Hongjian Yupan

Chapter 376 The Han Army's Revival and Battle of Jiyang

Chapter 376 The Revival of the Han Army and the Battle of Jiyang (6)

Chapter 370 Six

The revival of the Han army and the battle against Jiyang (6)

Let's talk about Zhen Fu's worship of the second rank Zhengnan General, this guy is more than a few years old, and his brows reveal an attitude of relying on old age, and Liang Qiu bestows the official position of the third rank, naturally he is afraid that the other party will be slightly respected, so he has to fight at this moment. Haha, then he said in a strange way: "Old General Zhen is a veteran of our court, and he has an excellent family background, but I don't know if your body is still capable of killing the enemy in battle?"

When Liang Qiuci mentioned the other party's old age one after another, Zhen Fu waved his hands and said: "I am really old and frail, I am afraid that I will lead the army with General Liang, and it will inevitably delay the important affairs of the court." Later, he suddenly sighed, and continued: "Although Liu Yan's bandits were defeated, General Yunqi wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to attack each other, so he felt that their defenses were tightly guarded, so they did not dare to attack wantonly. General Liang The pillar of my court, if there is a good plan, just lead the troops to suppress the bandits with full authority, and I will never compete with you."

Liang Qiuci frowned when he heard the words, and after thinking for a while, he clasped his fists in return and said: "The Holy Majesty ordered you and me to command the one hundred thousand soldiers and horses together, how dare Liang Mou decide on his own, those big and small matters must be discussed together. .”

Looking at the situation, Zhen Fu knew that it was difficult to shirk responsibility, so he discussed with Liang Qiuci again: "Although the Holy Majesty ordered us to conquer Liu Yan's group of grassroots in the twelfth lunar month, we should not act rashly. One hundred thousand troops must be restrained..."

The two generals in the court had their own thoughts, and Liang Qiuci even thought to himself: "Then Liu Yan was defeated in the past, and it is expected that he will win this time. If the attack is not effective, you will definitely blame all the slack. It's on me..." Thinking of this, he solemnly said to Zhen Fu: "Since the emperor has a strict order, we as subjects, who dare to neglect, but if old general Zhen is afraid of death, then Just talk to the last general, but I, Liang Qiuci, are willing to risk my life for the imperial court."

After all, Zhen Fu was old, and he didn't want to lead the troops to go with him at first, but now that he heard this, he could only look at Liang Qiu and said: "I am not afraid of death, this time I will be loyal to the court..." Liang Qiu Chi made a haha, and said: "Old General Zhen has the right to be reassuring, we not only have an army of [-], but also Youtian and Juntian sects of the Nine Heavens Sect, so why worry about not being able to destroy Xuanyuan's remnants and that Liu Acting as a bandit."

The troops in Nawan City are indeed very strong, but these words also show that they underestimate the enemy. The two generals Cen Peng and Gai Yan in the battalion all stood by and stood by. At this moment, I can't help but feel worried secretly, but seeing Cen Peng approaching Liangqiu to give a gift He cupped his hands and said: "General, don't underestimate the enemy and rush forward. That group of enemy soldiers is definitely not an ordinary grassroots bandit. Although they were defeated before, they can turn defeat into victory. We should take every step of the way in this campaign, so as not to give the enemy an opportunity to take advantage of. "

Liang Qiuci's face turned ashen when he heard it, and then he said angrily: "The three armies have not yet set off, and you dare to confuse the army." Then he ordered several soldiers: "You behead this fellow as soon as possible to sacrifice the flag!"

The soldiers were about to arrest Cen Peng, Gai Yan immediately bowed down and begged for permission: "The three armies are about to kill the general before they go to battle. I'm afraid this is not a good omen. I hope the general thinks twice." Liang Qiuci snorted lightly, He said: "His Royal Highness the Sixth Prince was not pleased with you two before, and I beheaded Cen Peng for him, which can also be regarded as eliminating a disaster for the three armies."

At this moment, Zhen Fu made peace and said: "Your Highness didn't kill these two generals before, why did General Liang go beyond his authority, now it's time for employing people, it's better to let them take the blame and make meritorious service."

After saying this, several generals also begged for mercy, Liang Qiuci just said: "Since you generals are pleading for mercy, this general has the power to spare you two, and if you dare to lie in the future, you will definitely be executed!" He led his army to the south and went straight to Jiyang.

The army of the Xinmang court was as mighty as a flood, and the generals swung their whips to urge them to die. When they came to the boundary of Jiyang, there were two thousand Qingqi blocking the way, and the leader was Li Tong, but look at him drawing his sword out of its sheath. , he scolded Liang Qiuci and said: "You ungrateful genius, you used to call me a brother and brother, but you came to harm my family before. Even if I, Li Tongzong, smashed your corpse into thousands of pieces, I don't need to hate you!"

