Hongjian Yupan

Chapter 296

Chapter 290 Six

More Moduqian thinks and promises (10)

After such a delicious meal, Cheng Hongjian invited each other: "Uncle Yin's family lent me and my little sister the other courtyard earlier, there are indeed some houses in it, and there are some servants to serve, the two elder brothers might as well lead the crowd. The brothers from the family will go to rest, and the younger brother will buy a very good courtyard for everyone."

Liu Xiuwei felt that this was inappropriate, and immediately said earnestly and earnestly: "Your brother must spend a lot of capital in running this kind of business. You should save money if you can. Don't spend money like this." It doesn't matter, since the two eldest brothers have arrived in Xinye, I will definitely find a good place for you." Liu Yan said with a rough smile, "Your righteous brother and I can live anywhere, so we don't need to bother."

Cheng Hongjian watched the moon pass outside the building and the night was thick, and immediately invited him again: "It's getting late now, the two elder brothers will lead all the brothers to come home with me to rest, some small things can be done later." It's for calculation."

At this moment, Liu Yan suddenly laughed and said, "Brother Hung-chien is renting in the courtyard of Master Yin's family after all. I brought all the brothers to his place, and I must feel very uncomfortable."

Cheng Hongjian was startled for a moment, then suddenly sighed, and blurted out: "It's all my negligence, I'll find an inn for everyone." As soon as he said that, he called his shopmates to pay the bill. After arranging the banquet, he ordered the accountant to wipe off the odds, and immediately sent all the people far away before returning to the building with joyful faces.

Cheng Hongjian was about to lead everyone to stay in the inn, Liu Xiufu persuaded him again: "Your brother has already spent a lot of money, you should be frugal, and my brother-in-law Deng Chen lives in Xinye, we can go to stay for a while. "

Cheng Hongjian smiled when he heard the words, and continued: "The younger brother opened a shop to welcome customers earlier, and Uncle Yin's family invited him, so I met Brother Deng Chen, and I also know that his family is not very close here. And now it’s already dark at night??????” At the end of the sentence, he paused for a while, and then continued with a smile: “Since the two elder brothers have brought all the brothers here, the younger brother should be a good student. Gu Gu, since I am rich at the moment, I should provide food and shelter for everyone???????"

Seeing Hung-chien's generosity, Liu Yanguan felt that such friendship was irreversible. He smiled heartily and said, "Brother Hung-chien treats everyone like this, I won't fucking refuse you." He turned to look at his subordinates, Chu Hao continued: "This is my dead brother, and all the brothers have drunk too much. No matter what he wants you to do in the future, you are not allowed to say no to me."

Those strong men from the countryside were already full of wine and food, and they were in awe of Liu Yan, so they clamored for orders immediately, and more than a dozen heroes went straight to Hongjian to bow to him.

Cheng Hongjian hurriedly helped him up, but seeing Liu Yan staggering, he said in a rough voice, "Brother Hongjian just wants them to worship, and this is the leader's permission!" Patted his chest.

Cheng Hongjian actually bowed his hand to return the gift, and continued: "Everyone is my brother-in-law and Brother Bo Sheng's brothers, I should take care of them, but I really can't afford such a big gift... ???" After finishing speaking, Fu helped everyone up again.

This night, the stars and the moon meet again, and it is so bright that it greets the daybreak and the song of the sun shines through the window, but seeing Liu Yan, Liu Xiu and Cheng Hongjian live in the same room, the three of them wake up leisurely, Hongjian first invites all the brothers After breakfast, Liu Xiu said again: "Brother, I will lead someone to find out the details of the perpetrator. Brother, just go back to the store with my brother to take care of him." Cheng Hongjian nodded and said, "Brother, be careful."

Everyone discussed and decided, Liu Xiu chose a dozen or so people with good fists to come out of the inn, Cheng Hongjian paid half a month's rent to the innkeeper, and immediately settled the brothers, and invited Liu Yan back to the pawn shop. Sit in the back room.

It didn't take much time to do this, a dozen beggar-like rogues flocked to them with hundreds of sets of rags, the shop assistant obeyed the order, and was waiting to give some small money, the leader cursed, and then shouted again: "There is no one with long eyes in the store. The brothers are all taking treasures. You gang of birds are all begging for me!" As soon as the words finished, he suddenly threw up his hands and smashed at the store partner.

Before the innkeeper recovered his senses, Cheng Hongjian leaped out of the inner room, moved his left palm back and grabbed the rags into his hand, then respectfully clasped his fists and said, "I am the owner here, if the shopkeeper If there is something inappropriate, you can say it clearly, but don't do it???????"

Those rogues were horrified when they saw that Cheng Hongjian was about ten feet away, but he was able to pick things up through the slant. You want to snatch my baby??????"

Cheng Hongjian returned the tattered clothes himself, and then said: "I'm not trying to steal your clothes..." The throwing rogue got more courage, and said lightly, "You pawn shop relies on If you have face, then his mother will come and snatch it, brothers will definitely kill your prestige, let you know how powerful it is!"

Those beggar-like rogues clamored loudly, Liu Yan couldn't hold back any more, and immediately took a big stride, aiming to be beside Hongjian, Wei Lin shouted: "Don't be shameless when you are tired, how dare you not know?" Who is this boss?" All the rascals looked at each other, and Liu Yanfu shouted again: "I don't want to dirty the brother's territory, so go back!"

Besides, Liu Yan was quite Xiang Wangzi, and the young people saw that the other party was definitely not an easy bandit, so they didn't dare to do anything wrong. At this moment, Cheng Hongjian said peacefully: "Every guest officer is a matter of fact. , it’s really not worth much money, if you don’t want to do this business, we will send it to you.”

The poppiers were helpless, the leader said in a low voice: "I'll discuss it later." As soon as the words fell, he led everyone in the same company without looking back. If you still have Shi Luozhao with them, it’s better to kill them all.”

Cheng Hongjian only felt that this was inappropriate, so he blurted out leisurely: "Since we are doing business with the village, there is no need to care about it like this." Liu Yan said angrily: "If you are as eloquent as you, how can others not come to bully you?" .”

Cheng Hongjian smiled, and without further words at the moment, he invited Liu Yan to drink tea in the hut in the backyard, and waited for the news of his brother-in-law. After a while, Liu Yan became quite impatient, and went to the courtyard to sweep the long lance The strong wind has gone.

Chapter 290 Seventh Trailer:

That gang of rogues who caused trouble had already been arrested by Liu Xiu, and they couldn't move at the moment, crying and begging for mercy as if killing a pig. It didn't take long, all the rogues had bruised noses and swollen faces, and the leader of the rogues couldn't help but soak Wet the bottom of the trousers, besides that there is still a little trickle gushing out, so it smells really bad.

Liu Yan ordered the strongmen under his command to stop for the time being, and then shouted at the leader of the Popi, and said in a rough voice: "You group of birds can't even control the guy who pees, so what the hell are you doing?"

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