Hongjian Yupan

Chapter 288

Chapter 280 Eight

More Moduqian thinks and promises (2)

Xuanyuan Qi bowed his head and bowed, and Cheng Hongjian followed his master to kneel down and beg, but Lu Qiang became more and more at a loss, and just said at this moment: "I'm not your mother?????? I'm not???? ??”

Lu Lanxin burst into tears, and ran out of the house, Yao Zhenzhen also stepped into the courtyard, and sat down by the pool with the other party, then said leisurely: "I think this mother-in-law must be the mother of the head of the sect. But they can't recognize each other??????" Lu Lanxin whispered sadly: "I know the reason??????"

After hearing this, Yao Zhenzhen made some inquiries, and Lu Lanxin continued, "You and brother Hung-chien are both good people, and I don't want to deceive you. In fact, we are different from you... ????"

Cheng Hongjian followed his master's order to leave the house, when he heard this, he was startled, so he asked, "Why did Miss Lu say that?" Lu Lanxin said: "Before, the little girl didn't dare Tell me, my mother’s surname is actually Lu, she was taken up to the mountain by my father back then??????” As soon as the words fell, Cheng Hongjian couldn’t help sighing softly, and blurted out: “Why did he want to kidnap your mother? ???????"

Lu Lanxin shyly said nothing, Cheng Hongjian felt that what he said was wrong, and now he was apologizing, Yao Zhenzhen joked: "It will take a lot of time to carry it up the mountain in a big sedan chair, how can Sister Lanxin's father wait? .”

Cheng Hongjian smiled, and apologized to Lu Lanxin, and the woman was very lenient, so she didn't mind her words, but when Lan Xin nodded in response, she whispered again: "Although my aunt is a People who want to be kind, but after all, my father and I belong to heretics??????"

Cheng Hongjian was dejected when he heard the words, and he sighed softly, saying: "But senior Zhongli is the mother of the master after all..." Lu Lanxin said: "My aunt mentioned to me earlier that she didn't want to I want my cousin to become a heretic and demon in the future, so I just sent him to the main altar of the Xuanyuan Sect. I only hope that my cousin is safe in this life, and I don’t want to recognize each other??????” After talking, I couldn’t help it After hesitating for a moment, he cowardly asked, "Will Brother Hung Chien despise me????????????????"

The woman really didn't want to bully each other like this, so she half-spoken the truth just now, but seeing Cheng Hongjian replied calmly: "You and senior Zhongli are both good people, and you are blood relatives with my master. We belong to the same road, but we should recognize each other on this basis.”

Lu Lanxin was silent for a moment, then murmured, "Brother Hung Chien is kind-hearted, but many people say there is no balance between good and evil, if my aunt and uncle recognize each other, I'm afraid he will be so tired that he won't be able to be the head of the sect... ?????" Cheng Hongjian said, "Master would not think so highly of a position." Lu Lanxin said, "Even if my cousin is willing to give up his position, the forces in the world will not be compatible... ??”

What the woman said had some truth to it, but seeing Hung-chien put herself in the place, she immediately said again: "After all, you are a family??????" At the end of the sentence, she pondered for a while, and continued: "As long as you don't do anything wrong Even if some people in the Jianghu are incompatible, there is no need to understand it."

When Lu Lanxin heard this, she couldn't help being surprised, she bowed her head and said in a low voice, "I only knew Hung Chien's elder brother Dun He Xianliang before, but I didn't expect you to speak like this, the little girl is really grateful... "Cheng Hongjian said: "I also saw that not all decent people are good, and heretics also have such good people as old Zhongli, so I thought about it." Turning to look at Yiren, he continued: "Little sister , since the old senior and the master are close relatives, we should pay attention to it, why don't we go in and talk to each other."

Yao Zhenzhen nodded happily, followed by a smile, and accompanied Tan Lang into the house again.Lv Lanxin looked at each other from a distance and joined hands with Yun Tongxin, she felt so envious, she suddenly thought to herself: "Brother Hung Chien is full of Miss Yao, he really can't tolerate others..." Thinking of this, she couldn't help but feel sorry for herself Take a look at the clear pool and go looking for entertainment.

But she said that the pair of wings persuaded Lu Qiang to recognize the master, and she was very happy about it. After everyone went back, Yao Zhenzhen said to Tan Lang: "Little brother, can you guess who those two people are?" Hearing this, she shook her head, smiled and said, "I haven't figured it out yet..." Yao Zhenzhen said, "Then sister of the Lu family is probably the granddaughter of the leader of the Jiuxiao God Sect, and that I'm afraid the old woman is the religious master's own sister." Cheng Hongjian's heart tightened, and he asked, "How did you find out?"

