host country

0217 Confused

Dong Zhuo came here with a murderous look, but returned with a confused face.

Those Hanchens who were originally gloating at other people's misfortunes became a little restless.

Not only did they not see the black hand who was making waves to plot against Dong Zhuo, but they also confirmed that the Dong family was indeed royal.

Wang Yun quietly said to the crowd with a dignified face, "Today, the little old man is humbled, I wonder if you can come to my house to get together?"

Everyone was speechless after hearing this, you have had two birthdays this month alone.

Don't you know another excuse?

But at this moment, the Han Dynasty has reached the critical point of life and death, and everyone doesn't care about it.

Everyone agreed one after another, even Gai Xun gave a rare nod, expressing that they would go.

In the face of this unprecedented crisis, the "obscene development faction" headed by Wang Yun and the "tower jumping and killing faction" headed by Gai Xun quickly merged.


Yu Xian witnessed Dong Zhuo leaving with soldiers from Xiliang, and knew that his biggest crisis had been resolved.

When parting, he winked at Li Su vigorously.

Li Su glanced at it, feeling puzzled.

What is this guy trying to say...

He pretended to be casual and looked back suspiciously.

Yu Xian on the opposite side saw it, nodded seriously, and then left among the servants.

Li Su's heart was in a trough.

Brother, what do you mean by nodding?

Don't guess!

Li Su was very disturbed, not knowing what this psychopath would do.


Yu Xian is not in the mood to mess around right now.

His act of hiding the Chuanguo Yuxi on Dong Bai's body inadvertently saved him from disaster, but it also exposed an important problem.

Someone is calculating themselves.

Yu Xian couldn't solve this weird curse-like thing by himself.

Yu Xian thought for a while, but still wanted to ask Ban Lan for help.

Except for this magical girl with great powers, Yu Xian can't think of anyone who has such abilities for the time being.

Taking advantage of the crowd, Yu Xian quietly changed to another courtyard to hide.

After confirming that there is no one around, he took out the silver gourd and activated the formula.

In a flash.

Then another flash.

Before Yu Xian could see the situation in front of him clearly, he was sent out by the gourd.


It was only then that Yu Xian remembered that Ban Lan had just tricked herself, and she was probably proud of herself at the moment, how could she want to see herself.

Yu Xian had no choice but to knock on the gourd and said, "Don't worry, I won't pursue that matter now. I beg you, please let me in."

After finishing speaking, activate the formula.

In a flash.

Then another flash.

Yu Xian returned to the original place in a daze.

This witch is really unreliable at critical times.

Yu Xian had no choice but to give up, and it seemed that he could only settle for the next best thing and solve his current embarrassing situation first.

If you can't clean up the matter of offering sacrifices to heaven, then I'm afraid that you will become a street rat wherever you go in the future.

Even forces that are not interested in the Han Dynasty will definitely be interested in things that they can change Guozuo.

If Yu Xian went out like this, he would be no different from a walking Tang monk.

Yu Xian thought for a while, but he still had to ask Li Su about this matter.

After finally staying up until nightfall, Yu Xian quietly slipped out of the prime minister's mansion through the back door.

After running towards Li Su's house for a short while, he saw a dark figure waiting for him in the distance.

Yu Xian approached slowly, and the man was indeed Li Su.

Seeing that Yu Xian came looking for him as expected, Li Su went crazy, "Master, you are like this now, how dare you come out to wander around? Besides, come out as soon as you come out, don't come looking for me, okay?" it is good?"

Yu Xianquan pretended not to hear.

"I have something to ask you."

Li Su really wanted to swear, he held back for a long time, and then said bitterly, "Then you say it."

Yu Xian said to Li Su, "You have also seen the situation today. Dong Zhuo has understood the matter in a better direction now, so can I find a way to wash away the suspicion on myself?"

Li Su snorted when he heard the words, "You have a good idea, how should you explain the matter of offering sacrifices to heaven?"

As he spoke, Li Su inadvertently swept Yu Xian's body.

If Yu Xian said that he had no secret, he would be the first to not believe it.

Yu Xian also felt a bit pained. He scratched his head and said with emotion, "It's a pity that there is no navy in this era. Otherwise, find someone to lead a wave of rhythm, and maybe this matter will pass."

"Shuijun?" Li Su was taken aback, what does this have to do with the navy?

Yu Xian explained casually, "This 'water army' is not that 'water army'..."

When Li Su figured out what Yu Xian wanted to express, he couldn't help but said in doubt, "Could it be that you are talking about a novelist?"

"Novelist?" Yu Xian was stunned.

"Yes, novelist." Li Su talked to Yu Xian while talking about science.

It turns out that in this era, although novelists mainly collect street gossip and hearsay, they are active in an alternative way.

According to the records of "Historical Records" and "Han Zhi", in the Western Han Dynasty, there was a novelist named Yu Chu in Luoyang who became famous.

He was deeply trusted by Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty. "Riding horses and wearing yellow clothes, he was called the envoy in yellow clothes." His status was almost comparable to that of the "embroidered clothes pointing directly at the envoy" who turned his hands into clouds and covered his hands with rain at that time.

According to "Jiao Si Zhi", Yu Chu once cursed the Xiongnu and Dawan with his ability to play tricks.

——"Luoyang Yuchu and others cursed the Xiongnu and Dawan with Fangci."

Yu Xian was shocked when he heard this, "It turns out that the novelist was so promising before."

"It's not bad." Li Su said, "Novelists are active in the countryside and the market, and they are not among the elite. Although they don't have much influence on the stage, the common people still like it very much."

Yu Xian became interested, "Then where can I find them?"

Li Su replied, "It's fine here."

"Here?" Yu Xian was stunned, then he gave Li Su a sideways glance, "Could it be you."

Li Su said bitterly, "Of course not."

Li Su pointed to the alley where the two of them were hiding, "You can come to this alley at dusk tomorrow. At that time, you can see a novelist. That person has a strict personality and is quite trustworthy in his work." .”

After hearing this, Yu Xian quickly expressed his thanks, "I owe you another favor."

Li Su was really tired of Yu Xian, he lazily responded, "What kind of relationship do we talk about, let's discount it. I will make a note of it."

Yu Xian looked Li Su up and down.

Li Su looked at himself a little strangely.


Yu Xian smiled brightly, "It seems that you have full confidence in me!"

After finishing speaking, Yu Xian patted his chest, "Don't worry, I won't lose you."

Li Su sighed.

Then he turned around, waved his hands with his back to Yu Xian, and left.

Yu Xian watched Li Su leave, and was about to return to Dong Zhuo's prime minister's residence.

Suddenly he changed his mind, and said to himself, "I'm also stupid, I was only counting on that witch, Banlan, and I almost forgot that Diaochan seems to know a lot, why don't you ask her."

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