begged his grandpa to tell his grandma and prayed over it, but after entering, it was still brushed out by a ray of light.

Yu Xian had no choice but to wait until dusk, preparing to meet those low-level novelists first.

In the afternoon, watching the sun fading to the west, Yu Xian did not disturb the guards, but still quietly came out from the corner gate.

After a while, Yu Xian mixed into the bustling and bustling crowd.

He searched for the alley in the direction he remembered.

When I arrived, I saw that there were shops on both sides of the alley, but they were not the bookstores that Yu Xian imagined, but some ordinary brush and ink shops, and some of them sold inkstones, pen holders and other decorations.

Yu Xian hesitated, could it be that the novelists of this era make a living by selling these things?

Then should I take the initiative to strike up a conversation and ask a question?

Yu Xian poked his head out and took a few glances, and saw that those shopkeepers didn't look like scholars, so he felt a little hesitant?

Could it be that Li Su was lying to himself?

Not so much.

Yu Xian walked around from store to store, neither saying to buy nor not to buy.

Just walking like this, looking around.

The clerks in those shops called out twice, and seeing Yu Xian's appearance, they all went about their business.

This alley is not long, and Yu Xian walked from the east end to the west end, but he didn't see anyone who looked like a novelist.

He was about to give up when suddenly a man with wicked eyebrows bumped into him.

Yu Xian frowned, and was about to reprimand him.

Seeing that person, he lifted up his robe sleeve, revealing a thin booklet, and then asked winkingly, "Do you want it?"


Yu Xian was a little surprised and wanted to reach out to take it, but the man rolled up the sleeves of his robe and put the things away.

"Don't buy it, don't move, this is a paper book, very expensive."

Yu Xian felt somewhat certain in his heart, he sized up the man and asked, "How do you sell things?"

The man stretched out a hand, "One hundred dollars."

Yu Xian's purpose was to find a novelist, so naturally he would not begrudge the money for a book.

He slipped some money out of Dong Zhuo's treasury last night, which is nothing to spend.

When Yu Xian took out the money, the man immediately smiled, "It's refreshing."

Then handed over the book.

Yu Xian took the thin booklet and opened it casually, and saw a picture of a beautiful woman and a long description that expressed his heart.Flip back and forth, that's all.

Yu Xian was dumbfounded.

Well, it is always difficult to create a blue thread, and it is not easy for the ancestors of novelists.

It's still important to get down to business.

Yu Xian cupped his hands politely and asked, "Dare to ask Mr.'s name?"

Hearing the words, the sly-eyed old man looked at Yu Xian very vigilantly, "Why, don't you want to report to the government?"

In an era where morality is the basis of law, this pamphlet is enough for an old man to drink a pot.

Yu Xian said with a smile, "How can it be, it's just convenient to greet."

The old man thought for a while and said hesitantly, "Then you can call me Mr. Chunqiu."

Yu Xian thought in his heart that this old man really dared to speak.

"Spring and Autumn" is an important classic of Confucianism. If you dare to use it as a title, this guy is either a two-handed person or a boastful person.

Yu Xian hesitated and asked, "Is there something I would like your help with?"

Mr. Chunqiu was slightly startled when he heard that, "Let's hear it."

Yu Xian asked, "Did you see the vision in Luoyang City a few days ago?"

Hearing that, Mr. Chunqiu looked at Yu Xian a few times, "Of course I saw it."

Yu Xian said in a low voice, "To be honest, one of my brothers is involved, and I want to help him."

When the old man heard this, he was startled.

He hastily declined, "It's not that the little old man won't help you, it's just that this matter is too big. The little old man is just a low-level person, how dare he get involved in such a big matter."

As he said that, the old man wanted to rub the soles of his feet with oil.

Yu Xian grabbed the old man and said in a low voice, "Is there a convenient place to talk?"

The old man hesitated, "This..."

Yu Xian bared his teeth at him and threatened in a low voice, "If I were you, I would never offend a desperado for nothing."

The old man showed fear on his face, and he said bitterly, "It's not that the little old man is ignorant, but I'm just a writer of spring books, so I don't have that much ability."

Yu Xian didn't answer, but just looked at the old man dangerously.

The old man was born in the market, and he has long been used to seeing all kinds of people. Knowing that this is not easy to shake, he could only say with a wry smile, "There is a horse market in front, and the owner of the club is my good friend. We can go there Sit down."

Just east of the Luoyang Imperial City is the horse market, and the Huihui is similar to the dental shops of later generations, and it is a place for large-scale business matching.

In this era, not only is information poor, but transportation and payment are also inconvenient.In addition, some businessmen came to other places and did not know the market very well. Gradually, these places for business matching began to prosper.

Yu Xian is not afraid of what kind of tricks this wretched old man will play.

He reassured this guy, "Don't be afraid, I just want to have a good chat with you. I won't force you to do something or not. If I do it, I won't treat you badly."

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