Hongjian Yupan

Chapter 375 The Han Army's Revival and Battle of Jiyang

Chapter 370 Five

The revival of the Han army and the battle against Jiyang (5)

Li Tong was already gearing up, and at this moment he made a generous promise, Cheng Hongjian said again: "My younger brother wants to use the thorn sun as a bait, and first consume the enemy's strength, Brother Li Tong must not go out of the city to fight, just stick to it for nine days That's enough. At the first moment of the tenth day, all our rebels will counterattack, which will increase our chances of victory..." Li Tong replied vaguely: "I understand."

Liu Xiu deeply knew that Li Tong would definitely fight to the death with that officer, but she was afraid that he would lose his temper, so she also said to Li Tong at this moment: "I will stay here with tens of thousands of Xuanyuan sect disciples to help brothers defend the city, and then tell me Zhu You, my adopted brother, is a good helper." Li Tong sang promises, and Liu Xiu said: "My sister Bo Ji is a steady character, and since she is your wife now, you can discuss things with her first, and then argue with her. "

Li Tong looked at Liu Xiu and Hung-chien's advice, he bowed his hands to everyone and said, "Brothers in the family have the right to be at ease, I, Li Tong, would like to issue a military order, and if I lose the city, I will die as an apology."

Hearing this, Liu Yan immediately got angry at each other, and then said: "The big deal is not to use the city, since you are my relatives, you must live for me!"

Li Tong bowed his head in gratitude, so after a while, he suddenly thought about something, then turned to look at Cheng Hongjian and said, "Brother Cheng is really good at using troops, but how can the Green Forest Army listen to your dispatch..." Liu Yan raised his head and smiled and said, "Brother Hongjian had expected that the army would come to attack soon, and Wang Chang, the deputy village master of the Green Forest Army, knew that he would fight, so he asked the village master Wang Feng to allow the army to attack this time. The heroes of the forest are all at the mercy of Hung-chien." Li Tongdao: "That's good."

Liu Yan felt that such an arrangement was very appropriate, so he wanted Hongjian to act accordingly, but Deng Yu suddenly said, "This strategy for defending against the enemy is certainly excellent, but it can still be perfected." Liu Xiu asked, "What do you care about, second brother?" Deng Yu said: "Our army can only turn against the enemy if we wipe out all the [-] troops from the Xinmang court. I'm afraid that the officers and soldiers will be frustrated and retreat, so we should always ask Zhen Fu and Liang Qiuci to gain some sweetness."

Liu Xiushen thought it was so, and turned to Li Tongtong: "Since this is the case, my brother-in-law should lead some soldiers and horses to stand in line with each other. When the officers and troops arrive, then retreat in feigned defeat and stick to the thorn sun."

Li Tongdeng felt oppressed in his chest, and after a while, he nodded his head and said: "I understand..." Deng Yufu said to everyone: "If the brothers of the family want to turn against the guest, this arrangement must be very serious. Confidential, Deng will also send his cronies to tell Ma Wu to avoid the enemy army, and supervise the green forest army to join up with the troops of the elder brother."

At this moment, Liu Xiu suddenly told Deng Yu, "This matter is extremely important. Second brother, don't send your junior brother Jia Haoren away."

When Deng Yu heard this, he knew that brother-yi did not believe in this person deeply, so he agreed with him: "My little brother will send his relatives to tell Ma Wu." Liu Xiu said: "It's the best."

After discussing with each other in this way, they first invited all the leaders to discuss matters in front of the hall, and then called the army academy to gather together, and turned the Han army in the city into six soldiers and horses, and went to their own affairs.

Let's talk about how the six groups of soldiers and horses will be divided, but look at Liu Yan, Liu Xiu, Wang Feng and Jian Zhen leading [-] elites to sneak towards the west, and then turn to the north, and then go south quickly to surprise the enemy's rear Wang Changqin led two leaders, Zhang Ang and Cheng Dan, to lead [-] soldiers and horses, and traveled eastward for [-] miles before entering the mountains and forests to lie dormant. Yan and Kou Xun led another group of soldiers and horses, so they arrived at the opposite bank of Huangchun River near Jiyang and set up an ambush secretly; Zang Gong and Li Yi led the way to the mountains and forests to the west of Jiyang and stationed secretly; Deng Chen, Fu Jun and Deng Feng also led the way. In addition to the five rebel armies, Li Tong and Zhu You led troops to garrison Jiyang. After nine days of solidarity, they could respond to the friendly army to counterattack the enemy on the tenth day.

On this day, the wind was fierce and fierce passing through Wancheng, and the iron armor and silver cold killed people, but seeing Liangqiu gifted a galloping horse, he rushed to the camp to inspect first, and after a long while, Zhen Fu, the general who conquered the south, came on his horse, smiled and cupped his hands at the other party : "General Liang came earlier, I will make an apology first here."

Chapter 370 Five Trailer:

Liang Qiuci's face turned ashen when he heard it, and then he said angrily: "The three armies have not yet set off, and you dare to confuse the army." Then he ordered several soldiers: "You behead this fellow as soon as possible to sacrifice the flag!"

The soldiers were about to arrest Cen Peng, Gai Yan immediately bowed down and begged for permission: "The three armies are about to kill the general before they go to battle. I'm afraid this is not a good omen. I hope the general thinks twice." Liang Qiuci snorted lightly, He said: "His Royal Highness the Sixth Prince was not pleased with you two before, and I beheaded Cen Peng for him, which can also be regarded as eliminating a disaster for the three armies."

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