Liang Qiuci saw that the other party was extremely angry, so he couldn't help laughing wildly: "The former Japanese generals respected you as Taichang Liu Xin's high-achieving apprentice, just now they treated you with three points of courtesy, but your master has been executed, how can you talk to me now? friendship!"

That Li Tong became more and more furious, and he shouted angrily: "The thief takes his life!" As soon as he finished speaking, he took the lead and wanted to cut off Liang Qiuci's head.

The two court generals immediately fought each other with their weapons, and after a few rounds, they were cut down by Li Tong.After all, Cen Pengsi and Liang Qiuci were important officials of the imperial court, so they rode their horses to bully them and fought with Li Tong again, and they fell into a deep decline before the tenth match.

It was too late, but it was so fast, seeing that Cen Peng lowered his knife and cut off Li Tong's head. Suddenly someone galloped up from the sideways stabbing, raised his spear and opened a single knife, and only then did he save Li Tong's life.Cen Peng looked sideways, but it was Zhu You who saved him.It turned out that Zhu You was just watching the battle in front of the Han army. Since Li Tong was in trouble just now, he should do his best to support him, so he also fought with Cen Peng.

Gai Yan leaned forward and was about to gallop his horse to meet the battle, but he tightened the reins suddenly, and said in his heart: "After all, General Cen and I have been released and repaid the great kindness. Although we have said that we are not in debt, but people's hearts are still different after all. It's fleshy, and now how dare you fight fiercely..."

All the soldiers on both sides cheered and cheered, but Liang Qiuci didn't send generals to help, but just shouted angrily at each other, and kept urging Cen Peng: "Kill me quickly, and kill all these villains!"

Zhu You didn't want to fight, so he took advantage of the fight with Cen Peng, and hurriedly whispered: "This leader is my brother-in-law Liu Xiu's brother-in-law..." While speaking, he repeated several moves, and immediately Continued: "If you cut him off, what kind of loyalty is there to return his mother..."

Cen Peng didn't have much fighting spirit in the first place, now that he heard this, he showed a hesitant demeanor and lost his guard, while Li Tong was eager to defeat the enemy general in front of him, and then executed Liang Qiuci, so he only focused on displaying his strength. With his housekeeping skills, he quickly raised his long sword and swung it towards Cen Peng.

Cen Peng hurriedly dodged, Li Tong's sword turned sharply and stabbed the opponent's mount quickly, Gai Yan was afraid that his colleagues would make mistakes, so he bent his bow and set up an arrow, and shot towards Li Tong's mount.

That Gai Yan possessed the ability to piercing through Yang with a hundred steps, so his arrows were flawless, Li Tong also fell from his horse.Cen Peng immediately turned over with a knife, so he parried with Li Tong again, and then took the opportunity to whisper: "Hurry up and go!"

While the two were talking, Zhu You anxiously shouted: "You are no match, Brother Li Tong retreat quickly, don't delay here!"

Li Tong knew that it would be difficult to avenge the great revenge at this time, so he had no choice but to ride the horse that had been beheaded before, and turned to stare at Liang Qiuci, pointing with his sword: "Listen, Liang Qiuci, the dog thief, sooner or later, I will Li Tong will definitely cut off your head with this sword!" As soon as he finished speaking, he led his Qing cavalry to escape, heading towards Jiyang.

Liang Qiuci led his army to set up a stronghold ten miles outside Jiyang City, and waited until dawn the next day, then sent a large army to attack, vowing to break the city overnight.Li Tong and Zhu You hurriedly led their troops to Ma Dengcheng to resist. They fought until the sky was dark and the sky was dark, and the ghosts and gods were also shocked.On the other side, the enemy's brave generals are showing off their might, and on this side, the commanders of the Han army are raising their arms.The drums of the army are booming, the ground is shaken, the mountains are shocked, the clang is clanged, and the swords of the soldiers are intersected and fled back and forth.Among the enemy crowd, they were fierce, arrogant and desperate to fight for merit. In the Han army, they swore to kill the thieves with awe-inspiring righteousness.

Unconsciously, the sun was setting in the west, and it was still difficult for the officers and demons to break through the city gate. The guarding general Liang Qiuci had to order his troops to go back to the camp to rest. The rebels also began to treat the wounded.

??Chapter 370 Seventh Trailer:

Liang Qiuci was afraid that the court would punish him, so he couldn't help but feel more and more bored. This guy was just thinking about it, when Liu Jiaming came in and offered advice: "The gang of rebels hate the court for beheading their family members. You can write the battle table again, just talk about how the family members of those rebels deserve to die, I guess most of these rebels have no brains, and they will come out for a decisive battle." Liang Qiuci asked: "Have you ever offered your sacrifice to the old general Zhenfu? Have you adopted this policy?" Liu Jiaming said with a smile: "That old general Zhen is already old, he is the one who has not stopped, and General Liang is highly regarded by His Royal Highness the Sixth Prince, how can I not know the real situation here? I'm in charge for you."



(End of this chapter)

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