Hongjian Yupan

Chapter 298

Chapter 290 Eight

Leading the fish into the Liubo (1)

There is a saying: Qutang is noisy and the twelve beaches, the roads among them have been difficult since ancient times.Long-term hatred is not as good as water, waiting for waves to rise on the flat ground.This poem was written by Liu Yuxi, a bureaucrat in the Tang Dynasty. After going through the ups and downs of his official career, he finally felt that the people in the court were so turbulent that he was squeezed out for no reason.In fact, even if you are in the market place, it is not like this, sometimes it is just people not looking for trouble, but looking for someone when something happens, it is like Jian Zhen doing some pawn business, I didn't know Li Yi at first, but every time this guy came to provoke me, It is also really confusing.

It is said that Liu Yan saw Li Yi being so exhausted, and was about to lead his brothers to smash the other's store, but seeing Jian Zhen's persuasion, he had to give up for now.

Everyone was thinking about it, Yao Zhenzhen suddenly invited Tan Lang to play, Cheng Hongjian only said that Yiren was looking for entertainment, but he said softly to himself: "I will have fun with you tonight, but if Li Yi really comes here tomorrow , I’m afraid there will be a lot of troubles, and I won’t be able to play with my little sister..." Yao Zhenzhen said with a sly smile: "If we two have a good gambling tomorrow, I just want that guy Li Yi to know."

Cheng Hongjian was stunned, and then asked: "What is the reason..." Yao Zhenzhen said softly, "Little brother, come and play with me like this." Come on, maybe everyone will make a lot of money."

Cheng Hongjian knew that Yiren was ice-snow and smart, so Yi Dunhe nodded and said: "It doesn't matter if you make a lot of money, but since we two have encountered this, we can't let this person run amok in the countryside."

Liu Yandeng felt that it was difficult to reveal his ability to connect with the body, and he couldn't help but rub his hands and said: "If you arrange things like this, how can the leader personally invite all the brothers to have a good fight." Why don't you take all the brothers around for a few days, and all the money you need will be paid by the younger brother." Yao Zhenzhen laughed and said, "Boss Liu can just supervise and lead the brigade to protect him. If I fight with the younger brother, I'm afraid it will still happen. It's up to you to have a decisive battle with that guy Li Yi."

Everyone in Jianzhen discussed it like this and made a decision, Liu Yan felt that there was nothing wrong with him, so he had to lead all his brothers to drink, and then went back to the inn to sleep, and did not wake up until dawn.This day, the pawn shop is still full of customers, but the spectators are busy with the shop assistants, dozens of strong men gathered around the horse-drawn carriage and drove to the front of the shop, and immediately greeted them loudly, without a problem.

The two store companions greeted each other immediately, and suddenly they heard the frivolous voices of Ji people in the car, and there was even a man in a dissolute manner, who really looked like a dandy.The two store companions looked at each other, and the man in the car played with himself: "You little whore will exhaust me to death, and then find another bastard." Damn, Lian Er is sorry for the poor man again." The man laughed and said, "Then you will be a bride every night, it's really a pleasure." As soon as the words fell, he licked Ji Ren and teased her The other party said angrily: "Oh, you dead ghost, are you still doing business..."

The man surnamed Li laughed loudly, and then said: "I'm going home to take care of you." Then he turned to the two shop assistants in the pawnshop: "Quickly go and report to your boss, and they said that Li Yi from Xinye Gambling Shop led My concubine Chen Lian'er is here, and I want him to come out to meet her immediately."

The two shop assistants had already obeyed Jian Zhen's instructions, and one of the shop assistants bowed back and said: "Our boss is having a good bet with Miss Yao, and the young ones really dare not disturb you, or if you are a senior official, just follow me in." If you want to come to the owner to see you, he will definitely stand up and greet you, so you won’t blame the villain..." Li Yi asked: "How is your owner's gambling skills?" Another shop assistant replied: "Little one We don't know, but Li Daguan is an expert in this, so he must be inferior."

After saying this, Li Yijing gave Chen Lian'er a wink, and the Ji man immediately understood, and then said: "The high officials taught me a lot of gambling skills, but I am worried that I have no one to compete with." Stretch out your hand to lift the curtain of the car, and get out of the car first.

Let's say that Ji is about twenty years old, and she is really pretty. A customer knew this girl and greeted her with salivation: "It's been a long time since I haven't seen Miss Lian Er singing and dancing, she is really more and more beautiful... "Chen Lian'er said complacently: "That's natural. I have countless silks and satins after being with Li Daguan. How can it not be more beautiful?"

At this moment, Li Yi got out of the car, but seeing that he was also in his early twenties, and his face was full of viciousness, the customer who had greeted him before couldn't help but trembled, and apologized in panic: "I don't know Miss Lian Er Married to Li Daguan, you two are really a good match..."

Li Yi laughed, then grabbed the opponent's arm, and said: "You are just talking to my concubine, what can you do?" As soon as the words fell, he exerted force in his hand, and the opponent was kneeling in pain. Said: "The villain knows his mistakes, but he still thinks the high officials are farting, so let's let the villain go..." Li Yi looked embarrassed when he heard it, and shouted angrily: "How dare you say that?" I fart." As he spoke, he suddenly raised his left foot and kicked the opponent a few somersaults before he entered the shop, but seeing that customer seemed to be pardoned, he didn't care about his dignity, he rolled and crawled, and then Fleeing away in panic.

Chapter 290 Nine Trailer:

Li Yi really likes to steal other people's money by chance, now that he heard Jian Zhen's words, he thought about it, he immediately laughed and said: "Young brother, what you said is wrong."

Cheng Hongjian was startled when he heard the words, so he clasped his hands and asked, "Dare to ask my brother, why did you say that?" Li Yi smiled complacently, and said: "The so-called 'willing to gamble and admit defeat' means voluntary Entering this gamble, even if you lose everything, you can't blame others."

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