Yao Zhenzhen is familiar with anecdotes in the world, but seeing that little girl snuggling up to Tan Lang, she smiled and said to herself: "The girl Qin treated Lan Xin very respectfully before, from this she can be seen that she is in the Nine Heavens Sect. The status is not small, I also heard that the daughter-in-law of Lu Chongxiao, the leader of the Nine Heavens Sect, was kidnapped, and that woman is also surnamed Lu."

If Cheng Hongjian realized something, he pondered for a while, and said: "Miss Lu called the old man an aunt again, so the old man is really Lu Chongxiao's younger sister??????"

Yao Zhenzhen straightened her hands lazily, and then said leisurely and softly: "These people are originally a family, but they often fight in the rivers and lakes, it's really not very interesting."

Cheng Hongjian also pondered in the same way, but he blurted out: "I really don't know why there are fights in the Jianghu. If everyone can be kinder, it would be great??????" , I couldn't help thinking, and then continued: "You said that if Lu Chongxiao knew that the master was his nephew, would he order his disciples to be good people?" Yao Zhenzhen said: "I can't tell, Lu Chongxiao is not like the little brother after all. If that guy knows about this, he might use it to stir up trouble."

Cheng Hongjian nodded when he heard the words, and at the moment he was in deep thought, Yao Zhenzhen snuggled into Tan Lang's arms, and then said: "It's a good thing for little brother to leave the Xuanyuan sect, so we don't have to worry about it, it's ok???? ??”

When the little girl mentioned this festival, she couldn't help being shy and restrained, and she just fiddled with Tan Lang's sleeves. Cheng Hongjian asked why, and Yao Zhenzhen said softly, "You asked me to open more husband and wife shops earlier. Then you will have time??????"

Jian Zhen has been familiar with business since she was a child, and now she is hand in hand with each other, it is even more agreeable, but seeing Cheng Hongjian smile heartily, she nods her head and said: "I have been thinking about a deal recently, but I don't know if it will be possible or not... ????" Yao Zhenzhen giggled, and said, "What kind of business is my little brother going to do?"

Cheng Hongjian held Yiren Xianyun's hand, and then he took pity on Wen Yu and said: "It is inevitable that there are people in the market who are short of capital, but are reluctant to change the seller's property. We can open a shop ourselves, ask those merchants to mortgage their valuables, and then go to another shop." lend them money."

These words implied the principle of pawning, but there was no such business at that time, it was the first of Hung-chien's plan, but the little girl thought it was true, she laughed and said, "I see this kind of business Although there is no such thing at present, the two of us can also get involved, after all, many businesses are first done to have meat to eat."

Cheng Hongjian smiled, and then said: "However, there are some difficulties in this matter. Although we have rare antiques, we really don't have much silver in our hands. We should sell some at this time."

Yao Zhenzhen lingered on the clouds and groaned beautifully, before she even waited for a while, she said in high spirits: "Why don't we go find Sister Lihua, if she comes to join the group, the matter will be settled."

Cheng Hongjian immediately nodded, and continued, "If we can do a good job with this business, we can invite all brothers from the family to join us. At that time, we can make money together." As soon as the words finished, Yao Zhenzhen pretended to be serious, and then Zhihui said with a sly smile, "Then I will listen to my boss."

Cheng Hongjian knew that Yi Ren was joking, so he smiled and said softly, "Little sister, stop joking like this, in fact, we both belong to the boss??????"

Jian Zhen Le Le Tao Tao loves each other happily, but seeing that Bi Yijian's plan is established, the little girl wants Tan Lang to stay in the pavilion to recover from his injuries, so it will take a few days until Hong Jian's injuries recover, Zhen Zhen then readily agrees. Accompanying him to Xinye, he went straight to Lihua's home.

Chapter 280 Nine Trailer:

During the dinner, Li Hua followed her father's order to accompany her, Jin Lan sisters shared their friendship, and Hung Chien went to Yin Lu to pay respects to several wines. Dun He said, "Thanks to Uncle for such hospitality, I am very grateful." That's it." After speaking, he even respected a cup of fine wine, and continued: "I have always looked up to Master Yao, but it is a pity that I have no chance to visit, and since Miss Yao married Jinlan with my beloved daughter, everyone is my relatives. Yes." Cheng Hongjian thanked him, and Yin Lu continued: "This time you two are here to visit, you must stay longer."

Cheng Hongjian felt emotional when he heard the words, and immediately cupped his hands and fists at the other party, and then said: "To tell you the truth, my uncle and my younger sister have thought about a deal, and I am planning to partner with you." Yin Lu nodded and said: "Nephew, just talk Come."

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