Hongjian Yupan

Chapter 374 The Han Army's Revival and Battle of Jiyang

Chapter 370 Four

The revival of the Han army and the battle against Jiyang (4)

But it is said that Liu Xiu and others led the army to sneak, and when they passed through Xinye, they invited Kou Xun and Li Yi to go with them. They hurried so fast that they finally arrived at the boundary of Jiyang.

Then Liu Yan immediately went out of the city to meet him, and then listened to Liu Xiu's calculations and led the Green Forest Army to the mountains outside the city to camp secretly, leaving Geng Yan, Kou Xun and Li Yi in the camp to look after them. After they settled down like this, they led Liu Yan Xiu, Deng Yu and Jian Zhen went back to the city.

As soon as Liu Yan, Liu Xiu, Deng Yu and Jian Zhen entered the city, they met Li Tong and hurried to find him, but they saw that the other party was self-informed and said: "The officers and soldiers want to store food and grass in Lanxiang, and then go to Jiyang. The army has entered..." At the end of the sentence, he took a short breath and wanted to speak again.

Cheng Hongjian saw Li Tong's tired face, so he said kindly to himself: "Brother Li, don't be impatient, just take your time..." Li Tongjiao urged: "You To put it lightly, the enemy's [-] soldiers will attack in large numbers the next day, so how can we not be in a hurry!"

Hearing this, Liu Yan immediately hated his brother-in-law, and Cheng Hongjian turned to Li Tongtong: "Our army also has nearly [-] soldiers and horses. As long as we arrange them properly, we can get out of trouble and win." Li Tong felt a little relieved, and then said: " Brother Yu's words just now are inappropriate, brothers, don't take it to heart." Liu Yan said again: "Everyone is his own brother, there is nothing to take to heart, I think my brother-in-law has been making a lot of fuss recently, so I can't help feeling a little anxious."

Cheng Hongjian smiled at Liu Yan and shook his head, then said: "It doesn't matter." Then he turned to Li Tongdao: "The enemy doesn't know the details of our Han army yet, and everyone just uses troops." Li Tong said bitterly: " The commander of the army is the god-killing Liang Qiuci, and the old thief Wang Mang has issued an imperial edict to Liang Qiuci and the guarding general Zhen Fu, ordering these two birds to conquer Jiyang, Xinye, and Xiangyang City in the twelfth lunar month. "As he said, he snorted softly, and continued: "The enemy's appetite is not small this time, everyone must beat them until they know how badly they are."

Liu Yan boldly agrees, but seeing Cheng Hongjian say leisurely: "The officers and soldiers won the victory before, but after taking a break this time, it is inevitable that they will be greedy for merit and rush forward, and my younger brother is always thinking about how to defeat the enemy." Liu Yan said haha , said: "Look at this posture, Brother Hung-chien has long been concerned about it, so let's come and listen."

Li Tong didn't take it very seriously, and said at this moment: "I don't think you need to be so stupid. Fighting for the front in the battlefield is all about momentum. What's more, Liang Qiuci will lead the army himself, so I will lead an army." The horse was the vanguard, killing them until they cried for their father and mother, and all the brothers rushed to attack, so as to avenge our dead relatives!"

Cheng Hongjian felt that this move was inappropriate, so he immediately stopped him by saying: "It is absolutely impossible!" After speaking, he paused for a while, and then continued: "Before our army was defeated for the first time, if we hadn't set up a strict defense in front of the officers and soldiers, The enemy will invade in large numbers, and there will be danger of overthrow, but now that our army is strong, we should show our weakness, so that we can lure the enemy to go deep."

Seeing that Tan Lang had this insight, Yao Zhenzhen couldn't help nodding her head happily, and then said: "My little brother's plan is better, even if everyone is in a hurry to fight, we must arrange it properly."

Li Tong looked embarrassed, but seeing that he was about to speak, Liu Xiu immediately asked Hung Chien, "Seventh Brother has a good idea, just talk to everyone."

Cheng Hongjian pondered for a while, and then said: "Since the officers and soldiers have received Wang Mang's imperial edict, they will only focus on attacking with all their strength in the first few days, and will never retreat easily." After speaking, he paused for a while, and continued Continued: "Recently, Ma Wu will lead a lot of green forest troops to join us. The brothers of the family can take advantage of this to treat each other. Now we have the right to organize the Han army here into six groups of soldiers and horses. One of the elite is stationed in Jiyang, and the other five groups The Han army is far away from the city to wait for orders. If the enemy retreats, our army will take advantage of the momentum to advance; if the enemy does not retreat, our army will wait until the official army has attacked the city for nine days, and then divide and attack together."

Liu Yanwei felt that this strategy was very good, so he couldn't help but said: "Brothers, the distribution should be more detailed." Cheng Hongjian said: "One of the soldiers and horses detoured from the west to the north, and then went south quickly to surprise the enemy's rear; Send a group of soldiers and horses to attack the enemy's food and supplies; send another two troops and horses to surprise the two wings of the official army, and then let go of a way out in the encirclement, luring the enemy to go to the Huangchun water; Wait until the enemy is halfway across, and then attack in groups, then our army will win a big victory."

Liu Yandeng felt that such an arrangement was really appropriate, and then laughed boldly: "My brother Hongjian of the Han Army is such a hero who is so strong in martial arts and can even lead the army, I can't complain about his mother's anger!"

Cheng Hongjian's expression was solemn, and at this moment he said again: "After the battle is settled, the brothers of the family must focus on appeasement, and don't hurt people's lives too much..."

Liu Xiushen thought it was so, and then asked Hung-chien, "Seventh Brother, who do you think should be sent to lead troops here?" Li Tong interjected, "I would like to lead troops to garrison here!"

Cheng Hongjian pondered for a while, and Li Tong said solemnly: "Thinking that I, Li Tong, have hired martial arts masters as teachers since I was young, and now I am also proficient in martial arts. How could I not be able to defend this small city?" Cheng Hongjian said: " Then Brother Li Tong should be stationed here..."

Chapter 370 Five Trailer:

Li Tong looked at Liu Xiu and Hung-chien's advice, he bowed his hands to everyone and said, "Brothers in the family have the right to be at ease, I, Li Tong, would like to issue a military order, and if I lose the city, I will die as an apology."

Hearing this, Liu Yan immediately got angry at each other, and then said: "The big deal is not to use the city, since you are my relatives, you must live for me!"

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