Hongjian Yupan

Chapter 297

Chapter 290 Seven

More Moduqian thinks and promises (11)

There is no war drum heard in the courtyard, and it is like the soldiers in autumn, but the house is peaceful and peaceful, but watching Jian Zhen playing chess for joy, Yin Lihua and Liu Boji drinking tea and watching chess, it is really peaceful and tight, unconsciously At night, Liu Xiu and others just returned to the store, Liu Yanzheng felt quite impatient, but seeing him anxiously angrily said: "Why have you been here for so long?"

Liu Xiu knew his brother's temperament well, so he replied truthfully: "My little brother has already arrested all the perpetrators, but if my brother knows the whole story, I won't be filled with righteous indignation and alarm the customers in the shop, so I have to come back later." Liu Yan angrily reprimanded Said: "Your elder brother is not such a person." After finishing speaking, he ordered the strong men under his command to take all the perpetrators into the house, and continued solemnly: "Hit me!"

Liu Boji looked uncomfortable, Yin Lihua didn't show any signs of expression, Yao Zhenzhen looked at Liu Yan's behavior, but she was shrewd and shy, but Cheng Hongjian said conciliatoryly, "Brother Bosheng didn't ask about the reason in time, why did this happen?" Order to hit people, hurry up and tell everyone to stop." Liu Yan said: "Your elder brother will definitely interrogate them later, if anyone dares to hesitate, I will kill them."

That gang of rogues who caused trouble had already been arrested by Liu Xiu, and they couldn't move at the moment, crying and begging for mercy as if killing a pig. It didn't take long, all the rogues had bruised noses and swollen faces, and the leader of the rogues couldn't help but soak Wet the bottom of the trousers, besides that there is still a little trickle gushing out, so it smells really bad.

Liu Yan ordered the strongmen under his command to stop for the time being, and then shouted at the leader of the Popi, and said in a rough voice: "You group of birds can't even control the guy who pees, so what the hell are you doing?"

The leader Poppi had long since lost the strength to cry, so he couldn't help panting at this moment: "It's all because the villain is ignorant, in the future?????? In the future, I won't dare again??????"

Liu Yanjing spat lightly at the other party, and then shouted: "The more short-tempered you are, the more I will look down on you." After speaking, he looked at the brothers he was leading again, threatening Lin continued: "Drag this guy out quickly, cut off his crotch and feed it to the dogs."

Cheng Hongjian immediately stopped him, and then he cupped his hands to persuade: "Although these people had some troubles in the store earlier, they didn't commit any serious crimes. Brother Bo Sheng really shouldn't have acted like this????? ?”

Liu Xiuguan saw that his elder brother was undecided, so he also persuaded him immediately: "Elder brother respects my great ancestor of the Han Dynasty, so he should think carefully about his actions. After all, we are going to do business in a righteous way, and in the future we will do great righteous deeds. We should follow the example of our ancestor Kuanren It is."

Liu Yan knew Gaozu's past well, and now that he heard this, he couldn't help but reflect on himself for a moment, thinking: "I think that Emperor Gaozu was in the countryside, and he only wanted to have a good time. Later, if he wanted to fight for the world, he had to restrain his temper????? ?” With this in mind, he just looked at the troublemakers and said in a rough voice: “If the two brothers hadn’t pleaded for mercy, I would never have spared you group of birds.”

The Popis were overjoyed, and then panicked and confessed their crimes. Cheng Hongjian's heart eased, and he asked inquiringly: "Our shop would like to have a friendly relationship with the village. I don't know if I offended you before?" The leader Popi replied tremblingly: " To be honest with this old man, the younger ones were indeed sent by Mr. Li, and I hope????????????????

Cheng Hongjian was startled when he heard the words, and asked again: "Who is this senior official Li?" Liu Xiudao: "This person is Li Yi who opened a gambling house in Xinye. I followed this group of rascals earlier. We've arrived at Li Yi's casino."

Liu Yan slapped his desk angrily, and said angrily, "Before this fellow refused to show affection to my boss, but now he's come to ruin my brother's business again." Cheng Hongjian went in before he knew it. Just now he said: "I don't know this person before, why does he make trouble like this??????"

Yin Lihua had heard of Li Yi's name before, so she said truthfully at this moment: "I heard that Li Yi came from a wealthy family, and he is very good at all kinds of gambling skills. A tyrant. Not only does this person make a living out of gambling, but he also likes to roam around the village, and he has extorted a lot of silver from many merchants, and those who have little influence can only spend money to avoid disasters."

