Hongjian Yupan

Chapter 287

Chapter 280 Seven

More Moduqian thinks and promises (1)

It is said that Jian Zhen wears the stars and wears the moon, so she was included in the mangrove hall of Qiyage Pavilion, and when Chen Yi heard the news and greeted her, she was even more surprised and happy at the moment, and wanted to invite the hall masters to come and pay homage, but Yao Zhenzhen laughed at herself He smiled and said: "You don't need to bother, besides, I'm not the pavilion master."

Chen Yifu bent down and saluted again, and then said earnestly and earnestly: "What is the eldest lady talking about, the gang members are always your subordinates, everyone is eagerly waiting for you, and they all hope that you will return quickly??????"

Cheng Hongjian was moved by the situation, Yao Zhenzhen nodded sweetly and said: "Everyone is going to rest now, I have to heal my little brother first."

Hearing this, Chen Yi took out the magic medicine from her bosom, handed it to the owner, and said: "This medicine is very effective, Mr. Hung-chien and Missy just rest in peace, and the subordinates will protect them outside the house."

Cheng Hongjian cupped his hands to express his thanks, then Dunhe said: "It's not clear at the moment, Chief Chen should rest." Yao Zhenzhen smiled and said: "Since my little brother and I have returned home, Chief Chen doesn't have to do this. Protecting you." Chen Yi replied: "Let me lead the eldest lady and Mr. Hung-chien back to the house."

Chen Yi led the pair of winged wings into the house to rest, and then said: "Missy ordered me to keep everything in good condition. After breakfast, my subordinates will return it." After finishing speaking, he was waiting outside the house, Yao Zhenzhen smiled again and said happily: "Chairman Chen chooses two antiques and soft goods first, and after dawn, you will send samples of treasures to the other six hall masters, and then say that my little brother and I are grateful for how well they have taken care of the Qiya Pavilion I hope they will accept some small things."

After saying this, Chen Yideng felt that he was the most valued, so he bowed to say goodbye with a smile on his face. Cheng Hongjian was always generous, so he also said to Chen Yi: "The younger generation was taken care of by you and Brother Chang, you two should accept it." .”

Chen Yi saw that the kindness was hard to come by, so he just nodded and replied: "Since this is the case, the subordinate has the right to receive the reward, and you two can rest in peace." After finishing speaking, he immediately lit the Ruinaojin Beast Qin Incense Burner, and then closed the door carefully. Cover up.

Yao Zhenzhen helped Tan Lang heal his internal injuries, and the sky was already bright. The other six hall masters were overjoyed when they found out Jian Zhen's return, and they visited one after another, and even gave generous gifts in return.It didn't take too much time, and many stewards in the pavilion also came to pay their respects, but seeing the crowds in the courtyard, it was past noon before the pair of wings were free.Yao Zhenzhen was about to ask Tan Lang to take a rest, and Lu Qiang brought Lan Xin to visit, Cheng Hongjian greeted her with courtesy, no problem.

Everyone chatted for a while, and Lu Lanxin asked each other: "I heard that brother Hung Chien and Miss Yao rushed back to the pavilion before dawn today, is there something wrong????? "

Zhen Zhen went on to narrate the whole story, and Lan Xin was secretly startled when she heard it, she couldn't help but look at Hung Chien, then bowed her head shyly, and said in a low voice, "This matter is really dangerous, and Liu Jiaming shouldn't have done it." Frame you two like this, this move makes people feel sorry, I?????? I??????"

Besides, Lu Lanxin originally planned to make amends for Liu Jiaming, but the woman finally felt that her identity would inevitably be revealed by this action, so she didn't dare to say this just now. Cheng Hongjian saw that she was full of apology, so he said to comfort her: "Miss, don't be so worried. Yes, this time Liu Jiaming may just be following orders, not doing anything serious, not to mention you have nothing to do with him???????"

Although Lv Lanxin was usually timid, she was indeed a delicate person, she could figure out some clues now, but seeing that she hesitated to speak, not knowing what to do, Lu Qiang felt even more heartbroken.At this moment, Chen Yi, the master of the Mancao Hall, came in and reported that Xuanyuan Qiguang had come to visit Lu Qiang.

Cheng Hongjian got up immediately, and was about to go out to greet him, but Lu Qiang blurted out angrily: "Everyone ignores this ignorant??????"

Chen Yi didn't know and went in, Cheng Hongjian showed embarrassment, bowed his hands to Lu Qiang, and said in peace: "After all, the master is the junior's master, please allow me to welcome him, senior."

Lu Qiang remained silent, Yao Zhenzhen accompanied Tan Lang to welcome the sect master into the room, but seeing Xuanyuan Qiguang salute Lu Qiang, Cheng Hongjian immediately returned the Xuanyuan Sword, and then said: "The situation was urgent last night, disciple??? ??? Disciple willing to accept the punishment??????" As soon as the words fell, Lu Qiang said in a bad mood: "The head of your sect will not be able to keep his foundation for thousands of years if he acts like this, and you will return the divine sword to him again very."

Cheng Hongjian looked at the other party's annoyance, and was taken aback. Yao Zhenzhen immediately ordered Chen Yi to leave the room, but Xuanyuan Qiguang was silent for a while, and then said to Hongjian: "The head of the sect has already told the people in the sect, I made it clear that I borrowed this sword from you, and I would not kill my fellow disciples indiscriminately before, but you will not return to the main altar again??????"

Hearing Cheng Hongjian's thanks, Lu Qiang said coldly, "Master Xuanyuan is so ignorant, how could Hongjian watch Miss Yao being wronged and wronged?" At the end of the sentence, he suddenly snorted, and continued: "I see this There is nothing wrong with the two children, but you actually want to expel them from the general altar, and there will be no one to help you rectify the school's discipline in the future."

The old woman was very earnest, but Xuanyuan Qiguang was always worried, so she told Lu Qiang truthfully: "The younger generation knows the good intentions of the senior, but some forces in our sect are already deeply rooted, so Qi Guang should be cautious about what he does."

Seeing her son's behavior, Lu Qiang felt even more heartbroken, and the old woman was always straightforward, so she blurted out angrily: "If you want to prosper in the sect, how can you look forward and backward, and don't have a child like you for your mother??????"

Xuanyuan Qiguang has long been aware of this point, even though he heard this word suddenly, he was not surprised, but seeing him wryly smiled and asked: "You are indeed my mother, why did you refuse to recognize each other before????? ?" Lu Qiang hurriedly said, "No??????? I'm not your mother??????" With tears in her eyes, it was hard to hide the truth.

Chapter 280 Eighth Trailer:

Cheng Hongjian was dejected when he heard the words, and he sighed softly, saying: "But senior Zhongli is the mother of the master after all..." Lu Lanxin said: "My aunt mentioned to me earlier that she didn't want to I want my cousin to become a heretic and demon in the future, so I just sent him to the main altar of the Xuanyuan Sect. I only hope that my cousin is safe in this life, and I don’t want to recognize each other??????” After talking, I couldn’t help it After hesitating for a moment, he cowardly asked, "Will Brother Hung Chien despise me????????????????"

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