Hongjian Yupan

Chapter 286

Chapter 280 Six

The Sound of Xiaodi Accompanied by Crossing Lingbo (11)

The disciples of Wei Detao's main altar were besieged for a while, but the pair of wings still had difficulty breaking through the siege, and Hung-chien had already suffered internal injuries from the acupoints he had previously sealed off to solve the sect's head. If it lasts for a long time, it will inevitably lead to stagnation.Yao Zhenzhen watched Tan Lang getting tired, and couldn't help feeling sorry for her, so she took advantage of the parry and hurriedly said to Wei Detao: "Why does Elder Wei insist on killing everyone? Xuanyuan Shenjian, the truth is justifiable??????" Cheng Hongjian did not want Yiren to die, so he forced himself to say: "Little sister, don't ask him, I can hold on..."

Wei Detao felt that Jian Zhen would not be able to get out of trouble, so he laughed aloud and shouted arrogantly: "Since you two younger generations dare to violate the law of the sect, then you can't even think about surviving."

Many disciples of the general altar were grateful for Hung-chien's extreme tolerance, and seeing the domineering elders of Yuzhen, they immediately slacked off, but seeing Wei Detao's incessant supervision, Geng and Kou exchanged glances in private, and turned to gesture with swords, Leap to Jian Zhen.Geng Yan suddenly whispered: "Follow me." As soon as the words fell, he feigned several moves before leading Kou Xun to fight and leave.

The pair of wings watched Geng and Kou helping each other like this, and they also bluffed, so they followed the two to break through the encirclement and wanted to leave.Wei Detao shouted loudly: "Where do you run away?" As soon as the words fell, he immediately raised his sword to bully him, Fu Yudu led his disciples to attack and kill Jian Zhen.

Cheng Hongjian knew that Elder Wei's martial arts were extremely high, and he had no choice but to draw out the Xuanyuan Divine Sword to parry with all his might. Yao Zhenzhen accompanied Tan Lang in the posture of a Luan, holding flowers and flying clouds with his slender hands, just in an instant, Immediately, more than a dozen disciples of the main altar were repelled.

All the disciples of the main altar should not be bullied. Geng and Kou were concerned about the friendship between master and apprentice and brothers, and felt more at a loss as to what to do, so they had to wait and see what happened.Wei Detao attacked quickly with his sword, and thought to himself: "This kid seems to be injured internally. If this elder can't win, what face would he have to gain a foothold in this arena?" Thinking of this, he danced the long sword in his hand invisible The image is silent and colorless, and it is even more difficult for people to find the margin.

This guy's movements are getting faster and faster, as if there is no head and tail, this move is called "There is no limit if there is nothing", as the saying goes "There is no limit if there is nothing, and there is nothing if there is something", but Wei Detao's moves are also very familiar with Taoism, and even more It is the highest state in "Yin Yang Wuji Sword".

In the nick of time, Cheng Hongjian closed his eyes, first stabilized his mind with the method of Buddhist meditation, and instantly discerned the direction, then raised the Xuanyuan sword in his hand, just like a Taigong fishing for a wisher.Wei Detao was too late to stop, seeing that his chest was about to receive a sword, he couldn't help but exclaimed in trembling voice.

The sound was still in his ears, Cheng Hongjian thought that the other party was an elder, even if he missed the sword, it also stabbed Wei Detao in the shoulder, and he let the long sword drop from his hand, so he couldn't fight anymore.

The disciples of the main altar can be ashamed of the night, and Wei Detao is still in shock. Cheng Hongjian bowed his hands and bowed to the other party, and then said: "Thanks to the elder's mercy, please let my little sister go??????" Wei Detao Without saying a word, Geng Yan set up his master and greeted him loudly: "Everyone, hurry up and escort Master back to send him to heal his wounds."

Kou Xu also said this, and many disciples of the general altar responded one after another. Cheng Hongjian said to Geng and Kou: "Please trouble third brother and fourth brother to return this sword to the master for me." Hand out the Xuanyuan Divine Sword.