Cheng Hongjian sighed when he heard the words, and then said: "Since he is so rampant, the village should go to the government office to find justice." Liu Xiudao: "Brother, I have already inquired about it. There is a cousin here, who is the court lady. Chang Liu Xin's apprentice, so the officials dare not judge." As soon as he finished speaking, Cheng Hongjian blurted out, "In the Green Forest Village, I heard my father mention that Liu Xin had been privately executed by Wang Mang." Liu Xiu asked Said: "What is the reason?"

Cheng Hongjian recalled his father's words, and then said: "Father said that Liu Xin was very fond of prophecy, and recently calculated that there will be an emperor named Liu Xiu in the future, so he changed his name to Liu Xiu, so Wang Mang won't let him go? ?????" Yao Zhenzhen said shyly and with restraint, "So there are such things, but if you change the name, it can be counted. I don't know if there will be an emperor that day."

Although Liu Xiu knew that brother Yi didn't lie, he didn't pay much attention to it, so he just laughed and said: "This Liu Xin used to make some prophecies for Wang Mang, so that he could be promoted, but now he is suffering. People are beheaded, it is precisely because of the large-scale prophecy, it is true that 'success is also a prophecy, and failure is also a prophecy'."

Cheng Hongjian nodded when he heard the words, and smiled dutifully, and said: "The elder brother's words are still reasonable, but the younger brother didn't think about all this..." After finishing speaking, he unlocked the sealed acupoints for that troublesome rogue , and gave some loose silver taels, and then said: "You are really injured, quickly get some silver taels, find a doctor to treat him, and don't do anything with Li Yi again."

The poppy who had caused troubles was surprised, and couldn't help but look at each other, at this moment, Liu Yan shouted loudly: "Get out of here!" went.Liu Yan said to everyone: "Li Yi dares to run amok in the village because of some power, and the boss hates people the most. If the leader flattens his gambling house, it will be a righteous deed. My brothers and I will do the same." You can be famous."

After all, Cheng Hongjian was born in an official family, but he felt that it was wrong, so he cupped his hands to persuade him: "I think it's wrong, I hope Brother Bosheng think twice..." Liu Yan asked, "What's wrong?" Hung-chien said: "Li Yi has corrupted the law, and now there is no one in the court to protect him. If we want to seek justice for the common people, we should go to the government office??????"

Liu Yandeng was stunned, and then he laughed aloud, saying: "Brother, you are joking, there is no law of the gods in today's world, anyone who doesn't have a hard fist will be bullied by the wicked."

Cheng Hongjian shook his head when he heard the words, and blurted out leisurely: "Although my younger brother doesn't know how to talk to Brother Bosheng about this matter, I always feel that this is not the case??????"

Yao Zhenzhen knew Tan Langdun and Chun Liang well, so she knew what they meant, but seeing that little girl said with a pleasant smile, "Li Yi is in such a tough situation, I think there will be a fight, but if he fights now In the future, at most he will smash a few tables and chairs, and then poke a hole in the skylight, I don't think there is any need to rush."

Although Liu Yan felt that these words made sense, he was not impatient, and said coyly: "Then you two go to a lawsuit with Li Yi, and see if the government will make you angry."

Cheng Hongjian only spoke words of relief, Yao Zhenzhen giggled and said, "It's really hard to go to the government office to file a lawsuit, why don't you ask Li Yi to sue me and my little brother."

Liu Yandeng felt as if he was lost in the clouds, so he thought hard for a while, so he could only ask: "What are you going to do, little girl?"

Cheng Hongjian held Yi Ren, and said softly: "This Li Yi is certainly unbearable, but I think we should deal with it properly?????" Yao Zhenzhen said with a charming smile: "I think this guy Li Yi is about to personally Come here, little brother, let's play a few rounds with Haosheng."

This is exactly: Yi An enjoys Tao Yi leisurely, and the jade finger slender clouds hide this play.The six-sided dice turn is full of joy, and the nine cards are played vertically.If you want to know what happened next, let's see the next chapter.

Chapter 290 Eighth Trailer:

Everyone was thinking about it, Yao Zhenzhen suddenly invited Tan Lang to play, Cheng Hongjian only said that Yiren was looking for entertainment, but he said softly to himself: "I will have fun with you tonight, but if Li Yi really comes here tomorrow , I’m afraid there will be a lot of troubles, and I won’t be able to play with my little sister..." Yao Zhenzhen said with a sly smile: "If we two have a good gambling tomorrow, I just want that guy Li Yi to know."

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