Geng Yan wanted to make a sworn brother to defend himself with a sword, so he laughed aloud and said: "We have already been defeated, what face do we have to take this divine sword?????" Kou Xun also said to Hongjian: " You should use this magical weapon to defend yourself, and when you settle down, send someone back to the faction."

Wei Detao didn't dare to say more, Cheng Hongjian knew the kindness of the two righteous brothers, and he blurted out with gratitude: "Thank you two brothers for looking after me, and I told the head of the sect, and said that my younger brother will definitely return the sword, and I have to trouble the two brothers." Let me release the pigeons I raised too??????"

Wei Detao felt that the boss didn't mean anything, so he immediately said to his disciples: "Although these two juniors are so disobedient, there must be some scruples in the sect, so hurry up and return to the main altar with this elder." As soon as the words fell, Then the governor led his disciples to rush to the main altar.

Cheng Hongjian looked at his fellow disciples walking hand in hand, he was really embarrassed, and suddenly felt apologetic, at this moment, Yao Zhenzhen caught his pulse, couldn't help sipping, and then said softly: "Little brother is indeed injured internally. ???????"

Cheng Hongjian reached out and wiped the tears on Yiren's cheeks, and said with pity and warmth, "It doesn't matter?????" At the end of the conversation, he pondered for a while, and then he thought of words to comfort him: "Fortunately, this time we The two were lucky enough to win??????"

Thinking about the previous situation, Yao Zhenzhen still had lingering fears in her heart, and said in a trembling voice, "Shicai is really dangerous, Wei Detao's movements are so fast, people didn't have time to see clearly, yet you stabbed that guy??? ???"

Cheng Hongjian comforted Yi Ren, and then said softly, "Little sister, you don't have to worry about me anymore, I'm not weak in martial arts." At the end of the sentence, he couldn't help but pause, and then continued: "Two The master of the holy monk taught us the method of the four dhyanas and eight samadhis, and I concentrated my attention on this, so that I could perceive the coming of the elder Wei's sword. In the cheat book that my father gave me earlier, there was a trick of "grandfather fishing", which is why elder Wei came here. Will be stabbed by me??????"

Hearing this, Yao Zhenzhen felt relieved, and then said softly, "Then you should be more careful?????" Cheng Hongjian nodded, then turned the subject, and said, "Daddy The secret book given is not named, why don't you name it." Yao Zhenzhen choked with a smile and said, "Let's give it to my little brother??????"

Cheng Hongjian pondered for a while, and discussed with each other: "Why don't we call it "The Secret Book of Dongyue", after all, Mount Tai is Dongyue, and Dad's martial arts are so perfect, what's more??????" , couldn't help being speechless, Yao Zhenzhen asked about the reason, Cheng Hongjian smiled, and continued: "Besides, Daddy is the father-in-law Taishan??????"

Yao Zhenzhen was delighted to be intoxicated with Chunjiang, then she bowed her head tenderly, and said with a smile: "Don't coax me now, let's go to Qiyage Pavilion, so I can help my little brother heal his wounds??????" Cheng Hung-chien looked back at the main altar, sighed softly, and said, "Wait for me to say goodbye to the dead souls that Qin Du talked about first??????"

Yao Zhenzhen nodded when she heard the words, and followed Tan Lang to pay her respects. Cheng Hongjian prayed sadly: "This school's traitor is in charge?????? If there is a chance, I will come to care for you again??????" At the end of the speech, Fu bowed his head again, and just now he and Yiren found the carriage and drove straight to Qiyage Pavilion.

This is exactly: the moon and the stars are sparsely shining on the rice paddies, and the carved chariots are wandering at night.Hand in hand to find the way home, the sound of Xiaodi accompanied Lingbo.If you want to know what happened next, let's see the next chapter.

Chapter 280 Seventh Trailer:

Zhen Zhen went on to narrate the whole story, and Lan Xin was secretly startled when she heard it, she couldn't help but look at Hung Chien, then bowed her head shyly, and said in a low voice, "This matter is really dangerous, and Liu Jiaming shouldn't have done it." Frame you two like this, this move makes people feel sorry, I?????? I??????"

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